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Author Topic:   On Judging Others
Member (Idle past 160 days)
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Message 31 of 121 (340623)
08-16-2006 7:18 PM
Reply to: Message 14 by nator
08-16-2006 6:00 PM

Re: political correctness
What is the "white race"?
What is the ancestry?
Well, long, long ago in a land far, far away, a small dark monkey-like creature climbed down from a tree.
All of this whining is simply folk that looked up one day and saw on the wall...

Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin

Aslan is not a Tame Lion

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Message 32 of 121 (340624)
08-16-2006 7:18 PM
Reply to: Message 16 by Faith
08-16-2006 6:20 PM

Re: political correctness
Well, you could ask that of Susan Sontag, famous leftie who wrote for the leftist Partisan Review, and is famous for denouncing the white race
Interesting story about Susan Sontag and the Walt Disney Corporation. Sontag, among other such Lefties as Michael Moore, absolutely hate the white race. In an ironic twist of fate, they both happen to be white. But that is neither here nor there. Anyway, this is but one of her more hyperbolic sentiments. Sontag wrote in one of her essays, "The white race is the cancer of human history. It is the white race and it alone-- its ideologies and inventions-- which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life." -Susan Sontag
In all her malcontent, she wrote further in her essay, entitled, The Cancer of Human History. It continues on thus in more poetic fashion:
"You think you own whatever land you land on. The earth is just a dead thing you can claim. But I know every rock and tree and creature has a life, has a spirit, has a name. You think the only people who are people are the people that look like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew you knew." -Susan Sontag
If none of you have children just yet, you might not know that this poem was converted by the Disney Corp into lyrics, verbatim, for the movie Pocahantas. In the cartoon, Pocahantas sings this to Capt. John Smith in sort of a musical scolding. Disney won the Oscar for this little duet. Figuring the name "Cancer of Human History" might be viewed as unPC, it was changed to "Colors of the Wind."

“If chance be the father of all flesh then disaster is his rainbow in the sky. And when you hear of, state of emergencies, sniper kills ten, youths go looting, bomb blasts school, it is but the sound of man worshipping his maker” -Steve Turner

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Member (Idle past 6193 days)
Posts: 3228
Joined: 01-09-2002

Message 33 of 121 (340626)
08-16-2006 7:23 PM
Reply to: Message 22 by crashfrog
08-16-2006 6:47 PM

Re: political correctness
Actually, crash, I think the objection to "Native American" stems from an objection to anything-hyphenated-American. I've always disliked the concept. You're either American (as in "citizen of the United States"), or you're not.
The term American itself is a crappy one, IMO. It rightly irritates Canadians, Nicaraguans, Ecuadorans, etc, who are all as rightfully termed Americans as the damn gringos.
A third point is that Native American is almost as bad a collective term as Indian. It lumps together peoples, languages and cultures that are as disparate as Scots and Maoris. Without getting too long-winded on this subject, anyone who doesn't try whenever possible to use the indigenous groups' terms for themselves when talking about them is almost as dismissive of their individual culture as anyone else who dismisses an entire group. It's almost like closet racism (although I know it's not intended that way). And anyone who makes the mistake of lumping Huarani and Shuar in the same boat, for instance, is risking becoming the main course (in the former case) or a poisoned dart pincushion (in the latter).

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Inactive Member

Message 34 of 121 (340627)
08-16-2006 7:24 PM
Reply to: Message 30 by robinrohan
08-16-2006 7:05 PM

Re: What does judging mean?
I'm not sure, but I think you may be right about that. But the ubiquity of the "judge not" idea is not in American culture due to Christianity.
No, I completely understand. I mean, this coined phrase gets thrown around quite a bit, particularly in American society. But if it really meant don't judge people in this way, we'd have no court system and ultimately no justice. I really believe, based on the Scriptures, that Jesus is asking us, "Why are you concerned about these other people when you are a chief offender? Don't you realize that you are a hypocrite?" This is what I've always understood it to mean. Perhaps in Aramaic or Hebrew its more clear than the English rendering. I'd go look in my concordance, but uh, that would require effort on my part.

“If chance be the father of all flesh then disaster is his rainbow in the sky. And when you hear of, state of emergencies, sniper kills ten, youths go looting, bomb blasts school, it is but the sound of man worshipping his maker” -Steve Turner

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Member (Idle past 6674 days)
Posts: 989
From: Leicester, UK
Joined: 07-30-2004

Message 35 of 121 (340628)
08-16-2006 7:26 PM
Reply to: Message 22 by crashfrog
08-16-2006 6:47 PM

Re: political correctness
Indians "Native Americans"
I don't get why this is something that conservatives have a hard-on about. It's not "political correctness", whatever the hell that is; it's the correction of a misnomer. The people you refer to are not from India. Why on Earth would we call them "indians"?
It's the arrogance of the conservative, I guess; their arrogant assumption that the peoples of the world look to them to know what the hell they should call themselves.
As a general rule I think people (individuals or groups) have the right to be called by whatever name they want, although "native americans" in preference to "indians" seems kind of ironic given that the name America is just another name given by the European colonisers.
The fact they're not from India wouldn't of itself be of any significance to me - it's just one of those accidents of history. I mean the West Indies aren't correctly named either but I don't see that name changing anytime soon.

Oops! Wrong Planet

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Message 36 of 121 (340629)
08-16-2006 7:30 PM
Reply to: Message 33 by Quetzal
08-16-2006 7:23 PM

Re: political correctness
The term American itself is a crappy one, IMO
There's a part of me that agrees with you completely. It's that boasting side of American culture.
Why do we call it the "World Series"? It should be called "The Pro baseball championship series of the USA" or something. It's not a world wide event.

