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Author Topic:   Human Special-nes
Inactive Member

Message 1 of 35 (386752)
02-23-2007 12:40 PM

Hello folks,
Recent chat conversations on the subject of "human special-ness" prompted me to write the following for a class, and I am sharing it here so that anyone who wants to discuss the topic may do so. The main points boil down to whether humans are actually special, or if it is just self-induced illusion by our species. You will see in the paper what my stance is. Aside from that, here it is:
Breif Essay on Human Special-ness
Please enjoy,

Replies to this message:
 Message 2 by New Cat's Eye, posted 02-23-2007 12:53 PM Jon has replied
 Message 5 by ringo, posted 02-23-2007 1:53 PM Jon has replied
 Message 7 by kuresu, posted 02-23-2007 2:46 PM Jon has replied
 Message 13 by nyenye, posted 02-23-2007 4:36 PM Jon has not replied
 Message 25 by RAZD, posted 02-23-2007 8:28 PM Jon has replied

Inactive Member

Message 3 of 35 (386755)
02-23-2007 12:58 PM

Should be good now.

Inactive Member

Message 4 of 35 (386761)
02-23-2007 1:36 PM
Reply to: Message 2 by New Cat's Eye
02-23-2007 12:53 PM

Read the paper, and see if it makes you think about it any more.

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 Message 2 by New Cat's Eye, posted 02-23-2007 12:53 PM New Cat's Eye has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 8 by New Cat's Eye, posted 02-23-2007 2:53 PM Jon has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 6 of 35 (386770)
02-23-2007 2:39 PM
Reply to: Message 5 by ringo
02-23-2007 1:53 PM

MAN! Everything you said there was precisely my argument! I hope the paper wasn't that misleading!
And as for the Homo thing, I agree with you on that one too.
We agree for once, though, I have a feeling you might find a way to disagree without it seeming like you are disagreeing just so you can fight me
Edited by Jonicus Maximus, : One thing about the "beings from distant planet" part in your post. I like to go by "if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, ..." Any being that came from a distant planet that looked, talked, acted, and did everything else like human beings, I would call human.

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 Message 5 by ringo, posted 02-23-2007 1:53 PM ringo has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 10 of 35 (386782)
02-23-2007 3:57 PM
Reply to: Message 7 by kuresu
02-23-2007 2:46 PM

Odd... you seemed to have missed the entire point of the paper.
I can set you straight here in a bit, but must catch the bus for now.
Kuresu writes:
Being human”or more specifically: being anything that makes us
not non-human”is a concept which requires distinction, and we must
have a way to judge something as human or not”including everything
that clearly is human, whilst keeping out everything that clearly is not.
half of this is filler. end the sentence at "judge something as human or not".
No, the part behind the em dash is extremely important because it specifies the conditions that a definition must meet. If not for that, I could say: humans are humans. That's a definition, but horrible. The offset bit of text lets the reader know what type of a definition to expect. Whether or not I deliver is a whole different story
you defined special by being human and human by being special. what circular logic you have. and didn't you earlier say that being human is defined as "communicating"?
Here's the point you REALLY missed. The last sentence of the second to last paragraph reads:
It's the human-centred definition of special that leads to the human-centred idea of human special-ness.
This effectually says that I think it's crap that people walk around all day pretending they're special when most use the circular logic cited above to prove that it's so.
You disagree with every "point" I make, right up to the end. That's the point, that's the idea. All that crap that's written up until the end is just meandering through my head. It's there so that you can see the argument people use to claim human special-ness. And the very final part where I show that it's circular half-ass logic (as you have pointed out ), is the kicker of the whole paper meant to get people to perhaps think of themselves in a slightly different way.
Do you think humans are special?
Edited by Jonicus Maximus, : Set Kuresu straight... ;-)

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 Message 7 by kuresu, posted 02-23-2007 2:46 PM kuresu has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 11 by kuresu, posted 02-23-2007 4:21 PM Jon has not replied
 Message 14 by kuresu, posted 02-23-2007 4:38 PM Jon has not replied
 Message 15 by nyenye, posted 02-23-2007 4:41 PM Jon has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 19 of 35 (386799)
02-23-2007 5:38 PM

(edited by AdminPhat after Jon reconsidered his message intentions...(which I respect, by the way)
and your paper is informative, but boring as a 7 hour lecture
Edited by AdminPhat, : Mad Max became calm again

Replies to this message:
 Message 20 by Tal, posted 02-23-2007 6:03 PM Jon has replied
 Message 21 by kuresu, posted 02-23-2007 6:04 PM Jon has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 22 of 35 (386804)
02-23-2007 6:09 PM
Reply to: Message 20 by Tal
02-23-2007 6:03 PM

If you believe humans are an evoultionary, cosmic fart:
I'm a unique individual comprised of genes given to me by my parents.
I'm here to pass on my genes.
I came from a lighting bolt/primordial souop and my uncle was a monkey.
I'm going nowhere, because it doesn't matter.
This is what I accept, and I don't think I'm special because of the things listed.
And don't worry... my post 19 wasn't directed at you in any way.

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 Message 20 by Tal, posted 02-23-2007 6:03 PM Tal has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 29 of 35 (386837)
02-24-2007 12:55 AM
Reply to: Message 25 by RAZD
02-23-2007 8:28 PM

Re: fast ticket?
You could use a genetic definition: inclusion of this sequence of DNA makes one "human" ... the only trouble is finding that specific sequence (or set of sequences) that are (a) exclusive to humans and (b) possessed by all humans. I think it could be done ... but then you also end up with the quandry of certain human cancer cells that can be cultured and exist as a form of bacteria, dividing and replicating.
But if I were an alien with a completely different set of DNA than all you people, would you stop calling me human? I'd hope not .

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 Message 25 by RAZD, posted 02-23-2007 8:28 PM RAZD has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 30 by Doddy, posted 02-24-2007 8:36 AM Jon has not replied
 Message 31 by RAZD, posted 02-24-2007 9:20 AM Jon has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 34 of 35 (387169)
02-26-2007 5:58 PM

Jon would like to inform everyone of two things: First, he prefers to be referred to as "male" .
Second, he not only got an A on the paper, but also a "well done" comment... that's better than a tasty steak

Replies to this message:
 Message 35 by kuresu, posted 02-26-2007 8:44 PM Jon has not replied

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