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Author Topic:   Claims of God Being Omnipotent in the Bible
Member (Idle past 1664 days)
Posts: 9069
From: god's waiting room
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Message 176 of 381 (188838)
02-27-2005 1:41 AM
Reply to: Message 174 by custard
02-26-2005 5:01 AM

Re: Wise as Serpents
Seriously, I can't stand that argument about which chapters were TRULY inspired and which weren't.
i think all writing is inspired, period. but then, i use the proper definition of inspiration, and not the "god forced my hand to make this" definition.

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Member (Idle past 1664 days)
Posts: 9069
From: god's waiting room
Joined: 05-21-2004

Message 187 of 381 (189098)
02-28-2005 2:17 AM
Reply to: Message 184 by xevolutionist
02-27-2005 12:51 PM

Re: answer: an intelligent person. sometimes.
But if you really are God, as Jesus stated He is, then it wouldn't be blasphemy, would it?
yes. jesus, whether or not he was god, was also man, and a man descended from jacob. that means he is held to mosaic law. breaking mosaic law in such a manner would justify death.
besides, why believe someone who walks around teaching humility and then claiming to be god?
also, i can reasonable prove, biblically, that jesus could not have been god. the title he calls himself, "son of man," although having messianic implications, literally means "mortal." part of the definition of god (see gen 3) is immortality. "son of man" is a common prophetic name as well, ezekial is called this name several hundred times.
"son of god" although possibly rendered properly as "other god" is common title for entities below god. both satan and david are called by this name, as well as adam (god's literal son).
there is nothing about jesus or any messiah that indicates deity, except in the book of john. and even then it's based on faulty aramaic rendering of the name of god in the targums.

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Member (Idle past 1664 days)
Posts: 9069
From: god's waiting room
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Message 188 of 381 (189099)
02-28-2005 2:20 AM
Reply to: Message 186 by doctrbill
02-27-2005 1:52 PM

Re: Gods and Sons of God
or would have been, had he lived to sit on the throne of his Father (David).
kings in other local cultures were gods. this was unacceptable to the monotheistic jews. and so their kings were the next step down, sons of god.
calling jesus the son of god is designed to indicate kingship, and because of the restoration of the line of david, messiah-ship. but nt author misunderstood this idea, and took it literally. but you can't be both the literal son of david, and the literal son of god.

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Member (Idle past 1664 days)
Posts: 9069
From: god's waiting room
Joined: 05-21-2004

Message 189 of 381 (189102)
02-28-2005 2:46 AM
Reply to: Message 179 by xevolutionist
02-27-2005 2:28 AM

you're being ridiculous.
She couldn't and God didn't. That's what made the whole thing miraculous, and that's why the Jews were puzzled about that. Ask a rabbi since you appear to reject the Hebrew dictionary and make up your own definitions.
let's start by asking a CHRISTIAN dictionary what the word "seed" means since you don't seem to think context is a valid textual method (it is, btw).
1) seed, sowing, offspring
   a) a sowing
   b) seed
   c) semen virile
   d) offspring, descendants, posterity, children
   e) of moral quality
1) a practitioner of righteousness (fig.)
   f) sowing time (by meton)
now, you can even go and find midrashim by hebrew rabbis before the time fo christ that think this is messianic. but there's what the text says, and there's what you want the text to say. this just says "child" and because god is talking to the WOMAN he refers to it as her child. that's how the text puts it, and this not absurd or foreign or out of place in the bible at all.
i'm not making up definition. but you are. i know what the word means, and there's nothing in it that indicates ANYTHING miraculous in the slightest. the theme is there, sure, but it can also be read literally. and was by many groups of jews.
alright, make me look stupid then. i'm gonna DESCRIBE something for you.
it's called a snake. it crawls along on its stomach. it licks the ground.
what am i describing? seriously, this is basic reading comprehension people. what does the book SAY?

