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Author Topic:   An atheist who is not so keen on God
Member (Idle past 160 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
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Message 61 of 100 (187320)
02-21-2005 8:02 PM
Reply to: Message 60 by jjburklo
02-21-2005 7:48 PM

Re: Giving Glory
I'm afraid That's too off topic. I think we've discussed the subject before though.

Aslan is not a Tame Lion

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 Message 60 by jjburklo, posted 02-21-2005 7:48 PM jjburklo has replied

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 Message 62 by jjburklo, posted 02-21-2005 9:29 PM jar has not replied

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Message 62 of 100 (187350)
02-21-2005 9:29 PM
Reply to: Message 61 by jar
02-21-2005 8:02 PM

Re: Giving Glory
I'm afraid That's too off topic. I think we've discussed the subject before though.
Good call, sorry about that admins.

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 Message 61 by jar, posted 02-21-2005 8:02 PM jar has not replied

Member (Idle past 328 days)
Posts: 6351
From: San Diego, CA, USA
Joined: 05-03-2003

Message 63 of 100 (187633)
02-22-2005 11:43 PM
Reply to: Message 45 by mike the wiz
02-21-2005 6:25 AM

Re: Rain can be cleansing or blinding.
mike the wiz responds to me:
He's saying that they do it unwittingly for God.
You've still conflated love and god without justification. It's a circular argument to define god as love and therefore define love as god.
If an atheist does something for a reason other than god, then he cannot be doing it for god, even unwittingly. To do something for someone requires intention and atheists do not do anything with any intention directed toward god.


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 Message 45 by mike the wiz, posted 02-21-2005 6:25 AM mike the wiz has replied

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 Message 79 by mike the wiz, posted 02-24-2005 6:32 AM Rrhain has replied

Member (Idle past 328 days)
Posts: 6351
From: San Diego, CA, USA
Joined: 05-03-2003

Message 64 of 100 (187634)
02-22-2005 11:47 PM
Reply to: Message 46 by jar
02-21-2005 9:14 AM

Re: No response?
jar responds to me:
I said yes. I was speaking from my personal point of view, which happens to be Christianity.
And I am asking you to justify that position. So far, all you've done is give circular arguments.
Stop beating around the bush and come out with it already.
is there any difference in value between an act of kindness or courtesy when performed by a Christian or an Atheist when the only reason for performing the act was that it was the right thing to do?
Depends. What do you mean by "the right thing to do"? For Christians, that all too often is equivalent to "for god." Therefore, an atheist and a Christian doing the same thing, even though they both think it is "the right thing to do" are doing something for different reasons.
So let me ask you, that same question. Do they have different values?
What do you mean by "values"? Again, Christian concepts of "values" tend to reduce themselves to "for god." Therefore, it is clear that atheists cannot be doing things for the same reasons as Christians.


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 Message 46 by jar, posted 02-21-2005 9:14 AM jar has replied

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 Message 67 by jar, posted 02-22-2005 11:59 PM Rrhain has replied

Member (Idle past 328 days)
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From: San Diego, CA, USA
Joined: 05-03-2003

Message 65 of 100 (187635)
02-22-2005 11:51 PM
Reply to: Message 47 by Phat
02-21-2005 9:18 AM

Re: Rain can be cleansing or blinding.
Phatboy responds to me:
And if I don't or can't prove it, does that mean that you have joined our circle for the moment?
Um, scripture isn't going to help. I literaly did not understand how what you said related to what I said. Can you rephrase? How does your inability to do something relate to my stance on a position? Wouldn't it require me doing or not being able to do something?
Now, it would be nice if you could mention what it is that is distinct and separate from god.


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 Message 47 by Phat, posted 02-21-2005 9:18 AM Phat has not replied

Member (Idle past 328 days)
Posts: 6351
From: San Diego, CA, USA
Joined: 05-03-2003

Message 66 of 100 (187636)
02-22-2005 11:54 PM
Reply to: Message 50 by jar
02-21-2005 9:29 AM

Re: No response?
jar writes:
I am speaking of the value of the action. I think this may also be part of the miscommunication between Rrhain and myself.
No, Phatboy had it right on: You are arguing from a position that unjustifiably defines love as god. The mere existence of atheists proves that not to be so. Love is not god. Not to an atheist.
Therefore, since "love" means something very different for a Christian compared to an atheist, would it not be the case that doing something "out of love" means something very different to a Christian compared to an atheist?
Can you talk about values without bringing god into it?


