It is comments such as these that were used to villify Nazis, Japanese soldiers, Hussein's soldiers, and to some extent Al Queda members.
No its not! These people were villified for cruelty and murder, not a tough personality and a sense of humor about death.
He also said that the people he was fighting want to die a martyr's death and he was just helping them get their wish. Is that true HD13? For all of them including secularist Baath members? Or is it untrue? How many innocents have been killed in the crossfire as well?
You obviously have no grasp of what it is like to be a soldier. You should note that one way to keep morale and courage high is to have a sense of humor about it all. I cannot understand being so hypersensitive as to get one's panties in a twist so easily. Try to take your mind out of your armchair and put it in a soldier's boots. You claim your are not anti-military yet you have no idea what a military is.
Did he come off to you as a good representative of the US military and Xian morality? Really?
Absolutely! Maybe a little misinformed about the creo/evo debate, but even then he's not arrogantly coming in here guns'a'blazing telling you you're going to hell because you're an atheist evolutionist. And he can write well, so what's your dadgum problem?
Christianity places a premium on compassion and forgivness and turning the other cheek in all situations. Killing is always wrong except in warfare. And there it must be accomplished with maximum force and efficiency so as to save life in the long run. Neither you nor anyone else has demonstrated that Jesus' talk about turning the other cheek applies to warfare. In fact there is evidence that Jesus is not opposed to the military: He gave the Centurion a great compliment and mentioned nothing of his occupation of killing; Peter carried a sword with him and Jesus never discouraged this until Jesus was to be taken away to be tried; Jesus quoted from the OT (I can't remember if he quoted the psalms); Jesus claimed to be the same Lord of Hosts (armies) the OT who trained David's hands for battle and called David, the greatest warrior of his day, a man after God's own heart; Jesus said there will be wars and rumors of wars until I come; Jesus said to obey the government and give what is due (I suppose this applies to military service). Now don't tell me that being a Christian mandates that I must also be a pacifist.
Being a soldier in a free nation protecting that free nation is an honorable occupation and is compatible with Christianity.
I believe I have been through this very argument with you before. Funny how I am now contrary to theology by supporting what you said that Xianity is about love and compassion.
You are not contary to theology by supporting love and compassion. You are contrary to theology when you call an American Christian soldier a thug and a hypocrite for having a casual sense of humor about his occupation. You're own self-righteousness clouds your thinking.
If someone has a bomb and is about to blow it up in a market square full of peaceful citizens and you have the power to stop him by killing him, how do you show love in that situation? You kill him.
What I would expect to be exhibited is humility, and a downplaying of death.
Did you see any of this in his post?