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Understanding through Discussion

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Author Topic:   On Judging Others
Member (Idle past 2487 days)
Posts: 12961
From: Ann Arbor
Joined: 12-09-2001

Message 76 of 121 (341150)
08-18-2006 5:02 PM
Reply to: Message 73 by Faith
08-18-2006 4:42 PM

Re: White and european
Sorry but historically AND SPECIFICALLY WITH REFERENCE TO THE TOPIC UNDER DISCUSSION it is defined as European and I don't give a damn about the kind of "facts" you all make such a nitpicking big pedantic deal out of in your crabbed pinched and myopic manner here at EvC. On a COFFEE HOUSE thread about a PHILOSOPHICAL topic for crying out loud. Get real.
...and a nanny-nanny, boo-boo to you, too, Faith.

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 Message 73 by Faith, posted 08-18-2006 4:42 PM Faith has not replied

Member (Idle past 1784 days)
Posts: 19762
From: Silver Spring, MD
Joined: 03-20-2003

Message 77 of 121 (341153)
08-18-2006 5:06 PM
Reply to: Message 73 by Faith
08-18-2006 4:42 PM

Re: White and european
Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sure Schraf and the rest of us weren't aware that in the Coffeehouse, the rule was that you could just make up your own facts.
What you call "pedantry", the rest of us call "not being wrong." Maybe you should consider how mature it appears that every time you're corrected on even the most basic point, you through a huge bitch-fit about how unreasonable it is for the rest of us to expect you to be largely correct on the facts.
Apparently you think it's ok to be wrong on the details if you get the bigger picture correct. I would have thought that after two years of embarassing debate failures on your part here at EvC, you would have realized that doesn't seem to be working. It's because you see being accurate as "pedantic" that you're almost always wrong about everything else. How can you derive a correct view from incorrect facts?

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 Message 73 by Faith, posted 08-18-2006 4:42 PM Faith has not replied

Member (Idle past 1784 days)
Posts: 19762
From: Silver Spring, MD
Joined: 03-20-2003

Message 78 of 121 (341154)
08-18-2006 5:08 PM
Reply to: Message 74 by Faith
08-18-2006 4:46 PM

Re: The Error Schraf
Thank you for the totally gratuitous personal attack.
You'd know all about those, wouldn't you? No, I haven't forgotten, nor have I forgotten that you still haven't apologized.

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 Message 74 by Faith, posted 08-18-2006 4:46 PM Faith has replied

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 Message 79 by Faith, posted 08-18-2006 5:42 PM crashfrog has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1762 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 79 of 121 (341159)
08-18-2006 5:42 PM
Reply to: Message 78 by crashfrog
08-18-2006 5:08 PM

Re: The Error Schraf
How gallant of you and Nosy to support Schraf's insult and irrelevant baiting posts against little old me. Haven't you anything better to do?
I have no idea what you haven't forgotten. I must have forgotten it long ago. Considering all the insults you've levied at me, one would think you'd have more grace than to make an issue of anything I said.

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 Message 78 by crashfrog, posted 08-18-2006 5:08 PM crashfrog has replied

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 Message 80 by crashfrog, posted 08-18-2006 6:11 PM Faith has replied
 Message 82 by AdminSchraf, posted 08-18-2006 6:17 PM Faith has not replied

Member (Idle past 1784 days)
Posts: 19762
From: Silver Spring, MD
Joined: 03-20-2003

Message 80 of 121 (341162)
08-18-2006 6:11 PM
Reply to: Message 79 by Faith
08-18-2006 5:42 PM

Re: The Error Schraf
How gallant of you and Nosy to support Schraf's insult and irrelevant baiting posts against little old me.
Oh, poor baby! Easy enough for her to insult everybody else, but it's obviously too much to be borne when others return the favor. How dare they hit back!

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 Message 79 by Faith, posted 08-18-2006 5:42 PM Faith has replied

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 Message 81 by Faith, posted 08-18-2006 6:14 PM crashfrog has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1762 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 81 of 121 (341165)
08-18-2006 6:14 PM
Reply to: Message 80 by crashfrog
08-18-2006 6:11 PM

Re: The Error Schraf
I insulted nobody on this thread crash. That's what makes your oh so tender ministrations to the one who did so touching.

