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Author | Topic: humor II | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
Make your own jokes, if you can, but don't steal.
It's an insult to those of us with actual talent. And if you wish to write verse, a basic knowledge of scansion would be useful. It's bad enough being a plagiarist, without also failing in the process. Edited by Dr Adequate, : No reason given.
robinrohan Inactive Member |
Make your own jokes, if you can, but don't steal. I believe that's called parody.
Faith ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 1761 days) Posts: 35298 From: Nevada, USA Joined: |
I thought your poem was very well crafted, and quite amusing. My effort was a sort of homage to yours in a way while disagreeing with you, although maybe it came out more of a parody. That is hardly plagiarizing. My scansion is impeccable, something wrong with you there. So sorry it turns out you don't have a sense of humor after all, and that your self-declared talent is perhaps not quite as Adequate as you believe it to be.
Faith ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 1761 days) Posts: 35298 From: Nevada, USA Joined: |
I believe that's called parody. Thank you. Great minds ... etc.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
I thought your poem was very well crafted ... your self-declared talent is perhaps not quite as Adequate as you believe it to be. * sniggers * Good u-turn, nice denial of reality, scores at least eight on the Hovind scale. No, you can't write verse, but you don't know that, 'cos you can't write verse. See Kruger and Dunning: Unskilled and Unaware of It; How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments. But if I ever write "the chimpanzee, up in a tree", or have the gall to pretend that "proseletize" and "dogmatize" rhyme, may my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth and my right hand lose its cunning.
Faith ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 1761 days) Posts: 35298 From: Nevada, USA Joined: |
Gad, another raving evo lunatic has settled in at EvC. The place is a magnet for them.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
I believe that's called parody. I believe that the word is actually "pastiche", but there you go. It is grossly ill-mannered, not to say stupid, to take a good piece of verse and turn it into half-baked trash in the plain sight of the author. It's like the whole creationist movement in miniature. They cannot discover anything themselves, but they can take other people's ideas and twist and distort them until they're stupid and lame and ugly --- and mean the opposite of what was originally said. Faith cannot exhibit any actual wit or talent, but at least s/he can make an ugly stupid mess of what I've written. Edited by Dr Adequate, : No reason given.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
Gad, another raving evo lunatic has settled in at EvC. The place is a magnet for them. Well, slinging insults is not actually a substitute for a witty riposte. But it is as close as you'll ever get.
AdminNosy Administrator Posts: 4755 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Joined: |
Both of you cut it out! This is the humor thread and you're not funny.
Actually Dr A. I think you started it. Faith's poem wasn't perfect but it was not plagerism nor was it all that bad. If either of you continue you'll be suspended for more than a day.
Percy Member Posts: 23144 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 5.8 |
Faith, I don't know what set Dr. A. off, pay him no mind, he's acting loony, ignore him. Your poem based on his was great, I admire and enjoy both your talents and hope you both give us more examples.
iano Member (Idle past 2258 days) Posts: 6165 From: Co. Wicklow, Ireland. Joined: |
DA writes: ...and (may) my right hand lose its cunning Perish the thought myself..
Phat Member Posts: 18706 From: Denver,Colorado USA Joined: Member Rating: 4.1 |
Subject: From the Manitoba Herald - Illegal Immigration Flood!
