My apologies that this is a small section of a debate rather than a single quote, but this cracked up my whole science class (8th through 11th graders). It's from the Zindler Morris debate on the radio:
Morris: Will you tell me where it says Noah had to take fish on board?
Zindler: I'm saying it was an error because they didn't know he had to take fish on board.
Morris: What you're saying is that the Bible account is wrong.
Zindler: Yes!
(skip about two sentences here, for brevity's sake)
Morris: Nowhere is it claimed that they had to be on board.
Zindler: That's why it's wrong! ...
Morris: See what this is? This is atheistic logic here...
radio show host: Well, he doesn't deny that!
Morris: No, he doesn't. He's Madalyn Murray's right hand man!
In the end Morris never addresses the point Zindler made clearly, that whales and fish could not have survived Noah's flood, and so they would have to be on the ark. I'm not sure Morris was ever even able to understand the point.