Humor me for a second. Lets suppose that there are particles of matter that we do not yet have the scientific precision to measure or see. Lets suppose the that the subatomic particles that we currently think are the building blocks of all matter are actually in fact made of up of smaller particles that are in turn made up of smaller particles.
If this is possible then there exists the possibility that these particles through the same natural laws that bind everything else in the universe could at times bond or attract to similar ones creating larger particles and appear seemingly out of nowhere for an instant. If this was true then we might see the effects of these briefly living imaginary particles but what we would have a more difficult time seeing would be the abundance of these tiny sub-quark and sub-lepton particles that would exist everywhere. And I mean tiny on the scale of a lepton to a proton and many times smaller.
Energy in flux, and where ever possible bonding back into the building blocks of atomic building blocks. The total sum of these unseen supersubatomics could account for the missing variables in dark matter equations.
I also strongly belief that the day will come where the 4 accepted forces will be unified through an Aetheric Density Quotient. It is this Aetheric Density that will prove to be the missing link in attempts to come up with a single equation that will demonstrate that gravity, weak, and strong forces are all in fact different forms of electromagnetism.
Electromagnetism is the general principle that the other three forces will be shown to be derived from based on Aetheric Density. This to me seems so evident just by examining where we place our satellites above our planet in regards to our own atmosphere. By comparing how gravity equates in the forces needed by a satellite trying to maintain an orbit below 100km verses how it compares for satellites farther outside the upper boundaries of our atmosphere it becomes evident that gravity is directly related to the density of the energy mass that the gravitational waves travel on. Einstein worked for a long time trying to understand Aether and it was in those attempts that he found how time and space can appear to curve through the Aether. Had he lived another 50 years he probably would have found the Aether. Now it is up to us.