Tal writes:
He didn't use them in the Gulf War, and he definately had them then.
But that's just it. It seems he didn't even really have them then, either. There was work in dealing with production facilities, but he didn't really have much in the way of actual results.
Didn't you read the report?
I'll answer that with a quote from President Bush.
"I think he dispersed them...."
But that's just it: He didn't. You can't disperse what you don't have. They were all gone by 1991. Didn't you read the report? Iraq didn't have any WMDs, hadn't had any for 10 years, and didn't disperse them to any other country.
[more from the Bush quote]
"But I firmly believe he had weapons of mass destruction. I know he used them at one time."
Yes. He used them against Iran and against the Kurds. And then he didn't have any anymore. And he used them in the
80s during Bush, Sr.'s regime. By the time the first Gulf War came around, he didn't have any.
Didn't you read the report? Every single statement out of the Bush Administration regarding Iraq and WMDs turns out to have been wrong. Iraq didn't have any, we certainly didn't know where they were (which only makes sense since there weren't any), they weren't scattered to the winds (again, which only makes sense since there weren't any), and the idea that Iraq as an imminent threat (which Rumsfeld said) was a lie.
You mean like he had already done before?
Nearly 20 years ago! We invaded not in the 80s when he had these weapons and were using them against the Kurds. We invaded in 2002 when we had absolutely no indication that he had anything! And he didn't even have them in 1991 when we invaded the first time!