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Author Topic:   Can we be 100% sure there is/isn't a God?
Member (Idle past 322 days)
Posts: 6351
From: San Diego, CA, USA
Joined: 05-03-2003

Message 106 of 110 (39061)
05-06-2003 4:57 AM
Reply to: Message 99 by nator
05-05-2003 8:28 AM

scharfinator responds to me:
I have seen and used "their, they , and theirs" used as a gender neutral pronoun.
Didn't I say that? I'm sure I did...ah, we are:
We are currently in a transition where "their" and it's derivatives are being used as singular in certain instances where the object is somewhat abstracted. At the moment, that is still considered "non-standard," but it is happening and eventually will be considered definitive.
So I guess I'm wondering what your point is....
Let me try to make mine again, real slow:
1) Language is defined by usage. Dictionaries are descriptive, not proscriptive.
2) Current usage has "he" as the third-person, singular, neuter pronoun for cases where "it" is considered inappropriate.
3) "He" has always had this meaning and there is no "inherent sexist bias" in the language about this.
4) Current users of the langauge are declaring that they don't like "he" having the dual meaning and are driving a linguistic push to purge that meaning from the word "he."
5) It hasn't happened yet and while "they" and its derivatives are becoming more commonly used for instances where "he" had been used before, it is still considered non-standard though that does show signs of changing.
Is this really so hard to follow?

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 Message 99 by nator, posted 05-05-2003 8:28 AM nator has not replied

Member (Idle past 322 days)
Posts: 6351
From: San Diego, CA, USA
Joined: 05-03-2003

Message 107 of 110 (39063)
05-06-2003 5:10 AM
Reply to: Message 100 by nator
05-05-2003 8:36 AM

schrafinator responds to me:
The point I am making is that the original claim of "the sexism in our language is so ingrained" is simply not true. The language isn't sexist.
Of course it is.
Says who? You? Why should we believe you? Since the vast majority of speakers of English understand the use of "he" in the neuter and since we both agree that languages are defined by how people actually use the word, why is it that suddenly your opinion about the language gets to trump the majority of people who actually use it?
It doesn't matter what the original gender of the word "he" is if nearly everyone who speaks English understands it to be masculine and uses it that way.
And it doesn't matter what your personal social/political agenda is if nearly everyone who speaks English understands it also to be neuter and uses it that way.
You are not the final arbiter of English. It is one of the most commonly spoken languages on the planet. The overwhelming majority of those people use "he" in the neuter and they get to override your personal opinion about what the word ought to mean.
We all get don't like "he" to be both masculine and neuter.
Tough noogies. Until you get to control the thoughts of everybody, they'll continue to use "he" in the netuer as well as the masculine or until such time as they decide of their own free will to stop using it for both.
It's not strange or uncommon to address a all-female group and say, "Hi guys." Of course, one can do the same to a mixed group or a group of all-males. But if one were to describe someone as a "guy", it is immediately understood that the person't gender is male.
Yes...and? Your point? You do realize that you're talking about two different words, right? You do understand that "guys" is not the same word as "guy" and that nobody uses "guys" when they really mean "guy," yes? The word "guys" has a definition of a group of people of either a single, male sex or a group of people of indeterminate sex. The word "guy," on the other hand, is much more strongly attached to the masculine, though even then it can be used for women since there is the rhyming comment, "Hi, guy!"
Therefore, since everybody who speaks the language understands the word can mean both solely-masculine and non-solely-masculine, the term isn't sexist. It isn't like a woman who, upon greeting her girlfriends, shouts out, "Hey, you guys!" suddenly thinks she's addressing a group of men or that the group is shocked to hear themselves being addressed as if they were men. Everybody understands that "guys" means "group of people" without necessarily saying anything about the sex of the people in the group.
Also, what about the fact that the use of "Mister" makes no reference to the marital status of the male,
Yes, it does. Unmarried males are correctly referred to as "Master," not "Mister."
yet "Mrs." and "Miss" indicate the marital status of the female. "Ms.", which does not indicate marital status, was only invented a few decades ago during the last wave of feminism.
Indeed. But notice how quickly it caught on. And even then, all speakers of English still understand what all the words mean.
You're confusing usage with etymology again. The language isn't inherently sexist.
The usage, on the other hand, can easily be.

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 Message 100 by nator, posted 05-05-2003 8:36 AM nator has not replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 108 of 110 (39081)
05-06-2003 11:29 AM
Reply to: Message 101 by AdminPamboli
05-05-2003 11:35 AM

Re: Moving to the coffee house
okeley dokely neighborinos, let's move the English language discussion to the Coffee House - where I am sure Schraf will enjoy pamboli's first post.
Let's keep this one on knowledge of God.
Note - new topic located at "English, gender and God" - Adminnemooseus

A repeat of yesterdays news.

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 Message 101 by AdminPamboli, posted 05-05-2003 11:35 AM AdminPamboli has not replied

Member (Idle past 4374 days)
Posts: 1548
From: Selmer, TN
Joined: 02-12-2003

Message 109 of 110 (39139)
05-06-2003 8:22 PM
Reply to: Message 103 by crashfrog
05-06-2003 2:25 AM

Anyway, I guess my point is that I think a god of limited power would choose to show himself considerably more so as to compensate for his decreased ability to cause direct change.
I may take you up on this sentence at a later time when I've had some time to mull over this.
I'm in an interesting quandary, although I don't necessarily have to do anything about it. I can't really deny your general reasoning (I could nitpick at some of your points, but that would annoy me as much as it would you), yet here I am a theist, and a rather extreme one at that. (I live in a community of about 200 people, who share pretty much everything we have, except our wives.)
I think I've seen some pretty amazing and unexplainable things, but if so, your question about why God doesn't intervene in other areas seems quite legitimate to me. I remember watching a movie called "Snow in August," where a Jewish child created a mud-giant (I can't remember what it was called), to help himself and his mom against some thugs. The Rabbi in the movie had said that the Jews had tried to create this mud-giant in Poland during the Hitler era, but they couldn't. I remember asking your very question. Why help the boy, but not help the Jews of Warsaw against Hitler?
I certainly have no answer at this present time. That'll be a hard question to shake off.

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 Message 103 by crashfrog, posted 05-06-2003 2:25 AM crashfrog has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 110 by John, posted 05-06-2003 11:12 PM truthlover has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 110 of 110 (39163)
05-06-2003 11:12 PM
Reply to: Message 109 by truthlover
05-06-2003 8:22 PM

a Jewish child created a mud-giant
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 Message 109 by truthlover, posted 05-06-2003 8:22 PM truthlover has not replied

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