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Author Topic:   The utility of ID
be LIE ve
Inactive Member

Message 28 of 42 (258760)
11-11-2005 1:18 AM

ID is a tool that the evangelicals created. its a tool to make use of a loop hole in education to weasle religion into the public domain. If ID was ever phased into class rooms, what do you think the bias would be? Creationists wouldnt push for this so hard if they thought it'd help propegate budahism or taoism. it's purpose is to support and spread christianity in american public schools. technology wise, science wise, medically speaking, etc, it really has no utility. it doenst do any good to study or learn about it, except that it may help people find their way into a religion theyre comfortable with. but religion is no subject for the public domain. but its also not fair to make one point without explain the possibility of the counter point. thus creating a loop hole, into which evangelicals plan to slip christianity in as the counter point. you'll see.

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