Is Ego, the source of dissonance/discord?
I am new here, and have an interest in psychological dynamics, so I decided to jump in and propose a topic. Please feel free to address anything I mess up with, as debating is foreign to me, and I am still learning how to operate this site. Perspectives of others interests me a great deal, so I would like to know if anyone has any views to share, on whether 'Ego' is the source of individual, cognitive dissonance, and/or global discord.
The basis for my use, of 'Ego' terminology is Freud’s psychoanalytical theory.
Definitions in relation to, psychoanalytical ego theory:
Id, superego, ego = three divisions of the individual psyche in psychoanalytic theory.
Id = completely unconscious, and is the source of psychic energy derived from instinctual needs and drives.
Superego = only partly conscious, represents internalization of parental conscience and the rules of society, and functions to reward and punish through a system of moral attitudes, conscience, and a sense of guilt.
Ego = serves as the organized conscious mediator between the person and reality especially by functioning both in the perception of and adaptation to reality
Definition of Cognitive Dissonance & Discord:
Cognitive Dissonance =psychological conflict resulting from incongruous beliefs and attitudes held simultaneously.
Discord = lack of agreement or harmony (as between persons, things, or ideas)
Based on Freud’s psychoanalytical theory, Ego is regarded as a controlling factor. My proposition with this topic; is not to discuss the validity of Freud’s original theory, as one could argue semantics, ‘until the cows come home’. Briefly my personal view is, if Ego makes order of our inner and outer perspective, then I would liken, Ego - to that of adult, Id - to that of child, Superego - to that of teen. Subsequently, my observation of factions in general, has led me to theorise as to the source of cognitive dissonance, and global discord.
Therefore I propose; that dissonant manifestation of our perspectives, and/or actions may stem from Ego, the operative/adult side of our persona. Further; inconsistency in action or perspective, stems from an imbalance, and/or lack of management and ability to control Ego. Subsequently I also propose, that one needs to gain skillful management, of the Ego, to avoid cognitive dissonance and discord.
CONCLUDING: Questions for consideration.
Is Ego the source of individual and global discord?
Does a lack of Ego management create actions, which merely seek to gratify the Id and Superego?
Does gratifying the Id, and Superego, create dissonance/discord?
I would appreciate any perspective people wish to share, in relation to this topic, and/or my questions.