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 Message 50 by jar, posted 02-21-2005 9:29 AM jar has replied

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 Message 71 by jar, posted 02-23-2005 12:12 AM Rrhain has replied

Member (Idle past 160 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 67 of 100 (187637)
02-22-2005 11:59 PM
Reply to: Message 64 by Rrhain
02-22-2005 11:47 PM

I'll try using little words.
Depends. What do you mean by "the right thing to do"?
Doing good things. Stopping to help a turtle cross the road. Helping someone reach a package on the top shelf. Asking if you can help someone load their groceries.
Therefore, an atheist and a Christian doing the same thing, even though they both think it is "the right thing to do" are doing something for different reasons.
Doesn't matter. If you had read what I've said in this thread I have never addressed the reasons that the individual did something. It is totally immaterial to the thread.
What do you mean by "values"? Again, Christian concepts of "values" tend to reduce themselves to "for god." Therefore, it is clear that atheists cannot be doing things for the same reasons as Christians.
Interesting, but again simply points out that you have not read what I've posted in the thread.
What I have been talking of is what value GOD places on the action. My point is that it is immaterial what the individual's motive was. GOD will value the good acts of an atheist equally if not greater than those of a believer.

Aslan is not a Tame Lion

This message is a reply to:
 Message 64 by Rrhain, posted 02-22-2005 11:47 PM Rrhain has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 72 by Rrhain, posted 02-23-2005 12:13 AM jar has replied

Member (Idle past 328 days)
Posts: 6351
From: San Diego, CA, USA
Joined: 05-03-2003

Message 68 of 100 (187638)
02-22-2005 11:59 PM
Reply to: Message 52 by jar
02-21-2005 9:55 AM

Re: So let me ask a stupid question
jar writes:
The question I asked was whether or not, when actually presented with irrefutable evidence, the actual presence of GOD, the Atheist would abandon the scientific method or accept the evidence.
But that makes no sense! Scientific method necessarily requires the acceptance of evidence. You're asking a logical paradox. If he abandons the scientific method, he would refuse to accept the evidence literally staring him in the face. If he's going approach it scientifically, he has to accept the evidence.


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 Message 52 by jar, posted 02-21-2005 9:55 AM jar has replied

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 Message 69 by jar, posted 02-23-2005 12:00 AM Rrhain has replied

Member (Idle past 160 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 69 of 100 (187639)
02-23-2005 12:00 AM
Reply to: Message 68 by Rrhain
02-22-2005 11:59 PM

Re: So let me ask a stupid question
Of course. Very perceptive of you.
That is exactly the point I made.
I'm proud of you. You're more perceptive than I thought.

Aslan is not a Tame Lion

This message is a reply to:
 Message 68 by Rrhain, posted 02-22-2005 11:59 PM Rrhain has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 73 by Rrhain, posted 02-23-2005 12:14 AM jar has not replied

Member (Idle past 328 days)
Posts: 6351
From: San Diego, CA, USA
Joined: 05-03-2003

Message 70 of 100 (187640)
02-23-2005 12:01 AM
Reply to: Message 56 by jjburklo
02-21-2005 5:17 PM

Re: additional responses.
jjburklo writes:
This is precisely why an acts based salvation cannot work among other reasons.
This is, of course, in direct contradiction to what Jesus said. Salvation is through works. Who are you going to believe? Jesus/Peter or Paul?


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 Message 56 by jjburklo, posted 02-21-2005 5:17 PM jjburklo has not replied

Member (Idle past 160 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 71 of 100 (187642)
02-23-2005 12:12 AM
Reply to: Message 66 by Rrhain
02-22-2005 11:54 PM

Re: No response?
You are arguing from a position that unjustifiably defines love as god.
Nope. Never said that. With every post it becomes increasingly obvious that you haven't read the thread.
Therefore, since "love" means something very different for a Christian compared to an atheist, would it not be the case that doing something "out of love" means something very different to a Christian compared to an atheist?
Could well be. But it's also totally irrelevant.
What I have been talking about is GOD's perception of the act.

