As I type I am listening to him on CBC radio.
He has decided that there is some reason for thinking that "Aristotle's God" might exist. This is contradictory to the web page we have.
This may be on an "As It Happens" archive in a few hours.
His reasoning seems to be totally on the problem of the origin of life not evolution. He thinks it is a big problem.
He is commenting on Darwin's late in life "conversion".
I'm not sure he has his facts straight.
He says that "the god of theism certainly would be the cause of the big bang".
What are the characteristics of this god? he is asked. What is it's purpose?
"Why should he have a purpose?" is his response. One must assume either the universe going on forever or, if you like, as Aristotle believed that there was a first cause.
Does your god concern himself with maintaining his creations? Is he interested in us?
Only a god who wants to be praised and wants to be obeyed would create a universe in which there are people to praise and obey is his answer.
He is not a Christian it seems.