Are people so scared of terrorists they are willing to allow this direct violation of civil rights by a single man?
"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty nor security." - Benjamin Franklin
Apparently some congressmen (rep and dem) knew about this. What do dems feel about those who knew and did not disclose this activity?
Perhaps this reveals that many Reps and Dems have the same goals in mind. They just fight over who will have the power when we get there.
Oh please let this blow up into something big.
Is this something that should be stifled in the name of national security?
Only when a government is open and honest with its people will the people be safe from tyrrany.
It seems to me we are worse off the less transparent of govt we have (the very thing we argued about with Iraq), and the govt should not be doing things for our benefit which violates our rights.
I agree.
Isn't that the beginning of dictatorships and oppression?