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Member (Idle past 1664 days)
Posts: 9069
From: god's waiting room
Joined: 05-21-2004

Message 190 of 381 (189103)
02-28-2005 2:55 AM
Reply to: Message 177 by xevolutionist
02-27-2005 1:49 AM

Re: Wise as Serpents
The Book of Mormon should agree with the OT pretty much because it was largely copied from the OT.
you misunderstood my statement. "they line with the ot about as well" means that the nt and the bom compare adequately to each other in relation to the old testament, in the aspect that they neither fit right.
parts of the nt were copied and influenced from the ot as well, btw. and often misinterpretted and misread. see the genesis 3 example we're talking about. see also virgin birth (which refers to an event within the lifetime of isaiah, doesn't involve a virgin, and is not the prophesy in itself). or see the passage about jesus riding two donkeys at the same time.
The OT books such as Psalms contain prophecy and history.
i'm gonna make the obvious statement. psalms contains poetry. songs, actually, because they were set to music. they are praises of god, usually, and never prophetic or historical.
and before you bring it up, psalm is david's coronation psalm. not prophesy. if any of the five books of psalms were prophetic, they'd be in the nevi'im (prophets) and not ketuvim (writings). wrong section of the tanakh.
most seem to claim authorship. but actually, we're not even sure that "a psalm of david" means that it was written BY david. it's possible it means that they were written by a psalmist in employment of david. (just as king james did not translate the bible himself)
16 copies of Isaiah were found among the Dead Sea scrolls, so somebody back then must have thought it was an important book.
yes, but written but isaiah, and not god. (or rather, THREE isaiahs. but that's besides the point)

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 Message 197 by xevolutionist, posted 02-28-2005 1:49 PM arachnophilia has not replied

Member (Idle past 1664 days)
Posts: 9069
From: god's waiting room
Joined: 05-21-2004

Message 191 of 381 (189104)
02-28-2005 3:13 AM
Reply to: Message 178 by xevolutionist
02-27-2005 2:13 AM

Re: Wise as Serpents
Among the criteria were whether they were quoted or mentioned by Jesus or His apostles. There is a difference of opinion between the Catholic church and the majority of Protestants about the Apocrypha. In John 10:35 and Luke 24:44, Jesus speaking about the OT omits any mention of them, but does mention psalms, the books of Moses, and the prophets. There are other criteria but I don't have a link. I read about it in a book titled :Church History in Plain Language, by Bruce Shelly.
sorry, but that's demonstratably flat out wrong.
here's the most books jesus mentions:
Luk 24:44 And he said unto them, These [are] the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and [in] the prophets, and [in] the psalms, concerning me.
let's translate to hebrew for a second.
law = torah
prophets = nevi'im.
now, assuming that each division contains the same books now as it did two thousand years ago (which i could probably show that it did), the torah is the first five books. nevi'im contains, joshua, judges, samuel/kings, isaiah, jeremiah, ezekiel, and the 12 minor prophets (hosea, joel, amos, obadiah, jonah, micah, nahum, habakkuk, zephaniah, haggai, zechariah, malachi). jesus also mentions psalms.
that means that jesus never once mentions the majority of the ketuvim (writings). that rules out:
song of songs/solomon
now, chronicles is boring, and i've never read ezra or ecclesiastes, but i REALLY like job, and proverbs, song of songs, and lamentations. not to mention daniel. and i bet your bible has all of those books, doesn't it?
you really wanna know the defining characteristic of what's the christian "old testament?" what's in the hebrew tanakh. the books are exactly copied from the hebrew library at the time. there appears to be no other reasoning in this matter. when martin luther goes to make his german translation, he selects, suprise, only the books of the masoretic tanakh. as opposed to catholic's latin vulgate, which contains the apocrypha. (via the septuagint? i forget)
This message has been edited by Arachnophilia, 02-28-2005 03:14 AM

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Member (Idle past 1664 days)
Posts: 9069
From: god's waiting room
Joined: 05-21-2004

