Admittedly yes. It's just that i find the concept of non-existence so incomprehensible that it scares the hell out of me. I just can't imagine not existing [quite an absurd exercise, i know]. I keep on telling myself, it doesn't really matter, but there's this little voice in the back of my head saying 'NOOOooooo! I want to LIVE! I don't want to die!' It really is that simple, I want to live forever. I think we all feel this to some extent.
Of course we all feel scared in this way. We are built and wired to want to live, and to reproduce.
I actually don't want to live forever, though.
The problem with this, I find, is that 'earth' and the reality that I perceive only has meaning if 'I' am around to perceive it, since my view of the universe is unique and special just as any other's. If i am no longer, then I will not experience the comfort of knowing that I have made a positive impact on the world that I have perceived.
Technically, since you can only perceive the Earth through your unique perspective, you can never actually know how others perceive your impact on them, since you can never, by definition, know anything outside your own perception.
If I've got it right, that is one self-absorbed phnilosophy of existence.