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Author | Topic: Noah's Ark | |||||||||||||||||||||||
wj Inactive Member |
quote: Couldn't have a more mundane explanation? Maybe an elephant?
quote: You seem to be happy with just guessing.
quote:Logically a worldwide flood doesn't make sense or have supporting evidence. quote: Sure, that's why dozens, hundreds or thousands of people can be killed in local floods today. Pity they don't think to outrun the local flood.
quote: How enourmouse? And how many animals would he have been trying to fit into his ark?
quote: There are sedimentary layers being laid today without the action of global or even local floods. I wonder what they would look like in a million years time.
shilohproject Inactive Member |
quote: Believer, Note: all referances in this particulat post are from KJV. (Other translations differ quite a bit. Go figure.) Are you refering to the behemoth in Job 40.15-24, the one with a navel (v.16), the one who is "chief of the ways of God"(v.19)? If so, it does't follow that this is a reptile or that it would become extinct, does it? As to the leviathan, I believe vv. 19-21 require a literalist to accept that this was, in fact, a fire breathing dragon. Read it; I think you'll see what I mean. What about the unicorn, vv.9-12? Where does he fit into all this? Why save them from a literal, world wide flood, only to have them become extinct a short time later? And another question: how old is this notion used by Creation Scientists that the flood was responsible for all the geologic stratification we see? Did anyone hear of it before the Morris bunch came along? Same with the dinosaurs-were-on-the-ark thing. Growing up in a solid Southern Baptist churched home, I'd read all the tracts about how the fossils were lies placed by Satan to deceive man, or that God placed fully formed fossils around to test man's faith, or that evil scientists were all conspiring to force shammed data on us to promote their wicked humanistic thinking (which was proved, of course, by the peer review process so commen to scientific thinking which outted the frauds for what they were, just like the human-footprints-with-dinosaur-footprints farce). Still my question remains, why no mention of any animal in any book of the Bible which is not to be expected in the region? (Other than fire breathing dragons, brontosaurs with navels, and the lovely yet untamable unicorn?) A literalistic reading of these passages, along with the two intermeshed Noah stories, leads us to miss the value of scripture. Or so I fear. -Shiloh [This message has been edited by shilohproject, 01-16-2003]
John Inactive Member |
quote: 'Behemoth' is derived from the Hebrew BHM meaning
1) beast, cattle, animal 1a) beasts (coll of all animals) 1b) cattle, livestock (of domestic animals) 1c) wild beasts Strong's 0929
And that tail isn't a tail. The real deal is close by but a bit forward of the tail. Think John Holmes.
quote: Maybe you should ask yourself why no human and dinosaur remains are found in association?
quote: Ever tried to outrun a flood?
quote: The ark is only slightly larger -- 30% or so-- than the largest wooden craft built in the west. The Chinese may have built something large enough to compare. That said, go visit a ship. Go visit the Victory. Then tell me if you think you can fit two of every animal on the planet on a boat that size, plus food. For that matter, wander around the QE2 and think about fitting everything on it and keeping everything alive for a year. It does not make sense.
quote: You assume that the layers were deposited by the Flood, when in fact a flood of global proportions would not have left a deposition pattern like the one we've got. The layers of sediment testify against you, not for you. ------------------
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Believer Inactive Member |
Coragyps writes:
So you would have a 3800-meter column of seawater pushing up a 3800-meter (or 1900-meter) column of rock, with 2.6 or more times the density of the water? Show me a mechanism. I believe we’re discussing two different things. What I mean is that the ocean plate would sink a little lower than the continental plate because it is under 3,800 meters of ocean water, (which is a lot of weight/pressure pushing down on the ocean plate). Nothing is being pushed up. The signifigance of the ocean plate being pushed down by the water, is that it provides a place for the water on what is now dry land, to run off into, thus producing the dry land.
