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Author Topic:   Claims of God Being Omnipotent in the Bible
Member (Idle past 931 days)
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Message 26 of 381 (175110)
01-08-2005 8:53 PM
Reply to: Message 7 by Tal
01-06-2005 4:43 AM

Re: Yahweh speaks with forked tongue
Yes, they surely died, but not on that day.

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Member (Idle past 931 days)
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Message 27 of 381 (175111)
01-08-2005 8:58 PM
Reply to: Message 13 by Christian7
01-06-2005 4:09 PM

Re: Yahweh speaks with forked tongue
Or, to put it in perspective.
God created the world.
God created Adam and Eve (totally innocent .. which means they did not understand the consequences of their actions)
Because they didn't understand the consequences of their actions, they screw up.
God kicks them out of the garden of eden, so they would not live forever.
They have lots of kids, and but their children children keep on screwing up. God deciedes to wipe them out in a flood, except for Noah and family.
God sees he screwed up again with the humanity thing.. so he sends himself down to earth as his own son, so that he have himself sacfrificed to himself to save the world from himself.
Now, everyone can live forever, amen.

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 Message 13 by Christian7, posted 01-06-2005 4:09 PM Christian7 has not replied

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Message 77 of 381 (180293)
01-24-2005 5:47 PM
Reply to: Message 14 by Shaz
01-07-2005 12:04 PM

Actually, the literal meaning of El Shaddai is 'God Heeds'. It appears that in the translation from Hebrew to English there has been a bit of bias put into place.
So, there goes one translation, and a whole bunch of quotes.

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 Message 14 by Shaz, posted 01-07-2005 12:04 PM Shaz has not replied

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 Message 78 by arachnophilia, posted 02-05-2005 2:37 AM ramoss has not replied

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Message 111 of 381 (186761)
02-19-2005 11:49 AM
Reply to: Message 100 by xevolutionist
02-18-2005 11:30 AM

Re: Wise as Serpents
Now, could you please show me justificiation for saying that the serpent is Satan? In the story of Genesis, god cursed the serpent to crawl on his belly forever. Does that sound like Satan. In the book of Job, Satan is walking about the earth. That is not crawling on the belly.
Or do you want to conveniently forget that?

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 Message 100 by xevolutionist, posted 02-18-2005 11:30 AM xevolutionist has replied

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 Message 118 by xevolutionist, posted 02-21-2005 3:08 PM ramoss has replied

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Posts: 3228
Joined: 08-11-2004

Message 115 of 381 (187155)
02-21-2005 8:15 AM
Reply to: Message 91 by xevolutionist
02-17-2005 1:35 AM

Re: Great example of GOD lying Phat, thanks.
of course, you have to read INTO it concept that the early Hebrews did not have. as an excuse to change the meanings.
But, hey, if you can't put meaning in where it wasn't meant, a lot of Christian belief could not be justified.

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 Message 121 by xevolutionist, posted 02-21-2005 3:56 PM ramoss has not replied
 Message 131 by arachnophilia, posted 02-22-2005 5:38 AM ramoss has not replied

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Message 116 of 381 (187156)
02-21-2005 8:28 AM
Reply to: Message 112 by xevolutionist
02-20-2005 11:57 PM

Re: Great example of GOD lying Phat, thanks.
That is your claim. Repeating the claim does not make it true.
How about using some scripture from the old testament to justify it?

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 Message 112 by xevolutionist, posted 02-20-2005 11:57 PM xevolutionist has not replied

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Posts: 3228
Joined: 08-11-2004

Message 136 of 381 (187544)
02-22-2005 4:08 PM
Reply to: Message 118 by xevolutionist
02-21-2005 3:08 PM

Re: Wise as Serpents
So, when the snake speaks, it is satan speaking out of his snake.
And, when the ass speaks with the lords voice, that is god speaking out of his ass??

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 Message 118 by xevolutionist, posted 02-21-2005 3:08 PM xevolutionist has not replied

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 Message 138 by Derrick, posted 02-22-2005 4:25 PM ramoss has not replied
 Message 139 by Nighttrain, posted 02-22-2005 7:09 PM ramoss has replied

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Message 157 of 381 (187770)
02-23-2005 12:11 PM
Reply to: Message 139 by Nighttrain
02-22-2005 7:09 PM

Re: Wise as Serpents
Many of those asses claim to be.

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Message 158 of 381 (187771)
02-23-2005 12:14 PM
Reply to: Message 147 by xevolutionist
02-23-2005 1:03 AM

Re: Wise as Serpents
Now there is an example of how later beliefs and prejudices affect the reading of an ancient story.
At the time that Genesis was written, the concept of 'Satan' was not yet introduced into the Hebrew religion. Therefore, it is a later interpretation to say that the 'snake' was satan. Sometimes, a snake is only a snake.

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 Message 147 by xevolutionist, posted 02-23-2005 1:03 AM xevolutionist has not replied

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 Message 160 by arachnophilia, posted 02-23-2005 2:27 PM ramoss has not replied

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Posts: 3228
Joined: 08-11-2004

Message 208 of 381 (189755)
03-03-2005 9:42 AM
Reply to: Message 197 by xevolutionist
02-28-2005 1:49 PM

Re: Wise as Serpents
Those appear to be perfect examples of people taking passages, and writign TO them to make them look prophic, when they actually are not.
From my point of view, the people writing about Jesus search the old testament and looked for passages they could make into being something that 'foretold' the coming of the person they believed to be their savior.
I mean, a sign does no good if you don't know it's a sign until after the event.

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 Message 197 by xevolutionist, posted 02-28-2005 1:49 PM xevolutionist has not replied

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Posts: 3228
Joined: 08-11-2004

Message 209 of 381 (189758)
03-03-2005 9:47 AM
Reply to: Message 198 by xevolutionist
02-28-2005 3:06 PM

Re: Judgement
Except, of course, that is a rehash of the Pascal's wager.. and that is throughly discreditd.
What if you are worshpping the wrong god, and rejected the Koran for the bible?
What if you rejected the Vedas, and the worship of the holy trinity of Vishnu , Brahma and Shiva in return for the worship of a false god?
The problem with Pascal's wager is that it depends on the logical fallacy of the false dicomtomy that assumes that either Roman Catholism (as pascal originally wrote it) was right, or atheism was right.

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 Message 198 by xevolutionist, posted 02-28-2005 3:06 PM xevolutionist has not replied

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