Your posts contains this quote and link:
Here's an interesting story about a (former? where did it go?)Creationist forum. Apparantly they can be a bit censorship-happy.
Account Suspended
The story in the link mentions a "Fred Williams"
If you go to Msg ten, you can see it mentions the
evolution fairytale discussion board:
Montag, you can find a creation forum here at Evolution Fairytale Discussion Board It doesn’t look like they sensor people YET, so hurry up, join and well... enjoy.
A quick examination of that board,reveals that it is set up by...."fred Williams".
This person seem to be know to Asgara as evidenced by her message 11:
Sending him to a Fred Williams Forum is just down right mean
This message has been edited by Charles Knight, 01-23-2005 20:40 AM
This message has been edited by Charles Knight, 01-23-2005 20:45 AM