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Member (Idle past 4232 days) Posts: 2657 From: A Better America Joined: |
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Author | Topic: Bush takes one more step toward outright fascism. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
randman ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 5219 days) Posts: 6367 Joined: |
I don't see anything in there about the sale of military secrets. I suggest you read the entire article and do some research. Here is one part you should pay attention to.
A close business associate of Ron Brown testified in court in 1998 that Brown had told her that Commerce Department trade missions were used for partisan political fund-raising at the behest of President Clinton and the First Lady. Specifically, she said trade mission plane seats were sold to business people who gave at least $50,000 each to the DNC.[27] A Commerce Department official reportedly threw away official government documents concerning the department's trade missions to China after a judge ordered they be turned over to Judicial Watch, a conservative government watchdog group. According to the court: "No adequate explanation has been given as to why these documents were destroyed."[28] Some of the trade missions to Asia were attended by Bernard Schwartz, then CEO of Loral Space and Communications (an American maker of satellites). Schwartz donated over $600,000 to the DNC and President Clinton's 1996 reelection effort.[29] Loral was fined $14 million in 2002 for its involvement in illegally transferring missile technology to China in 1996.[30] The transfer of classified secrets occurred in February 1996 during an investigation into the failed launch and explosion of a Long March rocket that was to carry a Loral satellite into space. President Clinton signed the special waivers that allowed China to launch the Loral satellite.[31] Brown, who had been under investigation for fraud and bribery allegations, died in a plane crash in Croatia in April 1996.[32] 1996 United States campaign finance controversy - Wikipedia In case you didn't realize it, advanced guidance systems and missile technology is a military secret. Thanks to Bill and his friends, China can now hit any target in the US they want to. You may want to consider this as well.
In February 1996, Trie brought Wang Jun, chairman of CITIC, the chief investment arm of the government of the People's Republic of China, and Poly Technologies (a "front company for the Chinese military" [17][18] that was later charged with smuggling 2,000 AK-47 automatic rifles into the U.S.), to a White House "coffee" with the president.[19][20] President Clinton later admitted Wang's attendance at the White House was "clearly inappropriate."[21][22] .... Four days prior to Wang's White House visit, President Clinton granted Wang Jun's company Poly Technologies import permits that would allow the shipment of over 100,000 semi-automatic weapons and millions of rounds of ammunition to a Detroit company (China Jiang An) that had ties to the Chinese military. Robert Sanders, a U.S. lawyer representing the Chinese, could not explain why the special permits were granted. "All of a sudden, there was a breakthrough," Sanders said. "I can't account for it." [24][25] John Huang (pronounced "Hw[ng]"), was another major figure convicted. Born in 1945 in Nanping, Fujian, Huang and his father fled to Taiwan at the end of the Chinese Civil War before he eventually emigrated to the United States in 1969. A former employee of the Indonesian company Lippo Group's Lippo Bank and its owners Mochtar Riady and his son James (whom Huang first met along with Bill Clinton at a financial seminar in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1980), Huang became a key fund-raiser within the DNC in 1995. While there, he raised $3.4 million for the party. Nearly half had to be returned when questions arose regarding their source during later investigations by Congress.[39] According to U.S. Secret Service logs, Huang visited the White House 78 times while working as a DNC fund-raiser.[40] James Riady visited the White House 20 times (including 6 personal visits to President Clinton).[41] Immediately prior to joining the DNC, Huang worked in President Clinton's Commerce Department as deputy assistant secretary for international economic affairs. His position made him responsible for Asia-U.S. trade matters. He was appointed to the position by President Clinton in December 1993. His position at the Commerce Department gave him access to classified intelligence on China. While at the department, it was later learned, Huang met 9 times with Chinese embassy officials in Washington D.C. The reasons for the meetings were never learned.[20] How much more do you need?
crashfrog Member (Idle past 1787 days) Posts: 19762 From: Silver Spring, MD Joined: |
How much more do you need? Actual substantiation of allegations, not simply the repetition of them. The fact that you've shown that you're simply repeating allegations that others have made is not substantiation. Where's the evidence? Not the allegations, the evidence? Anonymous testimony? Alleged actions? On a side note, if the president decides to share military technology, how can that be illegal? Doesn't the president have the final say on what is classified and what is not?
