I started a thread like this a long time ago and asked IDists to participate. In the end all I got were other evos like me, willing to give it a shot just for sake of argument.
Technically there could be some value to it. If we could actually look at a certain set of characteristics and determine whether it was designed, versus created through unguided processes, that might help when we encounter new things where it is important to know where they came from.
IDists themselves mention biowarfare. If a germ popped up and started killing people, and we could see that it was designed, that would help in tracking and dealing with it.
I think more likely than that would be help in identifying species in the future once humans are more prolific in creating new species with mutations. Frankly even at this point in time it'd be nice to have a tool to determine genetically modified corn from nonmodified corn (or hybrids with mixes).
In fact now that I think about it, that would be a great start for IDists. Europe is looking to restrict products that cannot be determined to be NONmodified. IDists would certainly have a feather in their cap if they could use their system to make such determinations and thus prevent a large scale embargo of US food products.
"...what a fool believes he sees, no wise man has the power to reason away.."(D. Bros)