Message 199 of 381 (189336)
02-28-2005 9:11 PM
Reply to: Message 192 by doctrbill
02-28-2005 10:41 AM

Re: Gods and Sons of God
I believe it had more to do with politics than with religion. Jewish leaders were nervous about what Jesus said because: identifying oneself as son-of-god (royal) was a challenge to Caesar.
probably, yes.
Why not?
Solomon was the son of David, and the son of god.
yes, but god didn't inseminate solomon's mother. that's what i meant by literal son of god.
The anointed one (man selected to be king) becomes the son of god by virtue of his coronation, the crown symbolizing presence of deity; a halo, if you will. This is incarnation. The 'spirit of god' possessing the body of a man: the king.
By analogy: the anointed one is like the president elect. He is given all power in heaven and earth upon the occasion of his inauguration.
yes, such as in psalm 2.

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 Message 202 by doctrbill, posted 02-28-2005 11:48 PM arachnophilia has replied

Member (Idle past 1664 days)
Posts: 9069
From: god's waiting room
Joined: 05-21-2004

Message 200 of 381 (189349)
02-28-2005 9:43 PM
Reply to: Message 194 by xevolutionist
02-28-2005 1:08 PM

My belief is that He was fully God and fully human. At this time He voluntarily relenquished certain aspects of His Godliness to accomplish His task, to redeem those who would repent and acknowledge Him as King.
then he could not have been fully god, if he was not fully a god. but as even PART human, and a son of jacob, he's held to the mosaic covenant.
His resurrection, which was acknowledged by the other apostles, is just one proof of His deity.
so lazarus is a god? what about all those skeletons god puts back together in front of ezekiel? are they all gods too? god controls life and death. he can resurrect whomever he pleases.
The proofs that you cite are not. PROOF, the establishment of a fact by evidence.
no, by logic. no amount of evidence will ever prove anything, just make it really stupid to think anything else. logically, do die, jesus has to be mortal. to be mortal, he has to be a man. as a man, he's held to the law. if he breaks the law, it defeats the entire point of your theology.
That is one of the criteria that I didn't mention because I wasn't sure that it was apparent to non believers. It's called a self evidencing quality in that it just reads like the word of God.
except it's plainly obvious to anyone who knows how to read anything with any degree of comprehension that there is more than one author in the bible. in fact, it's alos pretty obvious that there is usually more than one author within each book. genesis has at least 3. isaiah has 3. psalms has 5 separate sources, each with different authors.
reads like the word of god? how do you know what god writes like?
try reading some apocryphal and pseudepigraphical texts, and tell me if you think they sound like god too. because most of them do. because what you're doing is mistaking cultural identity with deity.
Most people who handle large amounts of cash become so familiar with authentic currency that it is immediately evident when they handle a fake bill, unless it's printed on genuine currency paper stock.
i've operated a chas register for years. i had a counterfeit bill go through my hands once. i didn't even notice. because it felt real, and looked real. now, i check for watermarks. latent images put into the paper. and i look for the strip.
see, authenticity is really in the details. anyone can write a book that SOUNDS like what you think the bible is. but the trick is to look a little closer.
What about
psalm 2: the coronation psalm.
think about it. the lord said to me: "you are my son, i have fathered you THIS DAY." christians don't seem to be good with "this day" for some reason. but it means that whoever this is directed to was not god's son, and then BECAME god's son. that is what it says. it's talking about crowning a king, probably david.
psalm 22: we've talked about this one before.
it's interesting because it's the one jesus quotes when he's on the cross. (do you honestly think jesus hadn't read psalms?) look, they even cast lots over the clothes. wonder where the nt authors got that idea, hm? but look who's doing it: the evil ones of bashan. and after they've torn his body apart. read the text if you don't believe me.
psalm 72:
where does jesus conquer the enemies of the jews? where does he make them lick the dust? when did he rule from sea to shining sea? actually, if you read it at all, it's the last prayer of david, but at the top it says "of solomon." follow the parallelim, "endow the king with your judgements / the king's son with your righteousness." jesus didn't have a son, but david did. and his name was solomon.
psalm 89:
i don't even know what you're talking about. it's ethan the ezrahite talking about his relationship to david and god.
psalm 132:
is the "annointed one" business you're talking about? notice how it's always in parallel with david. it's possible it holds messianic significance, sure. (so does a lot of the ot) but it's hardly prophesy. it's talking about a king. any king. maybe even david. remember every king of judah was "annointed." that's what the word means.
22 especially for the obvious reason that it depicts scenes from the crucifiction
or rather, vice versa. like i said, pre-hoc propter-hoc fallacy. unique to religion, i think.
The fact that whoever wrote it wasn't aware that he was writing prophetically, seems compelling.
well it compells me to think he wasn't. and that whoever wrote the new testament doesn't know how to read hebrew very well. considering it does mention the specific parties at hand, and doesn't match the depiction of the crucifixion at all. it's about a pack of wild dogs tearing a man to pieces. have you even read psalm 22?
it's also easy to show that nt authors misinterpretted a lot of ot stuff.
and still, pre-hoc propter-hoc. if there's a corellation between two events, it's more likely that the second was influenced by the first than vice versa.