Wi writes:
Couldn't have a more mundane explanation? Maybe an elephant? No, it couldn’t have been an elephant. Have you ever seen the rear view of an elphant? An elephant’s tail is absurdly small to be compared to a swaying cedar tree. Sorry for the mundane explanation, but that’s the best one. The most reasonable explanation for behemoth is a large animal, with a large tail, and since no animal living now fits that discription, behemoth is also extinct. Like John said the word ‘Behemoth is literally a plural form of a common Old Testament word meanaing ‘beast’. However, practically all commentators and translators have agreed that here we have an intensive or majestic plural, so that the meaning is something like ‘colossal beast’. The phrase ‘chief of the ways of God’ suggests Behemoth was one of the largest, if not the largest, animal God made. Gordis gives an interesting overview of how Behemoth has been interpreted throughout history, noting that ‘the interpretation has oscillated through the centuries between two poles, mythical and real’. Also since several passages in the bible make comparisons with cedars because of their great height (2 kings 19:23, Isaih 2:13,37:24 and Ezekiel 17:22, 31:3) it may be that the tail is also compared to the cedar tree for it’s hight. However in Psalm 92:12 we read that the righteous shall flourish like the palm tree and ‘shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon’. Here the key idea is simply that of the great size and strength, and height is not important. Also in Job 40:24 it says you can’t pierce Behemoth’s nose. Therefore he has a distinct nose, and not a trunk. Now if we believe in the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible we must maintain that the words spoken about Behemoth (and also Leviathan), were spoken by their Creator, who would have known the intimate details of His own design. The description of the animals in chapters 38 to 41 is given to convince Job of his ignorance and folly. It is thus a critical observation that, when the purpose is to show how marvellous an animal is, surely the most amazing facts about that animal, and the ways in which it is different in habits or appearance from all others, should be stated. The elephant is outstanding for its trunk, its great size (especially its feet), its enormous appetite and its ears. None of these unique features are mentioned in our passage, but they ought to have been, if Behemoth was the elephant. Consequently, the most reasonable interpretation (which also takes the whole passage into account) is that Behemoth was a large animal, now extinct, which had a large tail. Thus some type of extinct dinosaur should still be considered a perfectly reasonable possibility according to our present state of knowledge.
Wi writes:
How enormous? And how many animals would he have been trying to fit into his ark? There’s a picture of the Ark at this site and I really think its worth looking at. The Arks bigger than you think. A literalistic reading of these passages, along with the two intermeshed Noah stories, leads us to miss the value of scripture. Or so I fear. I think the answer to the question ‘is Genesis true’ is very important. First of all if Genesis isn’t true, what other parts of scripture aren’t? The salvation part? The ten commandments part? Where do you draw the line? Also if evolution is true instead of Genesis/Creation, then there is no need for God. Even if you believe God used evolution to bring us all about, that still puts death before Adam. The whole story of salvation, is about us being saved from death and sin, which the first Adam brought into the world, and the last adam (Jesus) conquers. However, if the whole garden of eden thing is just a myth, then we don’t really need to be saved. What would we be being saved from? The millions of years of death and decay that brought us into existance? So you see if Genesis isn’t true, then the authority, and the message of salvation are gone.
