Well, if an alien landed, wouldn't that completely invalidate special creation, therefore making the Bible and all its commandments moot?
That's an interesting event to consider. If whatever landed was a bonefied new species from another planet in another solar system, it would make for a real shitty church service next Sunday. Probably shake many folk right down to the face of death.
Interestingly, the Bible makes mention of this by saying that in the last days, evil will be unleashed upon the Earth and signs and wonders will appear in the skies. It says that even the spiritual elite would be decieved if it were possible, which means that either the days are cut short or the elite are no longer here.
So if the powers and principalities of the air refer to demons, then if I were a demon and wanted to start caious in the last days, I would go for the jugular and dissasemble the Christian Faith. How would I do it? With a staged alien landing.
Sounds very bizzare but what a powerful show of evidence against special creation which is the bedrock of the Bible. If you can refute special creation, the rest of the message in the Bible makes no sence. Jesus should have died for the monkeys, scorpions and protozoa equally too.