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Member (Idle past 6335 days) Posts: 571 From: New Hampshire, USA Joined: |
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Author | Topic: For The Record, Here's What They Said (Justification for Iraq War) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Silent H Member (Idle past 6142 days) Posts: 7405 From: satellite of love Joined: |
You guys make it too easy. You understand that your quotes... 1) Do not change the fact that the case for war presented by the Bush administration was false, and has changed over the course of time, 2) Do not necessarily require anyone to agree with the analyses presented in all of them, just because they are democrats (or non US) does not mean that they must be believed by someone that disagrees with Bush, 3) Actually argue for resumption, strengthening, and strict enforcement of inspections regimes, and that was in fact what was achieved before we stopped them in order to invade, which is not what all these quotes advocate, 4) Include quotes from those who actively opposed Bush's choice to go to war and in their quotes you can seem them mentioning the tentative nature of our information, which Bush and co argued was solid (which was a lie). It is really quite easy. The facts are in and hindsight should be 20/20. This message has been edited by holmes, 01-15-2005 07:48 AM holmes "...what a fool believes he sees, no wise man has the power to reason away.."(D. Bros) "Don't believe I'm taken in by stories I have heard, I just read the Daily News and swear by every word.."(Steely Dan)
Silent H Member (Idle past 6142 days) Posts: 7405 From: satellite of love Joined: |
Whatever makes you sleep at night holmes ???? Where was I wrong? While your quotes do add up to certain democrats not being in a place to throw bricks at Bush, my points were sound. Is it not true that some of those quotes are specifically about resuming inspections, and not positive about the quality of evidence? Is it not true that just because these people said what they did, changes what Bush and Co said? holmes "...what a fool believes he sees, no wise man has the power to reason away.."(D. Bros) "Don't believe I'm taken in by stories I have heard, I just read the Daily News and swear by every word.."(Steely Dan)
Silent H Member (Idle past 6142 days) Posts: 7405 From: satellite of love Joined: |
Don't confuse me with everyone. My position is pretty refined. I am not merely anti-war, and I was not pro Gore in 2000. I am not against the military and have a very strong interest in good intelligence.
When you want to criticize my position, make sure you get it right and don't slide into generic arguments.
that is not the only reason we came to Iraq. It was just one reason. I agree that in reality there were more reasons. The problem is that WMDs were the major rationale for war, and pretty much the only one which would allow us to invade according to international law. Remember that until the WMD search went sour we referred to this as a preemptive invasion. There was a threat and it was imminent, or potentially imminent. Without that it was not pre-emptive, it was simply an invasion. That is against international law.
Are the WMD here in Iraq like we thought? No. Score one for you. The real question is were the assertions that we actually knew, that we had definite evidence of WMDs and where they were, real? The answer is no. That is not only a point for me (and all of the other war critics, including some top US intel officers) which pointed out that our intel was not as strong as was being made out, but an actual indictment for those that said we were wrong and the US had hard data to back up claims. It simply didn't. That means they lied.
Are/were there some WMD and the means to deliver them? Yes. One for me. This is actually a point for me as well. War critics stated that there was a definite possibility that old stock did exist, and it could be a large amount. That is why inspections were needed. We did not know how much and in what condition they were in. The claim from the administration is that we knew exactly how much and where, as well as a potential for more, and that in addition to a general "means to deliver them" had the capability of using those means in a rapid basis. As it turns out there are scraps of the old stock WMDs, which is NOT against what many war critics advanced as a possibility. The problem for "your side" is that they were not in the quantities and qualities and deliverable by means as had been suggested. Remember your argument was that Hussein was a madman with all of this stuff at his disposal and was readily willing to use it. Yet he did not use it when his very regime and life were coming to an end? Does that make any common sense to you? The only way it makes sense is that he simply did not have the vast amounts of WMDs being discussed, nor had the ability to deliver them, at least not in any rapid and useful (for him) degree. The fact that he had rockets here, or artillery there, and then way over some other places he had some remnant stocks which were degraded material, some just forgotten shells with chemicals so weak they were no longer lethal, is a far cry from a nation with WMDs and the capability to deliver them. I will point out once again, even the insurgents have been misusing them in the cases when they use shells with degraded chemicals. None of this has been outside the parameters of the threat discussed by the UN, France, Russia, etc etc... and that includes me. What it seriously falls beneath is the parameters of the threat discussed by Bush an co.
