Topic: A timeless God can exist.
Inactive Member
Message 14 of 27 (326255)
06-26-2006 12:34 AM
Since we are talking logic I've got a question to ask. If evolution is true, where did the original matter come from?
Inactive Member
Message 16 of 27 (326269)
06-26-2006 1:02 AM
That is exactly the response I was expecting. Evolution has nothing to start with and in order to get around that you just say that the fact that you dont know where the original matter came from is irrevelant. Of course its relevant. Without the starting matter how could the matter that isnt there go bang? So the question still stands where did the original matter come from.
Inactive Member
Message 18 of 27 (326277)
06-26-2006 1:29 AM
You are saying that what you believe is based on nothing. Evolution has no foundation. Now who is being unscientific?
Inactive Member
Why then do text books teach the big bang as the beginning of the universe? Because if they do not they must accept God did it and the Bible already tells how God and they dont like how he did it so they have to come up with something to fill the gap. The only logical explination is that something or someone who is not bound by our natural laws and has always existed started life. Chance does not work for out of nothing came something is not scientific yet this is what evolutionists have to accept. This is why many Christians can be discredited. They compromised on their beliefs and threw out the first several chapters of their Bibles. If the beginning of the Bible is not true then the whole thing is unbelievable. So I propose the question: Do you believe God created it or that it all sprang from nothingness?
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