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Author | Topic: Defeating "Dr" Kent Hovinds' claims. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fork Inactive Member |
A dear friend of mine claims that the mans theories are sound, and that his math works out. I'd like a thread dedicated to stopping these ridiculous claims. His first is this.
The rate at which the earth is slowing down can be used to prove that the earth was spinning so fast life would have been ejected into space at the 4.5 billion mark. He uses simple multiplication to reap his answer, stating that the gradual slow down rate of the earth according to nasa means that *Rate* x *4.5billion* = *Incredibly high number* Is that not the dumbest math ever? I've shown him the complete math to figure out how long the day was, and did the actual mph conversion from that and came up with about 1800mph for 3.5 billion years ago. He says that's not how it's done. I'm not exactly what one would call "skilled" with math so keep it somewhat simple. I may be back to ask further questions, or require help to refute more dumb claims.
Admin Director Posts: 13092 From: EvC Forum Joined: |
Thread moved here from the Proposed New Topics forum.
ramoss Member (Idle past 774 days) Posts: 3228 Joined: |
Yes, it is.
One site that discusses several of Hovinds arguement is How Good are those Young-Earth Arguments: Hovind's 'Proofs' (continued) from there
Phat Member Posts: 18523 From: Denver,Colorado USA Joined: Member Rating: 1.7 |
Hey, fork. (Welcome to EvC) A lot of your success with your friend will depend on your motives in the debate with them. If you simply want to find facts or information so that you can say that I'm smart, and you are ignorant! you will perhaps win the argument yet lose your friend as they retreat into the zany world of the creationists! I believe in God and I believe that God imagined/created me and all that is long before I or my species was evolved enough to even consider Him. However...
He is causing a battle between two sides that could be in agreement! One can be a perfectly logical and disciplined student without insulting or alienating their Creator! You wanna make bridges rather than burn them, right?
Muhd Inactive Member |
quote:One should have some sort of solid foundation of evidence for their faith. But you are right, science probably isn't the place to find such evidence. However I will say that evolution and other naturalistic theories are perpetuated in an effort to remove God out of the picture. It saddens me when Christians show support for this kind of godless science.
Parasomnium Member Posts: 2227 Joined: |
When my grandmother was 60, she stood a proud 5 ft 7" tall. Twenty-five years later she had shrunk to a mere 4 ft 11". This means of course that she was born an 8 ft 3" long baby.
Also, from the fact that her IQ of 110 at age 60 had fallen to just 65 when she died at 75, we may of course conclude that, at birth, she must have been a child prodigy with an IQ of 290. Don't you just love it when you can pretend that everything develops linearly? Oh, and another thing:
The rate at which the earth is slowing down can be used to prove that the earth was spinning so fast life would have been ejected into space at the 4.5 billion mark. It's a good thing then that there was no life to be ejected, isn't it? "Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science." - Charles Darwin. Did you know that most of the time your computer is doing nothing? What if you could make it do something really useful? Like helping scientists understand diseases? Your computer could even be instrumental in finding a cure for HIV/AIDS. Wouldn't that be something? If you agree, then join World Community Grid now and download a simple, free tool that lets you and your computer do your share in helping humanity. After all, you are part of it, so why not take part in it?
Wounded King Member (Idle past 195 days) Posts: 4149 From: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Joined: |
However I will say that evolution and other naturalistic theories are perpetuated in an effort to remove God out of the picture. You may well say it, that doesn't stop it being complete nonsense though. TTFN, WK
subbie Member (Idle past 1417 days) Posts: 3509 Joined: |
It saddens me when Christians show support for this kind of godless science. Then let me take this opportunity to cheer you up. There is nothing inconsistent with Christianity (most versions of it, anyway) and evolution. It should no more sadden you that Christians show support for evolution than it saddens you that Christians drive godless automobiles. Those who would sacrifice an essential liberty for a temporary security will lose both, and deserve neither. -- Benjamin Franklin
subbie Member (Idle past 1417 days) Posts: 3509 Joined: |
When my grandmother was 60, she stood a proud 5 ft 7" tall. Twenty-five years later she had shrunk to a mere 4 ft 11". This means of course that she was born an 8 ft 3" long baby. Also, from the fact that her IQ of 110 at age 60 had fallen to just 65 when she died at 75, we may of course conclude that, at birth, she must have been a child prodigy with an IQ of 290. Well, I hope for your great-grandmother's sake that grandma used her incredible intelligence to figure out a way to make delivery easier. Those who would sacrifice an essential liberty for a temporary security will lose both, and deserve neither. -- Benjamin Franklin
Parasomnium Member Posts: 2227 Joined: |
Actually, it was a little gruesome: lil' granny thought it would be nice to use a caesarian to introduce herself to the world. From the inside out.