Have the inspectors left and found nothing? Yes. Chalk one for you. Nothing is not exactly correct. Nothing along the lines of any claims that Bush and Co advanced to the world and the nation in a way that justified a "pre-emptive" invasion, is more accurate.
Is that the final say in the WMD drama? No. More info will come out on where they went. But I know you guys are jumping all over the headline that the inspectors have now left and found doodle. Keep that in mind for the future, because I'm going to come back and post a big "see I told you so" when they find somemore, use some on us, or finally decide to declassify intel reports (which won't happen with the insurgency going on). There may be more remnant stocks found and used. That does not fall outside the parameters of the critics. Even if another shell, or lets say a barrel, of chemical toxins gets used against US troops that will not vindicate anything, and I am confused why you think it would. No one is arguing that there could have been chemicals at all, or that chemicals could be used at all. The whole point is if there were enough and with delivery systems capable of Iraq posing an imminent, or potentially imminent threat to the US or its neighbors such that the ONLY method of dealing with the situation was an invasion which would invariably kill thousands of innocent people. The small scale attacks which may occur will be by insurgents and not the Iraqi army, which proves beyond a doubt that the Iraqi army did not pose a WMD threat, even within their own nation as the regime was falling and the lives of the leaders were at stake. That said, if what gets declassified is that there were humongous stocks of WMDs which everyone knew about and deliberately lied about in order to protect insurgents from getting at them, or insurgents using the stocks they found of WMDs just waiting to be used manage to take out half the nation, or a surrounding nation, then we can start talking points for your side. Someone setting off a shell, or a barrel with chemical or radioactive material, or pouring such a thing into a local water supply simply does nothing but score more points for my side which said that such a thing was more likely to occur after an invasion than if we just use new and more robust inspections. Remember the claim was WMDs gave him global strategic possibilities, not insurgents local tactical possibilities. holmes "...what a fool believes he sees, no wise man has the power to reason away.."(D. Bros) "Don't believe I'm taken in by stories I have heard, I just read the Daily News and swear by every word.."(Steely Dan)
Silent H Member (Idle past 6142 days) Posts: 7405 From: satellite of love Joined: |
Other people have already addressed this, but I will repeat the points...
He didn't use them in the Gulf War, and he definately had them then. This really does undercut the theory that he was a madman willing to use them anytime anywhere. However lets forget that for a second, or the implications that he may not have had sufficient WMD munitions at that time. Let's assume that he had full WMD stocks at the time and was willing to use them. There is still a huge chasm between the first gulf war and this war. And I am not just talking about time. The first gulf war did not put his nation or his regime in direct threat. He annexed Kuwait and then was thrown out of Kuwait. There was no drive toward his seat of power, and he managed to get some of his forces back intact. This war was it. It was the end. The outcome of this war determined whether his regime stayed in power and even whether he would stay alive. There would have been no reason to hold back, none at all. Yet not one chemical munition was used, or indicative of having been prepared for use. That should tell you something, about his having them in strength and/or his madman attitude toward using them. As Rumsfeld himself said: The proof is in the tasting of the pudding. We took a heck of a big bite. Bush's pudding did not live up to its billing.
I'll answer that with a quote from President Bush. This will not help. He is discussing what everyone knew, and then speculates what happened to them. Others disagreed and it is turning out that they are right. Even Bush has backed off such speculations. You do know that right? That's the thing I don't get, Bush and Co (with the exception of Cheney and FoxNEWS) are readily admitting they were wrong, then passing the buck as to why.
