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Author Topic:   Missing sea creatures
Member (Idle past 3087 days)
Posts: 1174
From: Eugene, Oregon, USA
Joined: 01-08-2001

Message 46 of 85 (186416)
02-17-2005 9:43 PM
Reply to: Message 38 by purpledawn
02-17-2005 6:43 PM

Re: Limited Rule
purpledawn writes:
Thanks for talking with me.
Always a pleasure. Thank you.

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Member (Idle past 190 days)
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From: Indianapolis, IN
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Message 47 of 85 (186429)
02-17-2005 11:10 PM
Reply to: Message 45 by Brad McFall
02-17-2005 9:07 PM

Re: Crtitique of teleological judgement
Dude, I have no idea how to take that.

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Brad McFall
Member (Idle past 5356 days)
Posts: 3428
From: Ithaca,NY, USA
Joined: 12-20-2001

Message 48 of 85 (187817)
02-23-2005 2:40 PM
Reply to: Message 47 by coffee_addict
02-17-2005 11:10 PM

Re: Crtitique of teleological judgement
it was a compliment.
This message has been edited by Brad McFall, 02-23-2005 14:54 AM

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 Message 52 by Specter, posted 04-14-2005 10:05 AM Brad McFall has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 49 of 85 (188022)
02-24-2005 4:05 AM
Reply to: Message 48 by Brad McFall
02-23-2005 2:40 PM

Re: Crtitique of teleological judgement
You were a good-looking kid, Brad. I'd love to see a more recent picture of you. If you've got one, why don't you post it in this thread?

Keep America Safe AND Free!

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Brad McFall
Member (Idle past 5356 days)
Posts: 3428
From: Ithaca,NY, USA
Joined: 12-20-2001

Message 50 of 85 (188116)
02-24-2005 11:08 AM
Reply to: Message 49 by berberry
02-24-2005 4:05 AM

Re: Crtitique of teleological judgement
It is less about me than about the creatures that thor opened with:
nothing more than the writings of men inspired by nothing more divine than their own exceptional imagination (possibly enhanced by smoking some serious ganja), then forgetting so many creatures is understandable.
Jeffereys METHODS OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS Cambridge 1950 p600
22.04 Diffusion as a limit. It is strictly meaningless to speak of the temperature at a point, since the temperature expresses the mean energy of random motion of a number of particles; if we speak about the absolute temperature as specified within a factor of 10^-3 we must be considering something of the order of 10^6 particles. In the strict mathematical sense, therefore, the space derivatives of the temperature do not exist. But if l is sufficiently large for the difference of temperature between two places [l] apart to be considerably more than its uncertainity we can convert the equation of condution into a finite difference equation, the one-dimensional form of which is.."
this physical possibilty that might even be taxanomically restrictable to cold-bloods seems to have gone unnoticed by MICK but not by SNIKWAD. It is true that I have quite an "imagination". Can we not leave it at that? I asserted that traditional herpetology gives a larger certainty than quantum uncertainty. My intelligence might be disproved in that understanding but thought BECAME the object when in fact it was BOTH the subject and subjetive. If a benefical mutation can be so thought underrestriction of the second law then indeed both DBLevns and Jacen were smart people indeed. Evolutionists because they spend too much time deflunking creationists are not educating students in THIS POSSIBLITY and thus not only short change humaninty in the end but obscure the means somewhat especially as this requires not the full apartus of math but just an ability to keep things in good working order. Claims that DBLevins and Jacen are not smart or that I am just simply using buzz words are simply are not true. What is happening that prevents the difference of telenomics and telematics from being clearly available online is that some educated people simply prefer to use MORE TOOLS than the 1-D would seem to sign. There is nothing wrong with be less efficient if ones got the dough. I just dont have the $ to keep up with that leisure despite my increased connection with clarity. The problem I KNOW is simply somethings about the difference of cold and warm blooded biology. It goes without saying- we all could be "wrong".

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Message 51 of 85 (199224)
04-14-2005 10:02 AM
Reply to: Message 8 by arachnophilia
02-05-2005 2:55 AM

What a serpent!
Arachnophilia said, "Water, on the other hand, is primordial chaos in the text. it's unexplored and dangerous, and the substance of creation. one of the sea creatures in genesis that *IS* mentioned are the tanniyn: dragons. the ocean is associated with these great water serpents, such as the leviathan. there's also hints to mythology of el conquering these serpents. (see psalm 74. something similar appears in ugaritic myths)"
Yet I still wonder about the modern-day location of the great leviathan that Jesus talked about in the gospels, that in Job 41 (My favorite chapter in the Bible) God rants and raves about(???) to his downtrodden servant Job. The great Leviathan was not just a figmentation of our imagination (if divinity could mention it, then we need to, also). However, this does not excuse the sightings of the Loch Ness Monster, which, if you didn't think of as the Leviathan's descendent, would seem a complacent dinosaur. Also, this accounts for many dinosaur fossils besides the Gen. 6 Theory.
This message has been edited by Specter, 04/14/2005 11:49 AM

