Hi, welcome.
If people accuse you of not being logical, it's no big deal. Everyone forms opinions that aren't logical, because we aren't robots. So anyone acting an authority towards you is probably best just ignored. Most people just seek to baffle with science, rather than actually knowing what their big words suggest they know.
1. Since things can exist without time, a timeless God can exist.
That's not a statement without merit. For example, blackholes exist but time and space is destroyed inside them.
Also, the Big Bang suggests that time had a beginning. The Big Bang is the opposite of a black hole. It births space and time. So things can exist(causes) that don't require time.
The only thing I would suggest, is that you didn't make long lists of assertions, but rather to take one idea and build on it. It's better to start with a few bricks rather than trying to build a whole house.

(X)All things have an overall (Y)purpose because of their genuine intended functionings.
(Z)You are a person, which constitutes coming under "all things", therefore you have an overall purpose.
Z (you) is X (comes under all things) therefore has Z (overall purpose).
Googling syllogisms might help, and perhaps symbollic logic.