Most of the shells we've found and/or were exploded as IEDs are artillery shells. They could have been fired out of any of his artillery pieces. The rounds are designed to airburst, but detonating them on the ground will have a much less dramatic effect. I'm fairly sure the guys exposed to nerve agent can tell us how weak the chemicals were. Again, woulda coulda shoulda. If he could, but he did not, then your argument he was a madman that would is proven false. That he did not is evidence of at least that, if not that he simply had no serious stocks to use. It is current theory (as far as I understand) that the Iraqis were not even sure that those were chemically filled shells and were not being stored with ammo for ready use. That again, makes the point that they could be fired, moot. It had also been stated that the chemicals were in a degraded state due to poor storage (which chemical rounds need). That means it was unlikely to be a vast danger. And unfortunately whether they are for use at altitude or not, has no impact on whether it would be effective at short range on the ground. The reason they are meant for detonation at altitude is so that it can spread around to reach as many people as possible. It diffuses. A short range release means a more concentrated release, unless not all got out. The men exposed did not die, they became sick. If that is all that was to happen, then they would be better classified as WMSs.
You mean like he had already done before? Again, there is no dispute that he killed a lot of people a long time ago. He had purges to secure power (which we helped him with), and he had a war against the Iranians (which we also helped him with). The mass graves are primarily from when we were helping him and defending his actions. This is a matter for public record and I can't believe you have missed the infamous photo of a smiling Rumsfeld shaking hands with Hussein. This was around the time of the gassings of his own people and we defended him from human rights groups. Since the Gulf War, he continued purges and smaller scale actions against insurgents, but then you must realize that is EXACTLY what we are doing now. We are securing our power base, or should I say the power base of the representative democracy we want to see rule the nation. We are also creating mass graves. However, since the first GulfWar he was not active in the mass killings and invasions he had been engaged in before. This isn't to argue he was a nice guy. He was a bastard. Just you can't point to a long time ago and then say that proves he is a grave threat right now. holmes "...what a fool believes he sees, no wise man has the power to reason away.."(D. Bros) "Don't believe I'm taken in by stories I have heard, I just read the Daily News and swear by every word.."(Steely Dan)
Silent H Member (Idle past 6142 days) Posts: 7405 From: satellite of love Joined: |
See post 15. I took a look and it isne't going to help. You have to keep your claims straight, and then analyze resulting evidence. Remember the initial claim is that he was a madman capable of and willing to use it, so willing that he posed an imminent threat to us and his neighbors. You are now arguing that the reason he did not use them during the war to topple his regime, was because that would solidify everyone against him. This conflicts with your original claim for a couple of reasons... 1) If the threat of annihilation, or making the world his enemy, was capable of keeping him from using those weapons during the very war to annihilate him, why would that threat not have kept him from using them at any other time? When would he have been able to use them and not face that same threat (just like N Korea)? 2) Indeed, other than not using nukes, how could this war have been any worse for him? It seems he was in that boat you say he feared without ever using them. Thus if ever there was a time to use them, this war was it, as it couldn't really get any worse. So why would he not use them?
He wasn't stupid enough to use them, but he was stupid enough to fund terrorists and could have/might have already supplied them with NBC weapons. Again this undercuts your position. If he wasn't "stupid enough" to use them at the final battle for his regime and his own life, when was he ever going to? And as far as terrorists go, do you know which organizations Iraq helped and what the manner of contributions were? Do you know that as the Iraq War began Tom Ridge announced that chemical weapons in Iraq were unlikely to be used by terrorists in the US because it would be easier and safer for them to just make it here? Remember the threat of WMDs is that he could use them and wanted to use them and it gave him a strategic hold in the area. A claim that he could sell them to some terrorist groups for use in small incidents is just not the same thing. And remember OUR FRIENDS ALREADY SOLD THEIR WMD WEAPONS TO TERRORISTS AND TERRORIST STATES! I find it odd that you are arguing this was reason enough to invade Iraq, when our ally already sold all that stuff we said Iraq had and might sell (some of which they didn't even have). Yet we are not invading them? No, we are granting the criminal a pardon and honoring him as a hero while his dictator friend is allowed to rule Pakistan undemocratically. Do you see a problem here?