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Message 52 of 85 (199227)
04-14-2005 10:05 AM
Reply to: Message 48 by Brad McFall
02-23-2005 2:40 PM

Re: Crtitique of tyour pic
Say word! YOu look like a peeperoni pizza (or at least how you look in your acne form of late adolescence.) Dont kill me!?!
I love pepperoni pizzas, and I don't eat pepperoni. It's unclean meat.
This message has been edited by Specter, 04/14/2005 09:05 AM
This message has been edited by Specter, 04/14/2005 11:49 AM

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 Message 48 by Brad McFall, posted 02-23-2005 2:40 PM Brad McFall has not replied

Member (Idle past 1667 days)
Posts: 9069
From: god's waiting room
Joined: 05-21-2004

Message 53 of 85 (199270)
04-14-2005 11:31 AM
Reply to: Message 51 by Specter
04-14-2005 10:02 AM

Re: What a serpent!
in Job 41 (My favorite chapter in the Bible) God rants and raves about(???) to his downtrodden servant Job.
god's not ranting or raving. he's boasting. the whole speech from god, which extends several chapters, is all about the majesty of god's ability to create. job has challenged god, and god replies, basically, "who do you think you are?"
The great Leviathan was not just a figmentation of our imagination (if divinity could mention it, then we need to, also).
from the available descriptions of leviathan (not just in the bible, btw), it's a seven-headed fire breathing dragon, and probably a member of the group of tanniyn in genesis 1.
it is possible it's legend is based on something the authors thought was real. it is rather out of place to put a single "mythological" creature at the end of job after descriptions of a dozen very real, very common animals (do a search for the behemoth debates). it's quite possible that they thought this was a real animal that lived out in depths of the ocean, or used to. the were not especially sea-faring folks.
i say used to, because there are references to god destroying the leviathan. it's possible such was implied just by saying his name, and so job 41 would not only be saying "look at this cool thing i made" but "and i broke him for his pride, too." that would fit the context of job quite well, and explain why job recants in the next few verses. job is no match for leviathan, and certainly not for god.
Hwever, this does not excuse the sightings of the Loch Ness Monster, which, if you didn't think of as the Leviathan's descendent, would seem a complacent dinosaur
there is no such thing as an aquatic dinosaur. dinosaurs are a class of animals that live only on the land. plesiosaurs and elasmosaurs are marine reptiles. dinosaurs are not part of the class of reptiles, they are their own class.
Also, this accounts for many dinosaur fossils besides the Gen. 6 Theory
genesis 6 is not a theory. it's a chapter of the bible. furthermore, it's not a working model of any kind that represents any sort of explanation for anything.
but i wouldn't worry about dinosaurs not being in the bible. cats aren't either, and i got two of them living in my house.

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Message 54 of 85 (199280)
04-14-2005 11:50 AM

