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Member (Idle past 1770 days) Posts: 19762 From: Silver Spring, MD Joined: |
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Author | Topic: More Evidence of Evolution - Geomyidae and Geomydoecus | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MartinV  Suspended Member (Idle past 6131 days) Posts: 502 From: Slovakia, Bratislava Joined: |
But when you have a convergence like this, there's no interpretation possible but the evolutionary one. It's not simply a matter of "different interpretations" because there's no creationist interpretation of this phenomenon.
As you know I don't have problem with evolution. But I don't see how the example support darwinistic explanation of the evolution. I would say that such congruence even contradicts "random mutation" conception as source of it.
MartinV  Suspended Member (Idle past 6131 days) Posts: 502 From: Slovakia, Bratislava Joined: |
I suppose that every convergence in Nature is explained by darwinist by random mutation as its primary source. If there is no random mutation then natural selection have nothing to operate upon.
So this case maybe support evolution but I do not see how it support darwinistic explanation of it. Edited by MartinV, : No reason given.
MartinV  Suspended Member (Idle past 6131 days) Posts: 502 From: Slovakia, Bratislava Joined: |
Added by edit: It's also proof that speciation occurs due to Darwinian mechanisms, and not by any saltational or preprogrammed means. The assertion that two completely unrelated organisms would be "programmed" to speciate in the same way, at the same position in time and space, is ridiculous; but that's exactly what would have to happen to observe parallel speciation under a saltational mechanism. This convergence is proof that speciation is caused by Darwinian mechanisms.
It's only proof for darwinists.I see explanation that two unrelated organisms speciate in the same way via undirected random mutation picked up by natural selection as utterly ridiculous and as darwinistic fancy.
MartinV  Suspended Member (Idle past 6131 days) Posts: 502 From: Slovakia, Bratislava Joined: |
quote: As you see it was Crashfog who used teminus-technicus "to speciate", not me. I only made paste-copy. So direct your linguistic attention to him and explain him basics of your common evolutionary concepts. I am looking forward on "Is evolution finnished" to your darwinistic explanation why are swans white.
MartinV  Suspended Member (Idle past 6131 days) Posts: 502 From: Slovakia, Bratislava Joined: |
This means that the gophers and lice often experienced speciation events at roughly the same time, according to the paper with a probability of less than 1% that it was due to chance.
Ok - this is quotation from your pdf article having 9 pages but almost 4MB!
quote: So it indicates that cospeciation governed by darwinistic random mutation is not random. It means that cospeciation governed by randomness is not governed by chance. Or better - cospeciation caused by random mutation and natural selection is more probable as caused by pure chance.
MartinV  Suspended Member (Idle past 6131 days) Posts: 502 From: Slovakia, Bratislava Joined: |
Instead of explaining basics of darwinism you should better explain the sentence from the article:
quote: What have authors of the article on their mind?Something like cospeciation caused by "random mutation" is better explanation as cospeciation caused by "chance mutation"?
MartinV  Suspended Member (Idle past 6131 days) Posts: 502 From: Slovakia, Bratislava Joined: |
In context, I can understand what crashfrog was saying when he wrote that.
Crashfrog and you are trying to divert discussion. You should explain sentence from the article discussed:
quote: One of darwinistic pillars is random mutation. You should explain how random mutation and natural selection is more succesfull in cospeciation as "chance alone". Punktum.
MartinV  Suspended Member (Idle past 6131 days) Posts: 502 From: Slovakia, Bratislava Joined: |
One would say that cospeciation in the case discussed was somehow directed and has nothing to do with chance. Yet considering darwinistic "random mutation" as source of this "selected" cospeciation is of interest. And if there is math in the West that gives better results with "random mutation" as with "pure chance" I will sleep well tonight.
MartinV  Suspended Member (Idle past 6131 days) Posts: 502 From: Slovakia, Bratislava Joined: |
When mole DNA experienced a significant event, so did lice DNA. This would be very unlikely if selection of random mutations were itself random. It strongly suggests (P < .01) that whenever the mole changed, the lice changed, and vice versa, in a cause and effect manner.