I'll call your BS on this one. But just so I am clear, before I flame you, are you comparing the US's battle with the insurgents to Saddam's mass graves? First of all you keep equivocating between the invasion which was against Hussein and the Iraqi army, with the occupation and the fight against insurgents. You should be careful with that as they are not the same thing. In any case I will take your challenge on the BS issue. First let's define "mass grave". In the case of Iraq it is not simply pulling people in front of a pit and mowing them down (which is what we saw in places like Nazi germany and the Balkans). In Iraq there were purges to keep Hussein in power, which is exactly like what we are doing now in the case of the insurgents. You may say his insurgents were good people and ours are the bad guys, but in the end the insurgency is the same (and ironically many of the same people as Iran and Syria and Islamic Extremists were continually trying to undermine his rule). He secured his base by warring on those that physically challenged the legitimacy of his reign and ended up getting buried together in a mass grave. I'm not quite sure what difference it makes exactly how they are buried, rather than why they were killed. You may argue they were killed in a slightly different way, but I am sure Hussein would have availed himself of any more effective method he could have used. Second, Hussein engaged in open warfare against Iran. Most of the "mass graves" are from that period and represent lots of people who got killed for opposing Iraq, or getting in the way (even accidentally) of his war. It must be repeated, and you really need to recognize this. Most of the "mass graves" we are talking about are decades old and represent people killed during a time of war, a war which WE SUPPORTED. Those mass graves didn't just materialize after the first Gulf War. Human Rights groups knew about this kind of thing and WE supported him and granted him cover to make more. Our crying about them now is really hypocritical. But to make matters worse, we are increasing the hypocrisy by continuing to discuss them as reasons why he was bad. They were formed during a period of our support, and now in our invasion to secure our power base we killed many innocent people in mass numbers. There were even mass graves at the time (though some bodies may have been moved to individual graves at this point). We continue to fill graves during the insurgency. One may claim that he hid his graves, while we do not hide the ones we are making. But this is also not true. Where are the images of the devastation we have created including the mass numbers of graves, and the mass graves during the invasion? You can always argue that we are better than Hussein's regime, and that I would partly agree with (we certainly have better intentions, though we have yet to see results), but that does not change how graves are filled and their "mass" numbers. Perhaps you see mass graves, especially ones that we fill versus the ones we simply helped fill at the time, in some different way? I am open to defining things differently. Currently I do not see much of a difference. (edited in: You claimed this war was not the last war for Saddam Hussein. I am really wondering how you come to make this claim when the point of the invasion was to remove him from power. What other war was this guy looking forward to that would be more threatening?) This message has been edited by holmes, 01-17-2005 14:53 AM holmes "...what a fool believes he sees, no wise man has the power to reason away.."(D. Bros) "Don't believe I'm taken in by stories I have heard, I just read the Daily News and swear by every word.."(Steely Dan)
Silent H Member (Idle past 6142 days) Posts: 7405 From: satellite of love Joined: |
Nope, I'm afraid that would still be illegal. You misunderstood, but perhaps it was my wording. You are correct that simply whether they had WMDs was not the criteria for a legal invasion. Thats why I talked about imminent or potential for imminent attack. Whether they had WMDs or not an imminent attack would have given us justification for an invasion. That is what was being claimed, with WMDs being the icing on the cake (if we wait for definite evidence of its imminence it would be too late bump bump bump bahhhh). Without the threat of imminent attack, our invasion could not be pre-emptive as was described before hand. In my post I was simply mentioning the timeline where we dumped any discussion of pre-emption, once the WMDs were pretty much proven not to exist. That is of course because the only way Iraq could have attacked us was with WMDs (even if transported by terrorists instead of using a missile). His forces were clearly boxed in and he had no way of crossing an ocean to hit us conventionally. holmes "...what a fool believes he sees, no wise man has the power to reason away.."(D. Bros) "Don't believe I'm taken in by stories I have heard, I just read the Daily News and swear by every word.."(Steely Dan)
Silent H Member (Idle past 6142 days) Posts: 7405 From: satellite of love Joined: |
To say there was no plan going into this is ignorant. This is true. The problem was that there were very bad plans going into this which did not take into account warnings from many sectors outside the Bush clique as well as some common sense needs for a postwar environment of a nation that has been oppressed by a dictatorship for decades and no set replacement entity. The fact that the first organized contact we had with Iraqis was to help pull down statues and passively allow them to loot, says just about everything. This message has been edited by holmes, 01-22-2005 09:44 AM holmes "...what a fool believes he sees, no wise man has the power to reason away.."(D. Bros) "Don't believe I'm taken in by stories I have heard, I just read the Daily News and swear by every word.."(Steely Dan)
Silent H Member (Idle past 6142 days) Posts: 7405 From: satellite of love Joined: |
THE mistake was disbanding the Iraqi Army. Correction. One of the bigger mistakes was disbanding the army. There were plenty of others.