Sure, that's why dozens, hundreds or thousands of people can be killed in local floods today. Pity they don't think to outrun the local flood. Sorry, I guess I should have explained that statement a little more. My point is, if the flood were local, why did Noah have to build the ark? He could have just walked to the other side of the mountains and escaped. Traveling just 12 miles per day, Noah and his family could have traveled over 2,000 miles in six months. God could have simply warned Noah to flee, as he did for Lot in Sodom. It doesn’t say the exact amount of time that is took Noah to build the ark and fill it with food and animals, but judging from its size it would have been all together faster and easier to just start walking when God told Noah of the oncomming flood. That’s all I have time for. This message has been edited by AdminPhat, 04-28-2005 05:15 AM
shilohproject Inactive Member |
Earlier, I said:
A literalistic reading of these passages, along with the two intermeshed Noah stories, leads us to miss the value of scripture. Or so I fear. believer writes: I think the answer to the question ‘is Genesis true’ is very important. First of all if Genesis isn’t true, what other parts of scripture aren’t? The salvation part? The ten commandments part? Were do you draw the line? Also if evolution is true instead of Genesis/Creation, then there is no need for God. Even if you believe God used evolution to bring us all about, that still puts death before Adam. The whole story of salvation, is about us being saved from death and sin, which the first Adam brought into the world, and the last adam (Jesus) conquers. However, if the whole garden of eve thing is just a myth, then we don’t really need to be saved. What would we be being saved from? The millions of years of death and decay that brought us into existance? So you see if Genesis isn’t true, then the authority, and the message of salvation are gone. believer, You seem content to sqeeze God and scripture into a very small box. The notion that it's all-or-nothing when it comes to the Bible is one which you may feel forced to believe, but I don't. To accept it all as literally true and historically accurate is to become totally blind to the obvious problems with such a reading. When we accept it for what it is, rather than trying to bend it to fit our own particular theologies, it becomes a wonderful thing for personal spiritual growth and is much more accessible for the non-believers around us. -Shiloh This message has been edited by AdminPhat, 04-28-2005 05:18 AM
Specter Inactive Member |
Does anone here think the Great Behemoth and great Leviathan from Job 40 and 41 still exist? Job 41 is my favorite chapter in all of the Bible because it speaks of a legendary animal that only a god could create. Please don't get me wrogn, but I think the Leviathan is not just a reference to an animal, but to the spirit that worketh evil among men. And still, I'm in love with the Leviathan.
crashfrog Member (Idle past 1790 days) Posts: 19762 From: Silver Spring, MD Joined: |
Does anone here think the Great Behemoth and great Leviathan from Job 40 and 41 still exist? Do I think that fairy tales are true? No.
Specter Inactive Member |
Oh, they're fairy tales now, aren't they? What about the fossil records, the sightings of monsters in lochs, etc.?
Specter Inactive Member |
John writes:
You sick,sad unbeliever!
And that tail isn't a tail. The real deal is close by but a bit forward of the tail. Think John Holmes. Maybe you should ask yourself why no human and dinosaur remains are found in association? Um, probably because all the human remains were compressed by flood sediment into the ground to become fossil fuels. This is the only explanation that makes somewhat some sense.Ever tried to outrun a flood? No, I haven't, but the thousands in the Southeast Asia tried to run from a tsunami. I've got to give you the benefit of the doubt for catching the "believer" on this one. You assume that the layers were deposited by the Flood, when in fact a flood of global proportions would not have left a deposition pattern like the one we've got. The layers of sediment testify against you, not for you. Wanna bet?The ark is only slightly larger -- 30% or so-- than the largest wooden craft built in the west. The Chinese may have built something large enough to compare. That said, go visit a ship. Go visit the Victory. Then tell me if you think you can fit two of every animal on the planet on a boat that size, plus food. For that matter, wander around the QE2 and think about fitting everything on it and keeping everything alive for a year. It does not make sense. All I can see from this is that you may think the Ark existed, and I'm pretty sure a three-story ark was much more larger than the example at the website given.Besides, I think the whole story is taken out of context, for if God did not destroy the world once by water, then his promise in Gen. 8, that fire would destroy earth next, is a flop. This message has been edited by AdminPhat, 04-28-2005 05:26 AM
Mespo Member (Idle past 3207 days) Posts: 158 From: Mesopotamia, Ohio, USA Joined: |
Conduct this simple experiment AT HOME in your spare time.
Fill one 5 gallon pail with water. Fill one 5 gallon pail with ANY load of rocks, pebbles, sand, powdered cement or concrete. Does the pail of water weigh MORE or LESS than the pail of rocks? Now, if you believe that the weight of the ocean water is pressing down to make deep ocean basins and the same amount of rock on the continents is doing nothing, then please answer the following question... If rock is heavier than water, then WHY haven't the continents plunged straight down to the center of the Earth? What's holding them up? The continents should be sinking because they are heavier. The oceans should be covering the continents because water is lighter than rock. Please explain why this hasn't happened. (:raig
crashfrog Member (Idle past 1790 days) Posts: 19762 From: Silver Spring, MD Joined: |
Oh, they're fairy tales now, aren't they? Talking snakes and magic tricks? Yeah, sounds like fairy tales to me.
