[QUOTE]Originally posted by Rationalist:
[B]Here is a challenge to creationists: Please answer all the questions below to the best of your ability.
Could provide us with the evidence that life can not originate from non-life via purely natural processes?
Yes, I can.
(HINT: there isn’t any:
http://www.magna.com.au/~prfbrown/chaos_02.htm )
How can a process that violates no laws of nature and seems to be directly be suggested by modern thermodynamics be proven catagorically not to have happened? (Appeals to incredulity are not considered evidence.)
The laws of nature can not account for the spontaneous generation of life (i.e. abiogenesis). Abiogenesis also violates the 2nd Law of Thermo.
Is there any direct scientific evidence whatsoever for the mechanisms by which a the Judeo-Christian God spontaneously produced all matter and life?
Yes, there is. The mechanism is intelligence/know how.
Can any description of supernatural creation as suggested in the Bible ever offer anything in the way of direct empirical scientific evidence, and not simply appeals to incredulity?
Yes. The Bible predicts the neccessity of intelliegnce for the origin of life. This can be tested empirically. Scientists have ways of testing for intelligent cause, for example, the SETI project. Intelligent Cause is the imposition of boundary conditions on the laws of physics and chemistry. Thus we can test to see if the origin of life can be explained by natural causes and processes or intelligent causes and processes.
Rationalist continue's: "If abiogenesis and evolution are the same, can creationists explain how one (evolution), which is overwhelmingly supported by direct empirical observations of the branching transitional sequence of life recorded in paleontology does not automatically and directly imply the other (abiogenesis)?"
You have been badly misinformed. The fossil record does not support evolution at all.