Of course if you ask an Iraqi, they will tell you that all of the insurgents are foreigners, because Iraqis wouldn't kill Iraqis. I thought I told you I had. I have helped produce a documentary on Iraq by Iraqis. You seem less than straightforward on this topic. What they will tell you is there are a lot of foreign insurgents... that is not the same thing as all of the insurgents are foreigners. It is not true even on its face. You just admitted that disbanding the army resulted in manpower to Baathist insurgent elements. That would make the Baathist leaders and many of the insurgents Iraqi. Right? There are also criminal organizations and Iraqi borne fundamentalist elements vying for political power. Those would also be Iraqi, right? The idea that Iraqis would not kill Iraqis is absurd. That was what Hussein and the Baathists did for quite a while. That is also what insurgent elements against Hussein did. Right? I wonder what Iraqi security forces will do when they go to stop insurgents... kill Iraqis? You are correct that Iraqis do not like the foreigners that have come to try and take over the country, killing Iraqis to do so. However we are among those foreigners who have come and killed Iraqis. Most Iraqis happen to like coalition foreigners more than the insurgents as we target innocents less and are more likely to leave at some point. Also, we did get rid of Hussein, and they did not. I dislike your disengenuousness on this topic. holmes "...what a fool believes he sees, no wise man has the power to reason away.."(D. Bros) "Don't believe I'm taken in by stories I have heard, I just read the Daily News and swear by every word.."(Steely Dan)
Silent H Member (Idle past 6142 days) Posts: 7405 From: satellite of love Joined: |
I had read this information when I was in Baghdad, but couldn't share it with you because it was classified SECRET.
Right. What language was it in and do you speak it? If you did not personally handle the documents or could not read it, how did you come to have this information, given that your stated position was Iraq security detail? Do you know the caveats the site has regarding these documents?
But the fact is it does have value.
Do you understand what value it actually has? Besides the issue of it being questionable intel, from hearsay given to an unknown source (look what curveball threw us), take a look at it again...
An Iraqi intelligence service document saying that their Afghani informant, who's only identified by a number, told them that the Afghani Consul Ahmed Dahastani claimed the following in front of him: That OBL and the Taliban are in contact with Iraq and that a group of Taliban and bin Laden group members visited Iraq. That the U.S. has proof the Iraqi government and "bin Laden's group" agreed to cooperate to attack targets inside America. That in case the Taliban and bin Laden's group turn out to be involved in "these destructive operations," the U.S. may strike Iraq and Afghanistan. That the Afghani consul heard about the issue of Iraq's relationship with "bin Laden's group" while he was in Iran. 1) If Iraq actually had high level ties/working relationship with OBL, why would they need to be told by someone else that Iraq is working with them? And if they were involved in 911, why would they need to be told IF OBL is involved in such attacks? More importantly though... 2) This is a description of what an afghani consul heard while in IRAN, regarding Iraq. Iran, if you don't remember, would be the enemy of Saddam's Iraq. Thus they would have no working knowledge of what Saddam was doing, and indeed have been implicated to some degree in playing the US for suckers by passing false intel to blow up issues and so remove their enemy for them. 3) This does not suggest that any of the information Iran held was accurate, only that this is what Iran and the US had and what the US would do given the info they had. Congrats on jumping the gun again. holmes "What you need is sustained outrage...there's far too much unthinking respect given to authority." (M.Ivins)
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