I would like to clarify that my post was not specifically directed at any one person, nor was it intended to reflect poorly on a particular person. What I intended, was merely to illustrate how easily one can be thrown offside, by a lack of simple curtesy. Indeed I did use yours and Kisimons posts to illustrate that point, I did that only because they were the most stand alone examples, and I apologise if that offended either of you.
Find where it assumed any of the above.
Firstly I must apologise again, if the structure of my post gave an impression, that I was referring these things specifically to you. I will reword the post, to reflect my sentiment more accurately. I deliberately chose not to refer to anyone specifically, when proposing,
‘that implication was made that Tal was contradictory’. I did this out of curtesy to those who had done so. However if you insist on my providing proof, I could send you a private mail regarding post 7, to validate what I stated.
Or is it that you like to pretend there is not a great tragedy occuring in Iraq?
Your comment here saddens me; however I have no desire to share my opinion on this issue. Perhaps another time, another place, I may have done so, not now.
Might I ask why this guy is being treated like a delicate flower?
If by that, you mean why I interjected here? My answer to that is contained in post 23 and again in this one, as to my belief system you will find that, on the other thread you started.
For the record though, I do not regard Tal as a ‘delicate flower’, from what I have seen he has certainly held his own. Tal could have been anyone; my interjection would have been no different.
On a general note: I have been at this site for only a few days and I have been shocked on numerous occasions to see, supposedly adult men/women, resorting to the petty antics of youth, in an attempt to prove a point. Perhaps that makes me nave, sensitive, or foolish, but it certainly does not make my comment any less true.