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 Message 80 by crashfrog, posted 08-18-2006 6:11 PM crashfrog has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 82 of 121 (341166)
08-18-2006 6:17 PM
Reply to: Message 79 by Faith
08-18-2006 5:42 PM

Re: The Error Schraf
Considering all the insults you've levied at me, one would think you'd have more grace than to make an issue of anything I said.
What you don't seem to realize, Faith, is that you came in to this community and shamefully, unrepentently abused many of us, repeatedly, for quite a long time.
Most of us, including Admin and Mods, were very, very tolerant of this behavior for quite some time. Many of us were able to at least partially look past your frankly awful treatment of people who disagreed with you to see your value as a poster and your contribution to EvC's discourse.
However, you did certainly make it very difficult for many of us to respect you or have any sympathy for you at all when you complain about being insulted.
You have a long road to walk in gaining any appreciable respect as a debator as long as you continue to shirk responsibility for your past behavior and continue to blame others for your poor behavior.
For what it is worth, however, I do apologize for my harsh comments in my recent posts to you as schrafinator in this thread. They were perhaps beneath me.
Edited by AdminSchraf, : No reason given.

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 Message 79 by Faith, posted 08-18-2006 5:42 PM Faith has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 83 by AdminFaith, posted 08-18-2006 6:22 PM AdminSchraf has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 83 of 121 (341169)
08-18-2006 6:22 PM
Reply to: Message 82 by AdminSchraf
08-18-2006 6:17 PM

Re: The Error Schraf
What you never noticed, Madame, was that every one of the insults was a response to an incredible lack of basic good grace and yes, insults, from the "Community" here. And that was beneath ME certainly, but that was also a long time ago, and I did not do it on this thread. And I DO intend to avoid you in future. Your baiting style is really obnoxious.

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 Message 82 by AdminSchraf, posted 08-18-2006 6:17 PM AdminSchraf has not replied

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 Message 84 by nator, posted 08-18-2006 6:27 PM AdminFaith has not replied

Member (Idle past 2487 days)
Posts: 12961
From: Ann Arbor
Joined: 12-09-2001

Message 84 of 121 (341170)
08-18-2006 6:27 PM
Reply to: Message 83 by AdminFaith
08-18-2006 6:22 PM

Re: The Error Schraf
What you never noticed, Madame, was that every one of the insults was a response to an incredible lack of basic good grace and yes, insults, from the "Community" here.
Every single one, eh?
You really have been terribly mistreated here, then, if that's true.
I think I'll go on a little search...

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 Message 83 by AdminFaith, posted 08-18-2006 6:22 PM AdminFaith has not replied

Discreet Label
Member (Idle past 5381 days)
Posts: 272
Joined: 11-17-2005

Message 85 of 121 (341184)
08-18-2006 7:40 PM
Reply to: Message 57 by robinrohan
08-17-2006 7:24 AM

Re: political correctness
One must not feel sympathy for anybody because that means you are judging them--a rule of politically correct morality that stifles naturally good sympathetic feelings.
I'm fairly certain what I was arguing against in the other thread was an application of your sympathy reworded in my way.
I get a gut wrenching feeling of sadness whenever Xyz posts come up. It is patently depressing to see a human mind box itself into such a limited view of life. IMHO Xyz instead of embracing life, its lessons and the people present wallows in their own cynicism. This wallowing influences everyones around Xyz and because Xyz thinks he's insignificant in the schemes of things Xyz doesn't thinks it affects other people.
That kind of sympathy is flawed, much in the same ways yours was flawed in application to the veterans, because its based on my own perception of what life and how a person should be. Yours was flawed based upon the notion of what you constitute wellness and wholeness.
The reality of appropriate sympathy would be to is to talk specifically to them and to ask of their dreams, hopes, accomplishments and past. Or some variation, to get information to create a response that is more appropriate. Not the unreasoning sympathy that is being espoused.
IMHO the garbage you were/are espousing is the same kind of garbage that has contributed to the lack of education that is going on in the educational system (as well as many other situations in the workforce etc.). Your kind of, and my made up sample, if reapplied is the kind of stuff that gives individuals a false sense of accomplishment and well being, and when confronted with the reality outside of the closed environment they discover their persona nor experiences was never derived from themselves, instead created by sycophantic lap dogs and that has ultimately crippled a person from being able to handle life w/out extensive reworking of themself. And its also the kind of shit that would make me and others have to work more because the byproducts of the people you make can't do their job right nor have an interest in actually learning it.
Also the kind of PC bullshit you are proposing that myself and others pounced on you with, is exactly what those 'militant berkley people' were doing 40 odd years ago. The only difference is, is because you are doing it you think its right, its no more valid and appropriate then it was 40 years ago. Your bullshit coddles peoples and continued usage cripples a person.
And no I'm not espousing being blatantly honest about someones shortcomings and pointing out their inabilities. I am an educator trying to get others to reach what they believe their full potential and to help them discover those tools.
So whether or not this post comes out as abrasive or not I care not a whit. Frankly I'm sick of the sycophantic hypocritical characterizations of other people and of myself. Especially when looking the posts you generate all I'm reminded of is sick sycophantic cynical educators who feel justified in screwing over education by dumbing it down and screwing over my future job environment in the long run.
Edited by Discreet Label, : Addition of more castigation and knee jerk liberal PC ramblings. As well as the stringing together large numbers of descriptive words attached to nouns.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 57 by robinrohan, posted 08-17-2006 7:24 AM robinrohan has not replied

