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Author Topic:   Noah's Ark
Member (Idle past 1665 days)
Posts: 9069
From: god's waiting room
Joined: 05-21-2004

Message 136 of 302 (210590)
05-23-2005 1:30 PM
Reply to: Message 133 by Specter
05-23-2005 9:57 AM

a day in the life
mental gymnastic are fun! can i play?
Adam and Eve did not live as long as Methuselah, who lived 969 years.
check the book again. it says THE DAYS (plural) of methusalah's life were 969, not the years. so either either he died at age two and a half or so, or he lived close to 100,000 years.
NOTE:No man has ever lived up to the end of their day. If 969 < 1000, then God wasnt kidding when he said that we'd die the same day. After all, a day to our Lord is a thousand years.
Not "when" you eat of it, but "in the day" you eat of it. SO there.
well, no, he said adam and eve would die the same day. actually, he doesn't really specify which day, he just says "when." "in the day that..." refers to an arbitrary future time, much like the word "when" does in english.
What new edition of the Bible are you reading?
the newer jps printing. also, if you knew any hebrew, it would confirm what i just said above. idioms don't always translate literally very well.


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 Message 133 by Specter, posted 05-23-2005 9:57 AM Specter has not replied

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Member (Idle past 1665 days)
Posts: 9069
From: god's waiting room
Joined: 05-21-2004

Message 137 of 302 (210592)
05-23-2005 1:32 PM
Reply to: Message 134 by ringo
05-23-2005 11:11 AM

Re: a day is AS a thousand years
The word "as" indicates a simile - i.e. a figure of speech. It is not meant to be taken as literally "a day = a thousand years". If the Bible translators had agreed with your interpretation, they would not have rendered it as a simile.
language can be a real problem. can you imaging trying to explain some of the goofy stuff we say in modern english to ancient hebrews?
But God does repent:
beat me to it.


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 Message 134 by ringo, posted 05-23-2005 11:11 AM ringo has not replied

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 Message 138 by Specter, posted 05-24-2005 9:37 AM arachnophilia has replied

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Message 138 of 302 (210830)
05-24-2005 9:37 AM
Reply to: Message 137 by arachnophilia
05-23-2005 1:32 PM

Re: a day is AS a thousand years
If that is so, then the Bible is contradictory.
But God does repent:
beat me to it.
The Bible clearly states that God repented at the Flood, but the hebrew verb is different in this repent (its moer like regret) than the one in Malachi and Numbers. I say again, God knows the plans he has for us - plans for good and not bad. By the way, that part of the phrase was no the object of debate. Brian, I meant to say that God doesn't lie. It's not in his nature !!!
Besides, he "changes not", there "is no variableness nor shadow of turning" with him. You don't know God unless you know the truth
(And "if it's new, It probably ain't true.")
This may be a debate forum, but agreements would help...

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 Message 139 by Specter, posted 05-24-2005 9:42 AM Specter has not replied
 Message 143 by arachnophilia, posted 05-25-2005 6:05 PM Specter has replied

Inactive Member

Message 139 of 302 (210831)
05-24-2005 9:42 AM
Reply to: Message 138 by Specter
05-24-2005 9:37 AM

The world's most pessimistic saying...
...People who think they have all the answers* usually don't understand the questions.
I've got a better one for you to enjoy...
..."We're all gonna die in the morning!"
*And I'm not defending people like that because I'm pne - I'm not.

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 Message 138 by Specter, posted 05-24-2005 9:37 AM Specter has not replied

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 Message 140 by ringo, posted 05-24-2005 11:06 AM Specter has replied

Member (Idle past 734 days)
Posts: 20940
From: frozen wasteland
Joined: 03-23-2005

Message 140 of 302 (210848)
05-24-2005 11:06 AM
Reply to: Message 139 by Specter
05-24-2005 9:42 AM

Re: The world's most pessimistic saying...
Off topic (but that's where you can usually find me):
My signature is intended to be a dig at self-styled "fundamentalists" who think they can pull answers out of their (ahem) just because they've had an "experience" with God.
I don't know why you call that pessimistic.

People who think they have all the answers usually don't understand the questions.