Troy: You also have to remember that Genesis was translated at least 4 times before the English version we have today. Ancient Hebrew was very primitive. The writing language itself had no vows, spaces in between the words, and punctuations.
Who of the people of today decided they can interpret Hebrew from that long ago? How did anyone know how to translate those symbols? All of these things happened so long ago that our entire life and world of today is nothing like what it was then and to think that we could ever understand what was meant is completely ridiculous.
We really have no idea how the ancient people used the word that eventually got translated to "fish" for. It is entirely possible that they used the Ancient Hebrew word to describe "fish" as well as other sea creatures.
MiguelG: A third explanation would be that as the Biblical authors were men, regardless of their divine inspiration, their understanding was limited by their individual knowledge, wisdom, and cultural mores & biases.
That's such a great point.. just wanted to agree. What is divine inspiration anyways? Why should all of the people that haven't had divine inspiration come over us just believe that those people really have had divine inspiration come over them? What if they made it up? We only believe the bible here in america because that's what's most popular. In some places of the world people are born not even knowing what the bible is and I have 2 things to say to that. That seems wildly unfair that they don't have the bible to believe in if that's our history. If God was a loving God (and I don't mean to that to insult God) he would make sure that everyone was well informed about his book. Also, all of those people have completely different religions and ideas that they honestly believe are correct, so why would I want to be so ignorant to say "no, I live in american and I have conformed to believing in the bible like everyone else, and because of this I am absolutely sure that you're ideas are wrong." Our ideas are no more ridiculous and/or ingenious as theirs.
Arachnophilia: also, god hates shrimp.
Where'd you get that information from?
boomatt: Just to let you know back in those times they considered fish to be whales and sharks and pretty much all kinds of sealife.
Where'd you get that information from?
Troy: Perhaps when God inspired people of the accounts of Genesis people were primitive enough not to see a difference between fish and everything else in water. After all, they were all water dwelling creatures, and their name was "fish".
Speculation like this reminds me of how inaccurate the Bible and all of the things we humans have conformed to believe must be. It's impossible to really know what happened in the history of life and existence. When you can actually let go of all the things everyone has decided to believe and realize nothing has any actual merit, you'll realize that all you can do is accept the fact that we will never really know what we're a part of.
Troy: One might also say that viruses and bacteria are the only creatures left that we haven't been able to dominate over. If anything that can dominate over us, it's viruses and bacteria.
That's an interesting thought. Maybe virus ad bacteria are the next form of evolution to wipe out humans, they're just at such an early stage in their existence that it seems a lot less threatening than we're aware of. That would be Darwin's theory of natural selection on a much wider scale. Humans prevail, so something else has to come along and wipe us out.. here it comes. If you can let go of how a human percieves things you can realize that this idea isn't all that bizarre, but being that we ARE human.. we look at ourselves as the standard. Rhino's are attracted to Rhino's for companionship, humans are attracted to other humans for companionship. Who's to say that a whole world of bacteria to take over in a long term evolutionary state (or even short term) is all that bizarre? We only think it is because we are the standard or dominant race of our time. Now I'm not saying that I believe this absolutely bizarre theory I've come up with.. all I'm saying is that I'm not going to be so ignorant as to say that can't happen. I only wish I could live long enough to actually comprehend what's really going on. No one really knows, that's WHY there are so many religions. Religion = opinions. Opinions have no merit. Religion = no merit.
Troy: In the Vietnamese language, there is only 1 word for "green" and "blue". Wait a second, were the Vietnamese in ancient times all colorblind? Were they all retarded enough to not notice the difference between something that is green and something that is blue?
Once again, that's something we'll never be able to understand. I just figure at the time and place in their world that they were living. They had everything we needed. It's frustrating that we as humans only live JUST long enough to get a taste that we're part of something we can't understand... but we aren't given enough time to really understand it, we're only given enough time to speculate so much to drive ourselves insane.

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 Message 55 by arachnophilia, posted 04-14-2005 12:11 PM moronman has not replied

Member (Idle past 1667 days)
Posts: 9069
From: god's waiting room
Joined: 05-21-2004

Message 55 of 85 (199287)
04-14-2005 12:11 PM
Reply to: Message 54 by moronman
04-14-2005 11:50 AM

also, god hates shrimp.
Where'd you get that information from?
Leviticus 11:9-12:
These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat. And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you: They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination. Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you.

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 Message 56 by jar, posted 04-14-2005 12:15 PM arachnophilia has replied
 Message 60 by Specter, posted 04-14-2005 12:53 PM arachnophilia has replied

Member (Idle past 162 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 56 of 85 (199290)
04-14-2005 12:15 PM
Reply to: Message 55 by arachnophilia
04-14-2005 12:11 PM

Yup. Shrimp be abominations. Damn near as bad as Wool Rich TM clothing and haircuts. Wear an LL Bean shirt, get your hair cut and eat shrimp and you're going straight to HELL!

Aslan is not a Tame Lion

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Member (Idle past 1667 days)
Posts: 9069
From: god's waiting room
Joined: 05-21-2004

Message 57 of 85 (199293)
04-14-2005 12:20 PM
Reply to: Message 56 by jar
04-14-2005 12:15 PM

goddamned straight.

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Message 58 of 85 (199300)
04-14-2005 12:34 PM

but no where does it say 'i hate shrimp.' it just says that God really wants us to disgust them.

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Member (Idle past 1667 days)
Posts: 9069
From: god's waiting room
Joined: 05-21-2004

Message 59 of 85 (199308)
04-14-2005 12:42 PM
Reply to: Message 58 by moronman
04-14-2005 12:34 PM

but no where does it say 'i hate shrimp.' it just says that God really wants us to disgust them.
it says they are an abomination.

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Message 60 of 85 (199319)
04-14-2005 12:53 PM
Reply to: Message 55 by arachnophilia
04-14-2005 12:11 PM

Right On
Absolutely. And for those who love pepperoni and Pork chops, boy, you've got something coming to you at the second advent.

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