His position made him responsible for Asia-U.S. trade matters. He was appointed to the position by President Clinton in December 1993. His position at the Commerce Department gave him access to classified intelligence on China. While at the department, it was later learned, Huang met 9 times with Chinese embassy officials in Washington D.C. The reasons for the meetings were never learned. Holy shit! A secretary of Asian trade meeting with Asian diplomats!? Stop the presses!
arachnophilia Member (Idle past 1664 days) Posts: 9069 From: god's waiting room Joined: |
On a side note, if the president decides to share military technology, how can that be illegal? Doesn't the president have the final say on what is classified and what is not? i'll only allow this point because of its almost timely irony. turnabout = fairplay, even if delayed.
arachnophilia Member (Idle past 1664 days) Posts: 9069 From: god's waiting room Joined: |
So you guys think Bush is a dictator? LOL So what are you going to do about it? Take up arms? Impeach him? preferably impeach. i mean, all kind of scandals, corruption, incompetance, unconstitutional activities, and lies... at this point i know a few girls who'd be willing to give the prez a bj or two if only to have a good laugh while the neo-cons defend the presidential right to oral sex. oh, and btw, clinton did it, so it's ok. frankly, we're too lazy to form an armed coup. we all keep sitting around hoping it never has to come to that, and trying to convince ourselves that it hasn't.
Sorry but you guys created this bed. Now lie in it and quit complaining. Hopefully, a true monster won't come along that actually does want to become a dictator or do things like start killing political opponents, or, you know, throw them into gitmo to rot while awaiting charges. oh, wait. the problem here is that bush is not being held accountable for his actions. the problem continues with yoru argument. you're trying to hold clinton responsible for bush's actions. it's really too bad clinton isn't the president. you guys just can't let go of your clinton bashing, can you? heck, i don't totally blame you. i'll be bashing hillary for years. Edited by arachnophilia, : No reason given.
ikabod Member (Idle past 4813 days) Posts: 365 From: UK Joined: |
as has been said before .....democracy is a form on goverment that relies on the apathy of the population to keep in power those who are there because they wanted power and found a rich sponsor......
Jazzns Member (Idle past 4232 days) Posts: 2657 From: A Better America Joined: |
I'll note AGAIN that there has yet to be one defense of THIS PRESIDENT'S current actions.
If your only tactic rand is to draw this thread off topic about Clintion then just stop. If you don't have anything useful to say then why say anything. The more you are brining up off-topic issues the more you are making it painfully aware that there really is no defense of this president's actions. He is quite simply an elected dicator. If congress wasn't more than half comprised of other republicans completely willing to sell out to the party line then he should be or have been impeaced by now. The only conclusion that one could draw from this latest and past actions of this president is that he is anti-democratic and therefore anti-American. Of course, biblical creationists are committed to belief in God's written Word, the Bible, which forbids bearing false witness; --AIG (lest they forget)
randman ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 5219 days) Posts: 6367 Joined: |
Actual substantiation of allegations You never saw the footage of Gore in the Buddhist Temple? How about the Chinese agents at the White House coffees? You don't think sworn testimony, multitude of convictions, videotapes of people conducting illegal fundraising (soliciting bribes from foreign agents, etc,....) is evidence? Is the sky blue in your world?
randman ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 5219 days) Posts: 6367 Joined: |
So you guys admit Clinton took a bribe from communist China and in return authorized the transfer of classified military secrets, but that's OK because it's part of the president's authority?
This illustrates my point. There is no sense in taking you guys seriously. You are not really concerned with presidential abuse of power, but merely concerned with bashing a Republican. You don't see me defending Bush's actions to expand presidential power. I just point out it is silly to complain if you are going to defend your guy when he does it, as crash was doing. Thanks for making my point.
randman ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 5219 days) Posts: 6367 Joined: |
So when Clinton places himself and the presidency above the law, he is a great president, but when Bush expands presidential power to stop terrorism, he is a dictator?