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 Message 139 by Specter, posted 05-24-2005 9:42 AM Specter has replied

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 Message 141 by Specter, posted 05-25-2005 10:05 AM ringo has replied

Inactive Member

Message 141 of 302 (211105)
05-25-2005 10:05 AM
Reply to: Message 140 by ringo
05-24-2005 11:06 AM

Re: The world's most pessimistic saying...
ANd just how long does it usually take for them to pull these self-gratifying answers out of their (ahem!) for us to dwell on?
I agree totally with you, but that signature still wont beat the saying that still holds true:
"We're all gonna die in the morning!"

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 Message 140 by ringo, posted 05-24-2005 11:06 AM ringo has replied

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 Message 142 by ringo, posted 05-25-2005 11:31 AM Specter has replied

Member (Idle past 734 days)
Posts: 20940
From: frozen wasteland
Joined: 03-23-2005

Message 142 of 302 (211122)
05-25-2005 11:31 AM
Reply to: Message 141 by Specter
05-25-2005 10:05 AM

Re: The world's most pessimistic saying...
Specter writes:
ANd just how long does it usually take for them to pull these self-gratifying answers out of their (ahem!) for us to dwell on?

Well, Faith (the person) can do it in the twinkling of an eye. Ray Martinez has to go through several pages of insults first.
"We're all gonna die in the morning!"
Morning has come, and I'm still here.
(But soft! The Topic Police approach!)

People who think they have all the answers usually don't understand the questions.

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 Message 141 by Specter, posted 05-25-2005 10:05 AM Specter has replied

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 Message 145 by Specter, posted 05-26-2005 9:44 AM ringo has not replied

Member (Idle past 1665 days)
Posts: 9069
From: god's waiting room
Joined: 05-21-2004

Message 143 of 302 (211262)
05-25-2005 6:05 PM
Reply to: Message 138 by Specter
05-24-2005 9:37 AM

Re: a day is AS a thousand years
The Bible clearly states that God repented at the Flood, but the hebrew verb is different in this repent (its moer like regret) than the one in Malachi and Numbers.
uh, same thing, really. that's what "repent" means.
the issue is really more like "god should not have to apologize to men." it's about having their priorities backwards. god's in charge, not us. it doesn't mean that god doesn't sometimes regret his actions. i think.
either way, just messing with you here.


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 Message 138 by Specter, posted 05-24-2005 9:37 AM Specter has replied

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 Message 144 by Specter, posted 05-26-2005 9:41 AM arachnophilia has replied

Inactive Member

Message 144 of 302 (211432)
05-26-2005 9:41 AM
Reply to: Message 143 by arachnophilia
05-25-2005 6:05 PM

Arachnophilia writes:
uh, same thing, really. that's what "repent" means.
the issue is really more like "god should not have to apologize to men." it's about having their priorities backwards. god's in charge, not us. it doesn't mean that god doesn't sometimes regret his actions.
Are you entirely sure? I mean, God regretted his choice to create an antidiluvian world, but do you really believe that remorse, regret, and repentance are the same thing? It's just like saying that Sin, Iniquity, and Transgression are the same thing, when in reality, Sin is missing the mark, Transgression is accidentally missing the mark though trying to hit it, and Iniquity is purposely missing it because you wanted to. Go check the Hebrew contexts of the words. Besides...
i think.
Nice to hear you say that.
LOL! JUst wanted to mess with you!

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 Message 143 by arachnophilia, posted 05-25-2005 6:05 PM arachnophilia has replied

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 Message 146 by ringo, posted 05-26-2005 11:36 AM Specter has not replied
 Message 151 by arachnophilia, posted 05-26-2005 1:58 PM Specter has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 145 of 302 (211434)
05-26-2005 9:44 AM
Reply to: Message 142 by ringo
05-25-2005 11:31 AM

Cue the Topic Police
This is the topic police. I repeat, this is the topic police. Let's save the discussion for court (another forum thread).
You're a man - or woman - after my own heart.
Not saying I'm god...
...what am I saying?
Oh, You get it anyway, right?