This is the first respond to the question after a flux of arrogant posts. The "if selection of random mutations were itself random" is the first answer to the question. But in such case we should take into consideration all possible mutations that weren't picked up by selection. It would mean that ratio of all possible mutations to the mutation preferred by selection is 100:1. Such a ratio is very unusual. Let us consider that to a cospeciation led 10 mutations of gene with 100 nucleotides. (Give another example if you like). I see there almost infinite possibilites of mutation. From this almost infinite all possible mutations (1 mutation of nucleotide in given sequence, two mutation or 10 mutations but on different places etc...) only one was picked by natural selection. All others should be detrimental while weren't picked. In the case of of ratio 100:1 between "random mutation picked by natural selection" and "pure chance" or "random mutation only" I dare say that evolution is directed. It means that one of 100 random mutation in gene lead to cospeciation. Such ratio is very high. Such ratio doesn't support "random mutation selected by NS" but directed evolution (orthogenesis) instead. Such great ratio suggest somehow directed mutation in the given genes.
But not only is this evidence for evolution, since it is precisely what evolution would predict, it is also evidence against both design and divine creation. No designer or god would include in DNA the signposts of evolutionary changes that never actually happened.
Yet if probability that random mutation wouldn't lead to cospeciation is only 0,01 (by "pure chance") than the article support directed evolution - orthogenesis very. Such theory of orthogenesis is something I agree with.It would mean - supposing your explanation and my reasoning are correct - that given article dispute darwinistic explanation instead of confirming it:
it strongly suggests (P < .01) that whenever the mole changed, the lice changed, and vice versa, in a cause and effect manner.
Edited by MartinV, : No reason given.
MartinV  Suspended Member (Idle past 6131 days) Posts: 502 From: Slovakia, Bratislava Joined: |
This is not the case. "Pure chance" in this context simply means the chance of developing a convergent phylogeny between two populations that were, say, picked out of a hat. It has nothing to do with mutations in this context, and your arguments are all but nonsensical.
And why we are sure that such cospeciation needs darwinistic explanation - chance 1:100 by "pure chance" considering millions of years of evolution is more than probable to occurs. Such high probability of "pure chance" can explain cospeciation as well - even without "natural selection" that "picked out of hat" morphology made by "random mutation". Such high probability means that cospeciation would occurs whatever happens. Such high probability means that cospeciation is inevitable. That cospeciation is governed by inevitability, by probability = 1. By Nomogenesis.
MartinV  Suspended Member (Idle past 6131 days) Posts: 502 From: Slovakia, Bratislava Joined: |
Nobody's asserted that evolution is all about random mutation; but random mutation is the only source of genetic novelty in the natural world. Selection doesn't create alleles; it merely has effects on the frequency of alleles in a population.
If the random mutation is the only source of genetic novelty than mathematical computations about how "random mutation with natural selection" is more probable to occur as "pure chance" is absurd. I underestand that darwinists like math beacuse it gives their stories a look of science. The first who introduced math into darwinistic story of mimicry was F. Muller. It turned out that all his math is wrong because it stands on wrong premises. The mathematics that shows how process of "random mutation" as source of cospeciation is more likely to occurs as "pure chance" is ridiculous. Might be dawninists here do not fully realize that random mutation is inevitable for their story of cospeciation too - let me cite Ernst Mayr:
quote: Considering the text of darwinistic guru I cannot see why darwinists here defend untenable assumption. This untenable assumtion consist on the nonsensical using of math in order to prove how cospeciation governed by "pure chance" is less probable than darwinistic explanation that is fully dependent upon "random mutation" as it source. One of tactic you and your friends (Percy) use here is that I miss the point of the math used. You claim that percentage 0,01 has nothing to do with "random mutation" but with probability of cospeciation. Under the picture 1. we could read this:
quote: Yet such "cospeciation events" are unthinkable without random mutations that preceded them. So you cannot pretend that the mentioned math has nothing to do with random mutation while random mutation is source of cospeciation events. And you should know that random mutation is tantamount to chance mutation.And if your math prove that observed cospeciation events are more probable by whatever reason as pure chance alone (100:1?) I may use this math for support of Nomogenesis as well, don't you think? It means evolution has nothing to do with chance and is directed.
MartinV  Suspended Member (Idle past 6131 days) Posts: 502 From: Slovakia, Bratislava Joined: |
What do we expect MartinV to take from all of this confusion?
Nothing. Using math to support how process based on "random mutation" is more probable to occur as the same process governed by "chance alone" is so confusing itself as medieval scholastic maths how many angels fit onto the tip of a needle.