Aslan is not a Tame Lion

This message is a reply to:
 Message 66 by Rrhain, posted 02-22-2005 11:54 PM Rrhain has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 75 by Rrhain, posted 02-23-2005 12:20 AM jar has not replied

Member (Idle past 328 days)
Posts: 6351
From: San Diego, CA, USA
Joined: 05-03-2003

Message 72 of 100 (187643)
02-23-2005 12:13 AM
Reply to: Message 67 by jar
02-22-2005 11:59 PM

Try using more words
jar responds to me:
Depends. What do you mean by "the right thing to do"?
Doing good things.
Why are they good?
Stopping to help a turtle cross the road. Helping someone reach a package on the top shelf. Asking if you can help someone load their groceries.
Why are such things good? You haven't defined what "the right thing to do is." You've just given examples without explanation.
Therefore, an atheist and a Christian doing the same thing, even though they both think it is "the right thing to do" are doing something for different reasons.
Doesn't matter.
Says who?
If you had read what I've said in this thread I have never addressed the reasons that the individual did something. It is totally immaterial to the thread.
Incorrect. It is the very heart. One cannot comprehend what "the right thing to do" is without defining the reasons for doing them. That's what makes them "right."
What I have been talking of is what value GOD places on the action.
Since there is no god for the atheist, what on earth does this have to do with anything?
My point is that it is immaterial what the individual's motive was. GOD will value the good acts of an atheist equally if not greater than those of a believer.
That's fine and good, but it isn't what Brian was getting at. As he said:
Jar’s opinion is that when an atheist helps out a fellow human being he is showing love for God at the same time.
But you can't show love FOR god without god. That's what "for" means. It requires an object. If there is no object, then you aren't doing it "for" anything.
In essence, it is co-opting atheism as just a sad, childish way of living. "They know not what they do."
How insulting.


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 Message 67 by jar, posted 02-22-2005 11:59 PM jar has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 74 by jar, posted 02-23-2005 12:17 AM Rrhain has not replied

Member (Idle past 328 days)
Posts: 6351
From: San Diego, CA, USA
Joined: 05-03-2003

Message 73 of 100 (187644)
02-23-2005 12:14 AM
Reply to: Message 69 by jar
02-23-2005 12:00 AM

Re: So let me ask a stupid question
jar responds to me:
That is exactly the point I made.
Your point was that you were illogical?
Stop being cute.


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 Message 69 by jar, posted 02-23-2005 12:00 AM jar has not replied

Member (Idle past 160 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 74 of 100 (187645)
02-23-2005 12:17 AM
Reply to: Message 72 by Rrhain
02-23-2005 12:13 AM

Re: Try using more words
Okay, this has gone on long enough. You are tiring and I find talking to you ever bit as pointless as discussions with whatever or WILLOWTREE.
Have a good evening.

Aslan is not a Tame Lion

This message is a reply to:
 Message 72 by Rrhain, posted 02-23-2005 12:13 AM Rrhain has not replied

Member (Idle past 328 days)
Posts: 6351
From: San Diego, CA, USA
Joined: 05-03-2003

Message 75 of 100 (187646)
02-23-2005 12:20 AM
Reply to: Message 71 by jar
02-23-2005 12:12 AM

Re: No response?
jar responds to me:
You are arguing from a position that unjustifiably defines love as god.
Nope. Never said that.
Yes, you did:
If doing good things, even small little insignificant things count as expressing love, if doing for the least of them is the same as doing it directly for jesus
If you can't remember your own words....
With every post it becomes increasingly obvious that you haven't read the thread.
This from someone who admits to having said the very thing he claims he didn't say.
Of course, you also claim that your point was illogical and yet you're still sticking by it.
What I have been talking about is GOD's perception of the act.
God doesn't understand the concept of doing something for a reason?
What do you think the word "for" means?


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 Message 71 by jar, posted 02-23-2005 12:12 AM jar has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 76 by Phat, posted 02-23-2005 3:33 AM Rrhain has replied

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