Brian Member (Idle past 5122 days) Posts: 4659 From: Scotland Joined: |
There is nothing inconsistent with Christianity (most versions of it, anyway) and evolution. There is, however, a lot of conflict between evolution and the Bible. Taken at face value, the Bible's version of the emergence of life on Earth is a fairytale. The Christian groups who accept that there is no conflict between the Bible and evolution have to interpret genesis to fit their preconceived notions of how life emerged. It is funny that they can accept Genesis as allegory yet have problems that Jesus' resurrection is allegorical. Jesus simply did come back to life three days after He 'died', but Adam and Eve's adventure simply has to be a myth because it goes against all scientific evidence. But, dying and coming back to life three days later is completely plausible! If Christianity is compatible with evolution, then Christianity is also compatible with fairytales. Brian.
Quetzal Member (Idle past 6034 days) Posts: 3228 Joined: |
It saddens me when Christians show support for this kind of godless science. Please, PLEASE, pretty please open a new thread to support this position (I won't do it because I tend to avoid feeding trolls - if you're serious, you'll do the work). I even have a suggestion as to how: 1. Select any current scientific discipline (for my tastes, I would prefer you pick one of the earth or life sciences, rather than physics or cosmology). Your choice. 2. Elaborate on the methodology of "god science" (as contrasted to "godless science"). 3. Compare and contrast the methodology and results of "god science" vs. "godless science" and how each would apply to your chosen discipline. IOW, how "god science" provides better answers than "godless science". If you do, you'll be the very first ever. Note well: simply proclaiming that "godless science" is wrong without providing an alternative that gives at least as good results does not give us any reason to switch horses, here. If you have a methodology that works better, then this is your opportunity to present it and blow all those evil atheist scientists and "false Christians" out of the water. If you can't, then we'll just have to muddle (or is that Muhdle?) through with what we've got.
dwise1 Member Posts: 6030 Joined: Member Rating: 5.8 |
quote: The scientific method is incompatible with supernaturalistic explanations for the simple reason that the supernatural cannot be observed, measured, nor tested. Here's an illustrative story:
quote: Science cannot deal with the supernatural and trying to resort to supernaturalistic explanations can only damage science. Therefore, science must restrict itself to working with naturalistic explanations and, as a result, it can only offer naturalistic answers about the natural world. Science can say and does not say anything about the supernatural. It seems obvious that you follow the false theology of The God of the Gaps, in which you believe in a puny impotent god who only exists and works within the gaps of our knowledge. That god is incapable of using natural processes and must live forever fearful of science as science closes those gaps and that god becomes ever smaller and punier. This is the theology I repeatedly see being used by ID and even by "creation science". OTOH, most Christians' God is Sovereign over Nature, Who is fully capable of using natural processes to do His Work and Who has nothing at all to fear from science. Sorry to hear that your god is so puny and impotent. You should consider switching to the Christian God instead. Recommended reading: Dr. Allan Harvey's essays, "A Personal View of the Evolution Issue" at No webpage found at provided URL: http://members.aol.com/steamdoc/writings/evolution.html and "Science and Christian Apologetics" at No webpage found at provided URL: http://members.aol.com/steamdoc/writings/apologetics.html.
quote: And yet you would rejoice when Christians resort to lies and deception in order to serve their god? With all the damage that does? (eg, driving more people away from Christ than you attract, thoroughly discrediting Christianity, making it impossible for most people to be able to ever consider becoming a Christian, proving Christianity to be a false religion (Matthew 7:20), doing the anti-religion atheists' work for them by disproving the existence of God yourself, destroying the faith of creationists when they discover that they'd been taught lies) That goes beyond sad and even beyond tragic.
Taz Member (Idle past 3454 days) Posts: 5069 From: Zerus Joined: |
I think you are reading too much into Muhd's words. While it is true that many creationists and IDists present their god as a god that exists in the gaps between all the discoveries we have made, I don't think Muhd is one of them. His claim that
quote:tells me he has the typical misunderstanding of what scientists do. Just like most people in society, he probably finds his comfort into making up his mind about something and sets out to find evidence for whatever it is. For example, if he is convinced that the guy next door is a jerk, Muhd would go out and try to find every piece of evidence that suggests the guy next door is a jerk. Along the way, Muhd would probably find some evidence that suggest the guy next door is a nice person, but then since it contradicts what Muhd presupposes, the evidence is simply thrown out. In other words, Muhd has a misunderstanding that scientists are some sort of angry heathens who try to disprove god. Science, according to Muhd, science should simply toss out all evidence that have no relevence to proving the existence of god. It's a rather sad view of the progresses we have made since the Dark Ages. It's not that Muhd thinks his god exists in the gaps of knowledge. It's that he thinks the knowledge we have ARE the gaps between god.
kalimero Member (Idle past 2607 days) Posts: 251 From: Israel Joined: |
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