MartinV  Suspended Member (Idle past 6131 days) Posts: 502 From: Slovakia, Bratislava Joined: |
If you're not prepared to address rebuttals to your position then I think it's necessary to rethink your participation in this thread.
Let us first reconsider confusing "rebuttals" you have given to my question yet. There are only 2-3 responses that tried to explain what exactly p=0,01 means. I see - you would better like get rid of me.
Wepwawet writes:
The P < 0.01 tells you what the correlation coefficient is of the data and the rest of the sentence explains the method used so that you can do the calculations yourself if you like and it shows you the page where the calculation is made so you can check their math.
So he recommend me to see "reconciliation analysis (Page, 1990) in TreeMap (Page,1995)." Something darwinists on EvC are obviously well acquainted with judging by your behaviour. And
Percy writes:
The P<.01, which is where I presume your 100:1 ratio comes from, applies to the statistical possibility that the findings of the researchers were due to chance. It does not apply to the possibility that a mutation will be selected.
One would say that finding a lice on gophers would mean that such a lice would be adapted by darwinistic cospecation with probability 99%. Yet there remain probability 1% that given lice is adapted by "chance alone".
Percy writes:
Let's say I was doing a study on a cancer treatment, and I discovered that the treatment on average reduced mortality in the year following initial diagnosis with a P<.01 probability of being due to chance. That doesn't mean the cancer patients had a 100:1 chance of survival. The P<.01 doesn't apply to the cancer patients at all. It applies to the probability that the study's results are due to chance. In other words, it's the probability that the study's results are incorrect.
Treatment of cancer consists of many processess most of which are maybe unknown. So we can use term "by chance", because there are patients who are not treated and somehow healed anyway. There is not such situation considering evolution. Here are all subjected to mutation and natural selection (according darwinism). And evolution of coespeciation of lice consists also only in darwinistic dyade "random mutation and natural selection". Nothing else. It means that probability that mice of gopher originated out off allmighty process "random mutation and natural selection" is 1%. It means that "natural selection" and "random mutation" play no role of history of such a lice. It would mean that such a lice which originated by "chance only" do not mutate and is not subjected to natural selection. It is exactly what follows from the disease example.
MartinV  Suspended Member (Idle past 6131 days) Posts: 502 From: Slovakia, Bratislava Joined: |
The figure in the paper means that, if you were to compare the phylogenies of two species chosen completely at random, there's a less than 1% chance that their histories would converge in this manner.
Anyway can you explain your response more in details? - Four sentences would be enough I suppose.What species did they compare? Did they combine all mammalian species with all insect species, or they combined only all extant species from family Geomyidae with all extant lice species from order Phthiraptera? Or they compared only pocket gopher species with lice species that parasites on them? -- I don’t know why you haven’t give this simple explanation in the beginning of the discussion. You would have spared me reading nonsensical answers. For instance Wepwawet in his latest response gave no direct answer again but reccommended me to use google and to observe biblical proverbs instead. To my simple question almost all responses are like that from Wepwawet - long, without any coherent answer but full of nonsenses. If you would like to reduce number of posts that are full of nonsenses you should better start by yourself and your darwinistic friends here. It would help much more I guess. (Anyway feel free if you prefer to start your answer with ancient proverbs, ethernal thruths and how good you and your friends are in phylogenetic analysis, math, statistics etc...)
MartinV  Suspended Member (Idle past 6131 days) Posts: 502 From: Slovakia, Bratislava Joined: |
First you answered this:
The figure in the paper means that, if you were to compare the phylogenies of two species chosen completely at random, there's a less than 1% chance that their histories would converge in this manner.
Now your answer is this:
p=0.01 refers to the chance of two randomly-generated phylogenies matching to the extent that the phylogenies developed for Geomyidae and Geomydoecus groups matched.
I would say your first answer deal with existing phylogenis from which we choose randomly. The second answer deal with "randomly generated phylogenies" (by computer or phantasy or how?). In fig.2 we see Orthogeomys hispidus connected with line with Geomydoecus chapiny. This is existing cospeciation of two species. Give me please one exmple now that is "randomly generated" or "two species chosen completely at random". You could use also "randomly generated" ingroup nodes instead - if it is crux of cospeciation. Just one example would help very.
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