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Inactive Member

Message 37 of 121 (340630)
08-16-2006 7:31 PM
Reply to: Message 33 by Quetzal
08-16-2006 7:23 PM

Re: political correctness
Actually, crash, I think the objection to "Native American" stems from an objection to anything-hyphenated-American. I've always disliked the concept. You're either American (as in "citizen of the United States"), or you're not.
The term American itself is a crappy one, IMO. It rightly irritates Canadians, Nicaraguans, Ecuadorans, etc, who are all as rightfully termed Americans as the damn gringos.
This is an excellent post. I agree, if you are born in the US, then you are an American. You aren't an African American or a Native American or a Mexican American or a Eurpoean American, you are just an American. And if people would like to stop all of this segregation, perhaps they should stop segregating themselves by causing this rift that is completely unneccesary.
Your second point is just as good. For whatever reason, America claimed for itself the name adopted by Amerigo Vespucci, "America." I mean, I'm half Ecuadorian myself and even a very Castillian surname, but it doesn't bother me. Then again, I'm an American, so I don't know how South or other North Amricans feel about it.
As far as I can tell, Native Americans would like to be referred to as their tribe affiliation. A Hopi does not consider a Navajo to be the same, even though they likely have similar DNA. But I guess its the same as why someone from Norway wouldn't want to be affiliated with Swedes, even if they share Nordic traits.

“If chance be the father of all flesh then disaster is his rainbow in the sky. And when you hear of, state of emergencies, sniper kills ten, youths go looting, bomb blasts school, it is but the sound of man worshipping his maker” -Steve Turner

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 Message 51 by Quetzal, posted 08-16-2006 10:38 PM Hyroglyphx has replied

Member (Idle past 6674 days)
Posts: 989
From: Leicester, UK
Joined: 07-30-2004

Message 38 of 121 (340631)
08-16-2006 7:31 PM
Reply to: Message 23 by robinrohan
08-16-2006 6:47 PM

Re: political correctness
Could you give a link to this please? I'm not doubting what you say I'd just be interested as to how/why people would react in the way you describe.

Oops! Wrong Planet

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Member (Idle past 5368 days)
Posts: 334
From: Portland, OR
Joined: 07-18-2003

Message 39 of 121 (340633)
08-16-2006 7:40 PM
Reply to: Message 36 by robinrohan
08-16-2006 7:30 PM

Re: political correctness
Why do we call it the "World Series"? It should be called "The Pro baseball championship series of the USA" or something. It's not a world wide event.
Is that an example of Political Correctness?

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 Message 40 by robinrohan, posted 08-16-2006 7:44 PM docpotato has replied

Inactive Member

Message 40 of 121 (340635)
08-16-2006 7:44 PM
Reply to: Message 39 by docpotato
08-16-2006 7:40 PM

Re: political correctness
Is that an example of Political Correctness?
Calling it the World Series is very unpolitically correct. My objection to it could be called political correctness, I suppose.
It's not ALL bad.

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Member (Idle past 5368 days)
Posts: 334
From: Portland, OR
Joined: 07-18-2003

Message 41 of 121 (340636)
08-16-2006 7:46 PM
Reply to: Message 40 by robinrohan
08-16-2006 7:44 PM

Re: political correctness
Not trying to implicate or point a finger. Just trying to understand. Should be a new topic, I guess.

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Message 42 of 121 (340638)
08-16-2006 7:54 PM
Reply to: Message 41 by docpotato
08-16-2006 7:46 PM

Re: political correctness
Not trying to implicate or point a finger. Just trying to understand. Should be a new topic, I guess.
No, go ahead. If you want to talk about boasting Americans, I agree completely. It makes me want to puke.

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Message 43 of 121 (340642)
08-16-2006 8:04 PM
Reply to: Message 38 by MangyTiger
08-16-2006 7:31 PM

Re: political correctness
Could you give a link to this please?
I've been trying, but I couldn't get "search" to work. It's in the thread called "The Boasts of Atheists."

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Member (Idle past 2491 days)
Posts: 12961
From: Ann Arbor
Joined: 12-09-2001

Message 44 of 121 (340648)
08-16-2006 8:34 PM
Reply to: Message 21 by Faith
08-16-2006 6:47 PM

Re: political correctness
The white race is considered to incorporate Europeans from Greece and the Balkans to Britain and France and Spain and from Italy to Scandinavia and Russia.
So, not Germans?
Edited by schrafinator, : No reason given.

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 Message 50 by Faith, posted 08-16-2006 9:51 PM nator has not replied

Member (Idle past 2491 days)
Posts: 12961
From: Ann Arbor
Joined: 12-09-2001

Message 45 of 121 (340649)
08-16-2006 8:42 PM
Reply to: Message 25 by Faith
08-16-2006 6:51 PM

Re: political correctness
Every people group on this planet has its own names for foreigners. Only modern western liberals get all pushed out of shape about the names westerners have historically had for foreigners.
Er, yeah, and those "names for foreigners" are generally derogatory in nature.
Shame on those "western liberals" for thinking it's a good thing to not denigrate people for no other reason than being from somewhere else.
After all, if everybody does it, it must be good to keep doing it, right?
What's your ethnic ancestry, Faith?
I want to know what to call you.
Since I'm of German ancestry, you could start referring to me as a "Kraut", or maybe "Jew-Gasser" or "Nazi".
Edited by schrafinator, : No reason given.

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 Message 25 by Faith, posted 08-16-2006 6:51 PM Faith has not replied

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