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 Message 205 by xevolutionist, posted 03-01-2005 9:15 PM arachnophilia has replied
 Message 216 by Phat, posted 04-17-2005 2:38 PM arachnophilia has replied

Member (Idle past 1664 days)
Posts: 9069
From: god's waiting room
Joined: 05-21-2004

Message 203 of 381 (189390)
03-01-2005 1:27 AM
Reply to: Message 202 by doctrbill
02-28-2005 11:48 PM

Re: Gods and Sons of God
I don't believe Yahweh inseminated Jesus' mother.
well, what i mean is that i don't think "son of god" has a darned thing to do with genetics. it's a title.
and obviously one that can applied well after birth, see psalm 2.

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Member (Idle past 1664 days)
Posts: 9069
From: god's waiting room
Joined: 05-21-2004

Message 207 of 381 (189578)
03-02-2005 1:54 AM
Reply to: Message 205 by xevolutionist
03-01-2005 9:15 PM

Re: recognizing authenticity
The people in the sector I labor in handle hundreds of thousands of dollars a day, mostly 20's and hundreds, and believe me, if a fake shows up it's spotted. That may be your problem, not spending enough time with the real deal.
this bill in question not only felt like a real bill, it passed the marker test. it's actually the reason we no longer use the markers: they don't work well enough.
in other words, i'd bet it was printed on exactly the same kind of paper real money is. however, the bank is obviously better at checking than we are, or i am, because they spotted it and we didn't.
what i mean to say is exactly what you're saying. it takes experience. and frankly, the average religious person doesn't even have enough experience (or common sense) to tell one book of the bible from another, let alone start talking about authenticity.
here's a question for you: is deuteronomy a complete forgery, from the reign of king josiah? http://EvC Forum: the forgery of deuteronomy -->EvC Forum: the forgery of deuteronomy
textual hints point to yes. this is not a new thought, either. it's been known for at least 2000 years that moses could not have written deuteronomy. it's setup is that it's the speech of moses delivered from across the jordan. so it had to be written by someone else on the other side of jordan from moses. but ask a fundamentalist, and it's the word of god written down by moses.

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Member (Idle past 1664 days)
Posts: 9069
From: god's waiting room
Joined: 05-21-2004

Message 217 of 381 (199998)
04-17-2005 8:56 PM
Reply to: Message 216 by Phat
04-17-2005 2:38 PM

Re: Again we go on about interpretation!
By definition, God defines and controls logic.
Logic does not limit God.
And who wrote this law?
not jesus. his explanation is not "as god, i'm allowed to do whatever i want thank you!" it's that it's not work, it's helping something or someone out. the point of sabbath is that you get a break, not that you're not allowed to pull you ass out of a hole in the ground.

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