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Author Topic:   On Judging Others
Member (Idle past 4432 days)
Posts: 1119
From: Topeka,kansas
Joined: 06-06-2005

Message 101 of 121 (341668)
08-20-2006 2:36 AM
Reply to: Message 92 by Faith
08-20-2006 1:58 AM

What a puffed up self righteous prig. Get a heart yourself.
what do you mean he's heartless? DL is making the point that rendering a person as nothing more than an object of pity is wrong, and they are more than that even with the pysical problem they have substained
Telling people how they should feel about things, about anything, is one of the lowest things I can imagine. Intrusive to the max. Offensive to the max. And this IS a perfect example of PC moralism, the most intrusive tyrannical bit of bullying ever invented.
i don't think he is saying what you are claiming, imo from his post he sees the fact that a person who feels empathy for a lost limb is not really very useful or meaningful to the person they have empathy for, so its more like "Wow that must have sucked for that guy, oh well.." if you think about it, whats the point of doing that? at work i could do the same thing from someone with a blackeye as an example, but the emotion would be better used by asking what happened to them
you call that offensive? i don't think you ever really thought about it from the pitied persons prespective, would you want to be pitied or talked to? or understood? i see a lot of people who have missing limbs and fingers and such and they want to be treated like normal human beings not pitied!
this IS a perfect example of PC moralism, the most intrusive tyrannical bit of bullying ever invented.
you use the pc boogeyman so much this nonsense is meaningless, just give up on it and try to think outside the box for once

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 Message 92 by Faith, posted 08-20-2006 1:58 AM Faith has replied

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 Message 104 by Faith, posted 08-20-2006 2:42 AM ReverendDG has replied
 Message 105 by robinrohan, posted 08-20-2006 2:42 AM ReverendDG has replied

Member (Idle past 4432 days)
Posts: 1119
From: Topeka,kansas
Joined: 06-06-2005

Message 103 of 121 (341670)
08-20-2006 2:40 AM
Reply to: Message 99 by robinrohan
08-20-2006 2:28 AM

This comment is despicable.
what do you mean dispicable? i would think with your level of cynicism that you would agree with DL, most people truely don't care if they think they can't do anything, so they watch to see what happens next, thats why people are trained to herd them to do things

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 Message 99 by robinrohan, posted 08-20-2006 2:28 AM robinrohan has not replied

Member (Idle past 4432 days)
Posts: 1119
From: Topeka,kansas
Joined: 06-06-2005

Message 106 of 121 (341674)
08-20-2006 2:43 AM
Reply to: Message 102 by Faith
08-20-2006 2:39 AM

I know. Unbelievable. Unbelievable adolescent arrogant rudeness. Unbelievable ignorance, inability to think, inability to put themselves in another person's shoes. Unbelievable incivility. And these are the kind of people who preach against "judging others." Amazing.
yes because from your post, you show you arn't? i mean you show how truely mature you are just from this, grow up faith..

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 Message 102 by Faith, posted 08-20-2006 2:39 AM Faith has replied

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 Message 107 by Faith, posted 08-20-2006 2:44 AM ReverendDG has replied

Member (Idle past 4432 days)
Posts: 1119
From: Topeka,kansas
Joined: 06-06-2005

Message 108 of 121 (341677)
08-20-2006 2:47 AM
Reply to: Message 107 by Faith
08-20-2006 2:44 AM

Maturity is now defined by adolescent intrusive rudeness. Interesting. Wonder what PC will come up with next.
teach you to read maybe?, i wasn't calling people names, now was i? i guess as people have said you can dish it out but you can't take it
as for judging others, it is making statements that apply to others but not to yourself, such as the pharisees would make laws that they wouldn't follow
Edited by ReverendDG, : addon

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 Message 107 by Faith, posted 08-20-2006 2:44 AM Faith has not replied

Member (Idle past 4432 days)
Posts: 1119
From: Topeka,kansas
Joined: 06-06-2005

Message 111 of 121 (341682)
08-20-2006 2:54 AM
Reply to: Message 104 by Faith
08-20-2006 2:42 AM

Alas, there are too many of you on the other side of this great abyss of absolute incivility and crude ignorance. Sad.
i could say the same thing about you, since you seem to not come up with anything resembling anything other than ad-hom attacks

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 Message 104 by Faith, posted 08-20-2006 2:42 AM Faith has not replied

Member (Idle past 4432 days)
Posts: 1119
From: Topeka,kansas
Joined: 06-06-2005

Message 114 of 121 (341686)
08-20-2006 3:00 AM
Reply to: Message 105 by robinrohan
08-20-2006 2:42 AM

No, I'm neither useful nor meaningful. What's your point?
i guess if you want to look at that way, i don't, i consider teaching to be a meaningful thing, and you are useful to other people
I never said I was. I was talking about my feelings. I was talking about the fact that life does not always consist of baby birds and flowers.
i should have said the emotion is not very useful or meaningful not the person, the person can do more than pity the disabled, talk to the person for instance, who ever said it was always full of baby birds and flowers?
the people who posted about how happy in the world they are focused on the happy things in life, you from your posts, did not, that seems to be the difference

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 Message 105 by robinrohan, posted 08-20-2006 2:42 AM robinrohan has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 115 by robinrohan, posted 08-20-2006 3:05 AM ReverendDG has replied

Member (Idle past 4432 days)
Posts: 1119
From: Topeka,kansas
Joined: 06-06-2005

Message 117 of 121 (341693)
08-20-2006 3:19 AM
Reply to: Message 115 by robinrohan
08-20-2006 3:05 AM

I was responding to Jar's nonsense.
considering how bleak you started to make it out to be i can see why jar said the things he did
That's right. I was trying to balance the idea. I was trying to present a realistic picture of life.
no, that really wasn't 'balancing' anything, you make everything out to be arbitrary when a lot of things have a basis for what ever reason
You got a problem with that?
yes, i do, you got problem with that? my reason is you are tipping it the other way in to total cynicism when it should be a good balance of both struggle and joy, i agree its not all happiness, you shouldn't dwell on the pain though it leads nowear

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 Message 115 by robinrohan, posted 08-20-2006 3:05 AM robinrohan has not replied

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