Search wrote in Message 14 of 16, which is
subtitled "Evidence?";
"I recently heard a creationist arguing that on every square
inch of the planet there is flood sediment atleast a mile
thick, I was wondering about the validity of the argument
(not being an expert on geology myself).
And just in case you were wondering it was in an email
I recieved from a fellow at the Creation Science Resource
Northwest Creation Network)"
This is one comment that is quickly refuted by
looking at global geologic and tectonic maps. For
example, look at "Precambrian Shield Areas" at:
Carleton UniversityCarleton University
The maps on this page show large areas of the
Earth's surface, Precambrian shields, which
completely lack the "mile thick sedimentary
rocks" claimed by the YE creationist. In fact, over
larges areas of Precambrian shields, sedimentary
rocks are simply lacking as shown by the strippled
areas of this figure. Similar diagrams can be found
in just about any undergraduate physical or
historical geology textbook.
Another interesting aspect of the Precambrian
shields is that they represent large areas of the Earth's
continent within which the fossil record is virtually
lacking because of either the very thin thickness or
complete lack of sedimentary rocks within which
fossils can be preserved. These are large areas,
within which all sorts of evolution could have
occurred and little, if any, record of it would have
been preserved as fossils.
Bill Birkeland
Houston, Texas
[This message has been edited by Bill Birkeland, 04-21-2003]
[This message has been edited by Bill Birkeland, 04-21-2003]