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 Message 142 by ringo, posted 05-25-2005 11:31 AM ringo has not replied

Member (Idle past 734 days)
Posts: 20940
From: frozen wasteland
Joined: 03-23-2005

Message 146 of 302 (211468)
05-26-2005 11:36 AM
Reply to: Message 144 by Specter
05-26-2005 9:41 AM

God repents (film at eleven)
Specter writes: you really believe that remorse, regret, and repentance are the same thing?
In my humble opinion (without consulting a dictionary):
-remorse means feeling bad about something you did
-regret means wishing you hadn't done it
-repentence means you stop doing it.
Repentence is like super-extra-double regret. God not only regretted what He had done, He went so far as to undo it.
My original point was intended to be: in one place the Bible says God doesn't repent and in another place it says He did - so it isn't wise to base your ideas on one verse.

People who think they have all the answers usually don't understand the questions.

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 Message 144 by Specter, posted 05-26-2005 9:41 AM Specter has not replied

Member (Idle past 738 days)
Posts: 5788
From: NY USA
Joined: 05-09-2004

Message 147 of 302 (211472)
05-26-2005 12:03 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by windwip
01-12-2003 12:21 AM

The ark itself
I saw a special on TV (take it for what it is worth)
But in it they were calculating if the animals could indeed fit in the ark. According to them they did, with a big space left over. They later realized that the space was big enough to fit all the dinosaurs as well.
It was a Christian show, not a science show.
They also constructed models of a modern oil tanker, and on of the ark, to the same scale, then put them through "storms" in a test tank. The tanker sunk, and the ark would not sink. They figured the only way the ark would sink is if it flipped end over end.
I don't know if I believe all that, but it was interesting. I had always wondered if the great flood killed all the dinosaurs, and that layer of sediment (iridium) found all around the world is the evidence of the flood.
The only thing for sure is that we just don't know yet.

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 Message 1 by windwip, posted 01-12-2003 12:21 AM windwip has not replied

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 Message 150 by MangyTiger, posted 05-26-2005 1:33 PM riVeRraT has replied
 Message 158 by ramoss, posted 05-26-2005 3:43 PM riVeRraT has replied

Member (Idle past 738 days)
Posts: 5788
From: NY USA
Joined: 05-09-2004

Message 148 of 302 (211473)
05-26-2005 12:05 PM
Reply to: Message 136 by arachnophilia
05-23-2005 1:30 PM

Re: a day in the life
well, no, he said adam and eve would die the same day. actually, he doesn't really specify which day, he just says "when." "in the day that..." refers to an arbitrary future time, much like the word "when" does in english.
Didn't they just die a spiritual death?
That is why when you are born your spirit is dead, and Jesus says you must be born again to enter into heaven.

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 Message 136 by arachnophilia, posted 05-23-2005 1:30 PM arachnophilia has replied

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 Message 149 by Specter, posted 05-26-2005 12:38 PM riVeRraT has replied
 Message 152 by arachnophilia, posted 05-26-2005 2:10 PM riVeRraT has replied

Inactive Member

Message 149 of 302 (211480)
05-26-2005 12:38 PM
Reply to: Message 148 by riVeRraT
05-26-2005 12:05 PM

That anecdote you shared with us in your first post was interesting, and yet the second post was a little odd. I'm not entirely sure that that's the explanation for the death of Adam & Eve spiritually.

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 Message 156 by riVeRraT, posted 05-26-2005 3:33 PM Specter has not replied

Member (Idle past 6675 days)
Posts: 989
From: Leicester, UK
Joined: 07-30-2004

Message 150 of 302 (211495)
05-26-2005 1:33 PM
Reply to: Message 147 by riVeRraT
05-26-2005 12:03 PM

Re: The ark itself
They figured the only way the ark would sink is if it flipped end over end.
They seem to have forgotten the possibility it would break its back. There's been discussion about that here within the last six months or so, but I can't be bothered to track it down.

Oops! Wrong Planet

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 Message 147 by riVeRraT, posted 05-26-2005 12:03 PM riVeRraT has replied

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 Message 155 by riVeRraT, posted 05-26-2005 3:26 PM MangyTiger has not replied

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