From the Manitoba Herald, Canada The flood of American liberals sneaking across the border into CanadaHas intensified in the past week, sparking calls for increased patrols to Stop the illegal immigration. The actions of President Bush are prompting an exodus among left-leaning citizens who fear they'll soon be required to hunt, pray, and agree with Bill O'Reilly. Canadian border farmers say it's not uncommon to see dozens of sociologyprofessors, animal-rights activists and Unitarians crossing their fields at night. "I went out to milk the cows the other day, and there was a Hollywoodproducer huddled in the barn," said Manitoba farmer Red Greenfield, whose acreage borders North Dakota. The producer was cold, exhausted and hungry. "He asked me if I could spare a latte and some free-range chicken. When I said I didn't have any, he left. Didn't even get a chance to show him my screenplay, eh?" In an effort to stop the illegal aliens, Greenfield erected higherfences,but the liberals scaled them. So he tried installing speakers that blare Rush Limbaugh across the fields. "Not real effective," he said. "The liberals still got through, and Rush annoyed the cows so much they wouldn't give milk." Officials are particularly concerned about smugglers who meet liberalsnear the Canadian border, pack them into Volvo station wagons, drive them across the border and leave them to fend for themselves. "A lot of these people are not prepared for rugged conditions," an Ontario border patrolman said. "I found one carload without a drop of drinking water. "They did have a nice little Napa Valley cabernet, though." When liberals are caught, they're sent back across the border, oftenwailing loudly that they fear retribution from conservatives. Rumors have been circulating about the Bush administration establishing re-education camps in which liberals will be forced to drink domestic beer and watch NASCAR races. In recent days, liberals have turned to sometimes-ingenious ways ofcrossing the border. Some have taken to posing as senior citizens on bus trips to buy cheap Canadian prescription drugs. After catching a half-dozen young vegans disguised in powdered wigs, Canadian immigration authorities began stopping buses and quizzing the supposed senior-citizen passengers on Perry Como and Rosemary Clooney hits to prove they were alive in the '50s. "If they can't identify the accordion player on The Lawrence Welk Show, we get suspicious about their age," an official said. Canadian citizens have complained that the illegal immigrants arecreating an organic-broccoli shortage and renting all the good Susan Sarandon movies. "I feel sorry for American liberals, but the Canadian economy just can't support them," an Ottawa resident said. "How many art-history majors does one country need?" In an effort to ease tensions between the United States and Canada,Vice President Dick Cheney met with the Canadian ambassador and pledged that the administration would take steps to reassure liberals, a source close to Cheney said. We're going to have some Peter, Paul & Mary concerts. We'll give tax breaks for the construction of more Starbucks and Birkenstock stores. And we might even put some endangered species on postage stamps. The President is determined to reach out," he said |
Wounded King Member (Idle past 349 days) Posts: 4149 From: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Joined: |
Kruger and Dunning: Unskilled and Unaware of It; How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments. That really is a great paper. But there is some subsequent research suggesting that in fact high performers are less accurate at predicting their own performance relative to a group (Kruger and Dunning, 2002). TTFN, WK P.S. I realise this might not seem very humorous.
Archer Opteryx Member (Idle past 3914 days) Posts: 1811 From: East Asia Joined: |
berberry asks:
Can you quote anything that's as vicious and uncaring as the Coulter quotes I posted? Michael Moore spouts similar things all the time. He's the one whose first reaction to the September 11 terrorist attacks, posted at the MoveOn.org site on September 12, was to suggest that terrorists aim for 'red states' instead of places like New York. Here's another sample (in an article full of them) from Christopher Hitchens in Slate: In a recent interview, [Moore] yelled that if the hijacked civilians of 9/11 had been black, they would have fought back, unlike the stupid and presumably cowardly white men and women (and children). Never mind for now how many black passengers were on those planes”we happen to know what Moore does not care to mention: that Todd Beamer and a few of his co-passengers, shouting "Let's roll," rammed the hijackers with a trolley, fought them tooth and nail, and helped bring down a United Airlines plane, in Pennsylvania, that was speeding toward either the White House or the Capitol. I'd say he and Coulter were made for each other. They'd look suitably hilarious sitting side by side, too. Archer
Archer Opteryx Member (Idle past 3914 days) Posts: 1811 From: East Asia Joined: |
A white-haired man races into a cathedral and asks to speak at once to a priest. The priest takes him into the confessional.
'What is your burden, my son?' 'I'm a widower, Father,' says the man. 'My wife, God rest her soul, passed away 15 years ago. Since then I've led a quiet life. But last weekend I took a business trip. The lovely young woman who worked at the front desk took a liking to me. We met for lunch and... well, one thing led to another. We made love 15 times in three days.' 'Say 10 Hail Marys,' said the priest. 'Hail Marys?' said the man. 'Why would I do that? I'm Jewish.' 'Jewish?' said the priest. 'I don't get it. If you're Jewish, why tell me this?' 'Tell you?' said the man. 'I'm telling everybody.' Archer
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