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Author Topic:   George Bush protecting your civil liberties by breaking them
Suspended Member (Idle past 4248 days)
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Message 35 of 220 (270735)
12-19-2005 11:05 AM
Reply to: Message 3 by Funkaloyd
12-17-2005 9:06 PM

Re: Fact is..

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 Message 3 by Funkaloyd, posted 12-17-2005 9:06 PM Funkaloyd has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 4248 days)
Posts: 4258
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Message 36 of 220 (270736)
12-19-2005 11:09 AM
Reply to: Message 2 by joshua221
12-17-2005 8:10 PM

Re: Fact is..
As americans we are all content, we have no impetus from which to argue because we can all admit it, we are living so damn good.
living well. and speak for yourself. i'm a polisci student. and i'm waiting for the day when i propose or present or publish a paper and am declared an enemy of the state and sent to gitmo. and i'm not kidding.
Even the few who can argue and debate from the standpoint of reason and with validity express why they hate bush's policies, it is of no use, because these people will proably not affect anything in the long run anyway.
whole lot of confidence you have in our constitution...

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 Message 2 by joshua221, posted 12-17-2005 8:10 PM joshua221 has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 4248 days)
Posts: 4258
Joined: 05-24-2004

Message 37 of 220 (270737)
12-19-2005 11:10 AM
Reply to: Message 5 by randman
12-18-2005 12:05 AM

Re: time of war
Right or wrong, if we are considered in a time of war, and under threat, Bush's actions are entirely consistent with other president's in our nation's history. It's not a new precedent. Lincoln suspended aspects of Constitutional rights when he felt necessary.
Heck, we were probably closest to a police state while Woodrow Wilson was president.
just because there is precedence doesn't make it right. there's a reason i hate lincoln. we are not at war. he declared the war in iraq over. if congress doesn't declare war, we're not in it.

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 Message 5 by randman, posted 12-18-2005 12:05 AM randman has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 4248 days)
Posts: 4258
Joined: 05-24-2004

Message 96 of 220 (271442)
12-21-2005 1:27 PM
Reply to: Message 92 by custard
12-21-2005 1:01 PM

Re: President Bush declares his own actions Unconstitutional
Well wikipedia DOES mention he went to Iraq here .
can we ban the use of wiki like that?

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 Message 92 by custard, posted 12-21-2005 1:01 PM custard has not replied

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 Message 97 by Adminnemooseus, posted 12-21-2005 1:37 PM macaroniandcheese has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 4248 days)
Posts: 4258
Joined: 05-24-2004

Message 187 of 220 (283426)
02-02-2006 12:23 PM
Reply to: Message 158 by Tal
02-01-2006 2:24 PM

wiretaps=more info
You guys complain that Bush didn't connect the dots for 911. Now you complain when we try to connect the dots.
the problem that no one seems to identify is that, yes, wire taps will give the government more information. this is not necessarily good. the reason they didn't connect the dots for 911 is that they didn't regard the information as valid or trustworthy. (assuming their story on 911 is accurate, which i'm starting to believe it most certainly is not.)
there was too much information floating around in the intel ether to be sure which info was accurate and which wasn't. so you think that recording out-of-country phone conversations is going to help?
the hell you say.
for one. i'm sure they already have code-word recorders. that's a pretty common legend. maybe false, whatever. sometimes in phone conversations i say random codewords. just in case. especially if i'm talking about butt sex or something offensive. blah blah blah blah blah bomb blah blah blah... and so forth.
so now they're multiplying the amount of information they take in by like 3! or something equally crazy. and you think this is going to help things? intel operatives are already overstretched and they're already hiring everyone with a math degree they can. and nothing is getting better. americans are still scared out of their minds of the towelheads and arabs and muslims are still (rightly) concerned that american is out to get them.
so bushy says he's gonna use this to spy on terrorists. who's to say he's not going to spy on business competitors or party competitors. maybe that's why he's decided to change his energy policy. he eavesdropped some big biodiesel meeting and invested lots of money in it and now he's gonna shift policy that way.
even if they use this unconstitutional capability -which you defend- the way they say they intend to it won't help them. the only thing that could be accomplished from this is a continued infraction of the rights of ordinary citizens without the bonus of actually protecting us. but who is to say they're going to use it the way they say they will? if we have no check on the power of the president, we have no way to say for sure that he's being honest. that's why we call him a president and not a king. we have to check his power because we DON'T want a king.
and like schraf said. what if next go round (assuming bushy doesn't proclaim himself king) we get some crazy liberal president who decides he wants to spy on fundies so that he can publicly shame them? you have to think about this in the larger picture. would you want any president to have this power or just bushy? if the answer is just bushy, then you really shouldn't support it. cause what if you're wrong?

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 Message 158 by Tal, posted 02-01-2006 2:24 PM Tal has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 4248 days)
Posts: 4258
Joined: 05-24-2004

Message 188 of 220 (283427)
02-02-2006 12:24 PM
Reply to: Message 186 by jar
02-02-2006 12:13 PM

Re: on scale
lol. i had att wireless until they sold. some crazy government guy is gonna get my "butt sex butt sex butt sex bomb butt sex butt sex" conversations.
abe. i'm sure some other company might have had an agreement to use att servers. that's funny. no one is safe.
This message has been edited by brennakimi, 02-02-2006 12:28 PM

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 Message 186 by jar, posted 02-02-2006 12:13 PM jar has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 4248 days)
Posts: 4258
Joined: 05-24-2004

Message 189 of 220 (283428)
02-02-2006 12:26 PM
Reply to: Message 180 by arachnophilia
02-02-2006 6:14 AM

Re: Like I asked you before
i hate lincoln. we should exhume him and put his head on a stake.

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 Message 180 by arachnophilia, posted 02-02-2006 6:14 AM arachnophilia has not replied

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