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 Message 86 by Faith, posted 08-18-2006 8:36 PM Discreet Label has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1762 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 86 of 121 (341194)
08-18-2006 8:36 PM
Reply to: Message 85 by Discreet Label
08-18-2006 7:40 PM

Re: political correctness
What an absolutely sick meanspirited post, without one redeeming feature either of charity or understanding.

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 Message 85 by Discreet Label, posted 08-18-2006 7:40 PM Discreet Label has replied

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 Message 87 by Discreet Label, posted 08-18-2006 8:46 PM Faith has replied

Discreet Label
Member (Idle past 5381 days)
Posts: 272
Joined: 11-17-2005

Message 87 of 121 (341195)
08-18-2006 8:46 PM
Reply to: Message 86 by Faith
08-18-2006 8:36 PM

Re: political correctness
Charity and understanding are only due to those who attempt to move beyond their own understanding which Robin has consistently not attempted to do. He has not attempted to reason through another person's position to try and understand their perception of events and then to evaluate based on that perception. To my understanding and viewing of posts in these veins he has rejected a series of posts based upon the perception they are 60's garbage. Now whether or not they are 60's garbage is one story but since it consistently seems to come up. To me A) it either needs to be addressed or B) he needs to reevaluate what his views are on what PC is and to even establish what PC is such that it can be applied fairly and equally to more posts or C) even to just attempt to reason through another person's post.
I have attempted to try and reason through Robin's posting in that prior thread, I even tried to discuss his points with numerous other people, and every single time it came back to a similiar series of conclusions. I will admit Robin does have a streak of excellent posts and I praise him for it, but aside from that I and anyone i've tried to reason through his posts have had a very difficult time trying to understand how he got to his current position and how he supports it. It may be because of his unique philosphical nhilism or something else but in either case something is very difficult to either accept or reason through his writing.
Perhaps at some point if he could actually put somewhere and examine his premises or something I could have a better time being understanding and charitable toward him.

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 Message 86 by Faith, posted 08-18-2006 8:36 PM Faith has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 90 by Faith, posted 08-20-2006 1:09 AM Discreet Label has replied

Inactive Member

Message 88 of 121 (341196)
08-18-2006 8:49 PM

My O my. What a welter.
Let's take a break.

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    Trust me.

    Replies to this message:
     Message 89 by AdminOmni, posted 08-19-2006 3:12 PM AdminOmni has not replied

    Inactive Member

    Message 89 of 121 (341418)
    08-19-2006 3:12 PM
    Reply to: Message 88 by AdminOmni
    08-18-2006 8:49 PM

    Keep it clean, no hitting below the belt. Go to your corners.
    Please pretend to be grown-ups.

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    Trust me.

    This message is a reply to:
     Message 88 by AdminOmni, posted 08-18-2006 8:49 PM AdminOmni has not replied

    Suspended Member (Idle past 1762 days)
    Posts: 35298
    From: Nevada, USA
    Joined: 10-06-2001

    Message 90 of 121 (341639)
    08-20-2006 1:09 AM
    Reply to: Message 87 by Discreet Label
    08-18-2006 8:46 PM

    Re: political correctness
    You are the one who has failed to grasp the very simple point that a man whose heart goes out to people in wheelchairs is a normal human being with appropriate human empathy for others. I cannot fathom the mindset that would react punishingly as you do to such a simple heartfelt reaction. Your response must be the strangest most formulaic artificial thing I've ever encountered. It makes no sense.
    He has no need to examine any premises, but you should be examining a lot of things.

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     Message 87 by Discreet Label, posted 08-18-2006 8:46 PM Discreet Label has replied

    Replies to this message:
     Message 91 by Discreet Label, posted 08-20-2006 1:53 AM Faith has replied

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