OK. I think I understand where you are coming from.
MangyTiger Member (Idle past 6674 days) Posts: 989 From: Leicester, UK Joined: |
So when Clinton places himself and the presidency above the law, he is a great president, but when Bush expands presidential power to stop terrorism, he is a dictator? At the time I start typing this Jazzns has (according to the site Search function) posted 6 messages in this thread:As far as I can tell nowhere in any of these messages does he claim Clinton was a good President - in fact his only references to him are to ask people to stop banging on about Clinton and talk about Bush (you know, the name that's in the thread title). Yet again in this thread you demonstrate your frankly deceiftful posting style of refusing to debate the actual topic in good faith while hovering close enough to keep people interested and trying to get you to engage. I've always called it a shell game, somebody else on the forum called it a rope-a-dope tactic a while ago. Either description works. I begin to wonder if you're just a troll after all. Oops! Wrong Planet
Jazzns Member (Idle past 4232 days) Posts: 2657 From: A Better America Joined: |
As was noted rand, the only person who brought up Clinton was YOU!
Yet more and more diversion because you cannot defend the fascist action of your favorite man in office. There are lots of presidents that I don't like randman and I have made no comment about which ones I do and do not support. I want to talk about THIS president and his anti-democratic behavior. Take your Clinton bashing and diversions somewhere else. As they stand here they are nothing more that evidence of your inability to deal with the issue. Of course, biblical creationists are committed to belief in God's written Word, the Bible, which forbids bearing false witness; --AIG (lest they forget)
jar Member (Idle past 159 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
there is little we can do about what Wilson or Hoover or Clinton did while in office. We can however see if it is posssible to impeach this President and then maybe see if he can do some jail time as well.
Aslan is not a Tame Lion
Omnivorous Member (Idle past 195 days) Posts: 4001 From: Adirondackia Joined: |
MangyTiger writes: I've always called it a shell game, somebody else on the forum called it a rope-a-dope tactic a while ago. Either description works. I begin to wonder if you're just a troll after all. What randman makes clear, over and over again, is that his primary loyalty is to a political faction and an economic class, not to the ideals upon which democracy and the American republic are based. In his eyes, there is no sin which cannot be washed clean in the blood of the Republic if it is committed by a Republican. Randman has explicitly stated that he will not criticize actions performed by Republicans that he criticized when they were performed by Democrats because it would provide aid and comfort to "lefties"--his only loyalty is to power, and his only option is to change the subject. There have been about a dozen signing statements from previous presidents that seek to interpret the terms of new laws drafted with considerable involvement by the White House. Bush uses the signing statements to defy his Constitutional duties. He has issued more than 800 signing statements intended to undermine Congress' power to make laws with which he disagrees. He has repeatedly broken his Presidential Oath to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law. Fortunately, the tide is turning: conservatives with integrity are joining the chorus to criticize Bush II because they recognize the danger of allowing his precedents to stand--their partisans will not always hold the reins of government, and they no more want Democrats to enjoy an imperial presidency than liberals want Bush to do so. I believe Bush's excesses will shepherd the neocon backers of an Imperial Presidency back into the political wilderness where they belong, and randman can again pretend that his partisan goals match our national interests. God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, ”Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It’s yours.’ --Ann Coulter, Fox-TV: Hannity & Colmes, 20 Jun 01 Save lives! Click here!Join the World Community Grid with Team EvC! ---------------------------------------
arachnophilia Member (Idle past 1664 days) Posts: 9069 From: god's waiting room Joined: |
Thanks for making my point. you evidently missed the joke. i said i was only allowing it because of the irony factor -- it's the same argument the neo-cons used about bush. it's not excuseable when any president does it.
arachnophilia Member (Idle past 1664 days) Posts: 9069 From: god's waiting room Joined: |
as has been said before .....democracy is a form on goverment that relies on the apathy of the population yes, i agree. once, i lost an essay contest in high school for writing on this theme. i say "lost" because there were 12 prizes, only 7 other people who entered, and i didn't win anything. Edited by arachnophilia, : No reason given.
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