Certainly.Jesus is here sending his disciples out to preach the word of redemption and they have been given the power to heal.Jesus is descibiing that the price of following him is to show a greater love for him than for all else.It is Jesus who is the way to god.Any who refuse him shall suffer torment and death in hell.H
He also descibes the ridicule and persecution that they will suffer{Duh!} while trying to save people through these ministries.
As Jesus staes here,
Mat 10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
he is a megalomaniac that has deluded himself and now seeks to have his followers do the same. It is classic cult leader behavior old man.The only way he can empower himself is through threatening others,and thus is a fool to be avoided.Just as Jim Jones instituted control to solidify his power Jesus is here playing on gullible peoples fears and demanding absolute obedience.
It is despicable behavior from a man not right in the head,no more no less.
If we are to continue a thread discussing this we must open a topic on it since this has reached a 300 post mark and will be shut down.