What about the fossil records You mean, fossils? I've seen plenty of fossils. Never seen a snake that could talk, though.
the sightings of monsters in lochs, etc.? Also fairy tales. I've been to Loch Ness. Didn't see anything but a rocky beach and a bunch of ducks. Froze my ass off. (Actually, like almost all of Scotland, it was breathtaking. But, no monsters I could see.)
Cthulhu Member (Idle past 6175 days) Posts: 273 From: Roe Dyelin Joined: |
Paragraphs, man, paragraphs.
That said, tail is a euphemistic word used in place of penis. Key contextual points being how the tail stiffens, how Behemoth's strength is in his loins, and the mention of his stones. It's pretty obvious that tail refers to penis in this case. Behomoth itself is likely a bull. Leviathan is obviously based on exaggerated accounts of crocodiles. I shouldn't have to explain why.
arachnophilia Member (Idle past 1666 days) Posts: 9069 From: god's waiting room Joined: |
And that tail isn't a tail. The real deal is close by but a bit forward of the tail. Think John Holmes. You sick,sad unbeliever. alright. take it from a believer: it's talking about a penis. personally, my GUESS is that this bit in job is talking about a bull elephant. let's look at the context:
quote: now, these four lines are all talking about one thing. virility. they're describing this amazingly virile creature god has made. see that "thighs" bit? if you find another translation (such as the kjv, for instance) "thighs" becomes "stones." stones, meaning testicles. when deuteronomy talks about sexual diseases, it calls them disorders of the "stones." the hebrew here really, literally, says "thighs." but people have known this to to be talking about testicles for a long time. and so it's obvious that what we have here is a euphemism. the bible is actually full of them. stones are one example. feet are another. here's one for taking a piss:
quote: here's another for some sort of sexual activity:
quote: here's one for pee and poop.
quote: so let's go back and look at job. what we have is a parallelism. the second bit we know to be a euphemism for testicles. what's a parallel object for testicles, do you think? but here's another bit that will prove it. when i was a child, i wanted to be a paleontologist. so i used to know alot about dinosaurs. and you know something? dinosaurs don't have tails that stand up. they're used as counter balances, so they're always horizontal. always. in bipedal dinosaurs, it balances the weight of their torso, arms, and neck/head, over the hips. on quadripeds, it counterbalances the head and neck in the same fashion. dinosaurs are something like suspension bridges. so what is like a tail and vertical, that can be made to stand up? elephants don't have tails, do they?
you know, with a penis THAT big, and four lines devoted to virility, i'm pretty sure that's the behemoth job speaks of. it's a euphemism for penis.
arachnophilia Member (Idle past 1666 days) Posts: 9069 From: god's waiting room Joined: |
Leviathan is obviously based on exaggerated accounts of crocodiles. I shouldn't have to explain why. actually, you should. see, it says the leviathan breathes fire.
quote: it describes him as a dragon, not a croc. as we know from the ugaritic myths, leviathan has seven heads, and as we know from psalms, he's been around since the beginning.
quote: genesis mentions in chapter one god creating dragons ("great serpents") in the waters.
quote: and psalms and isaiah confirm that leviathan is a water dragon.
quote: as a theme, he's about primordial chaos, and is always associated with the deep (ala genesis 1). and he's refered to in revelation indirectly:
quote: the great red dragon is also called "the ancient serpent"
quote: john is basically drawing on the leviathan imagery, and combining it with the concept of satan. so no, leviathan is NOT a croc. personally, i think it's based on rumors of sea monsters. stories of sea serpents are quite common, and this one is sort of reminiscent of scylla from the odyssey. maybe it's even originally derived from a real encounter with a giant squid? who knows. but it seem to be referring to a semi-mythical creature, that they are not in close contact with.
Specter Inactive Member |
Your last two messages are exceedingly interesting. Have you ever considered actual public speaking? I told you before, I'm only 13, and I took a public speaking class in High School. I never thought of idioms for KJV before!
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