The main points boil down to whether humans are actually special, or if it is just self-induced illusion by our species.
Personally I think
Homo sapiens sapiens is one of the more (if not the most) egotistical species on the planet.
That being said, I do think you need to refine your thesis:
What makes us human? Does that make us special?
"What makes us human?"
The dictionary definition is rather unsatisfactory:
1. of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or having the nature of people: human frailty.
2. consisting of people: the human race.
3. of or pertaining to the social aspect of people: human affairs.
4. sympathetic; humane: a warmly human understanding.
5. a human being.
Human = human?
You could use a genetic definition: inclusion of this sequence of DNA makes one "human" ... the only trouble is finding that specific sequence (or set of sequences) that are (a) exclusive to humans and (b) possessed by all humans. I think it could be done ... but then you also end up with the quandry of certain human cancer cells that can be cultured and exist as a form of bacteria, dividing and replicating.
Or your could use a behavioral definition: to communicate an idea makes one "human" ... with the trouble you noted of some people with barely the ability to breath, but also the problem of other species that can and have communicated ideas - from chimps to capucin monkeys to dolphins to elephants ... the list keeps growing.
What you end up with in your essay is to be human is to only do things that humans do ... which doesn't define it and leads us to the circular argument you noted then on "special" - if it's special because only humans do it and we define human as beings that only do what humans do, then they are special by definition. It's like saying a penny is special because it says "one cent" on it. T
Another approach would be some form of the definition of human life used in medical practice to determine when a body has died. See
Legal Death, Legal Life, Personhood and Abortionquote:
[Determination of Life.] An individual who has sustained either:
(1) irreversible instigation of circulator and respiratory functions, and
(2) irreversible instigation of any functions of the (entire) brain, including the brain stem, is alive.
A determination of life should be made in accordance with accepted medical standards.
Combine that with a genetic definition and you might be able to create a definition that could distinguish human from non-human by application of it. It may also exclude some bodies that some people would like to include in the definition -- that is a different matter.
Suffice it to say that the current definition in your essay is a bit lacking -- that any definition will be a bit lacking. And it is hard to argue for "special" status when you can't define {what} is being evaluated for a degree of specialness eh?
"Does that make us special?"
Again we need a definition of "special" that we can apply across the board (presumably we don't mean the kind of "special" that gets you a fast ticket to the front of the short bus), and again we should start with a dictionary definition:
1. of a distinct or particular kind or character: a special kind of key.
2. being a particular one; particular, individual, or certain: You'd better call the special number.
3. pertaining or peculiar to a particular person, thing, instance, etc.; distinctive; unique: the special features of a plan.
4. having a specific or particular function, purpose, etc.: a special messenger.
5. distinguished or different from what is ordinary or usual: a special occasion; to fix something special.
6. extraordinary; exceptional, as in amount or degree; especial: special importance.
7. being such in an exceptional degree; particularly valued: a special friend.
8. a special person or thing.
9. a train used for a particular purpose, occasion, or the like.
10. a special edition of a newspaper.
11. Theater. a spotlight reserved for a particular area, property, actor, etc.: Give me the coffin special.
12. a temporary, arbitrary reduction in the price of regularly stocked goods, esp. food; a particularly worthwhile offer or price: The special this week is on sirloin steaks.
13. Television. a single program not forming part of a regular series.
To be special it must be {an attribute} carried to an exceptional degree ... if not unique.
Unique would be very difficult to argue - anything humans can do is also done by some other species to some degree.
What we see is a difference in degree of ability but not in kind of ability, no matter what ability you chose.
That, to me, makes it very hard to argue for "special" status for humans ... except, perhaps, for one ability ... egotism.
Needless to say, I opt for "not special" ... yet.
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