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Author | Topic: How do we know God is "Good"? | |||||||||||||||||||||||
LinearAq Member (Idle past 4991 days) Posts: 598 From: Pocomoke City, MD Joined: |
mtw writes: 1) Everyone on Earth was killed in the flood. MUST that logically mean babies? Gee...this could lead somewhere. The flood killed everyone on Earth....but babies weren't mentioned...so they weren't killed. Lets take that further.Hmmm...men weren't mentioned specifically either...so they weren't killed. Women weren't mentioned specifically...so they weren't killed. And specific animal species weren't mentioned outright...so no specific animal species were killed...therefore no animals were killed. Therefore, according to the Bible, nothing was killed by a flood that covered the Earth. Well Mike....for once I agree with you and now the Bible agrees with the evidence in the rocks...Thank you!!! We're apathetic anarchists...we don't care who we blow up!
lfen Member (Idle past 4992 days) Posts: 2189 From: Oregon Joined: |
I said it myself on another forum, so it would be hypocritical to blame you or Dan - so I know where you're coming from, yet I now consider myself refuted by those men of faith, though ofcourse - I allow the possibility in my mind, as it's inspired by God but not written by him. I think the flood is explained as the fruit of man's doing. All penalties are the fruit of our doing. Don't believe m Mike, Have you a link to this thread, or would you consider inviting them here to debate the flood? I'd like to know what they said that you feel is more convincing that 1000's of geologist around the world putting in 100,000's hours of study of the earth with reams of interlocking evidence that falsifies the notion of a world wide flood at any time. And no I don't have confirmation of my numbers but have made my estimates extremely conservative. lfen
pink sasquatch Member (Idle past 6338 days) Posts: 1567 Joined: |
Then I guess my follow up question would be this:
Why did God find it necessary to describe the punishment of a city in terms of the dismemberment and mutilation of a woman?
dpardo Inactive Member |
Hi Pink Sasquatch!
Pink Sasquatch writes: Why did God find it necessary to describe the punishment of a city in terms of the dismemberment and mutilation of a woman? I do not know. It is interesting to note, though, that the use of a woman to describe God's people is employed in the New Testament as well. Also, Jeremiah 6:2 says:
2 I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate woman.
lfen Member (Idle past 4992 days) Posts: 2189 From: Oregon Joined: |
The truth is we don't know exactly how much suffering and fear occurred. We can only speculate Well, yeaaahh.
IMO, God could just as easily (and most likely did) have miracled a quick and painless death for all of the innocent babies that you are so concerned about. Well, if he could have flooded the entire world and then removed any evidence that a world wide flood had happened and rearranged the layers of the earth to make it look like it does now, then he could have given the babies wings and sent them to another planet circling another star in another galaxies. So yeah you can make up further stories that are no more believable than a world wide flood or all those other mythological tales from Greece, Judah, Persia, wherever. The point is not what God did. The point is what people like Mike and yourself imagine a "good" God would do based on your willingness to set science aside and choose to believe primitive myths as if they were science and then evade the logical consequences of that self delusion by a series of hypothetical events even more preposterous than the story you are rationalizing. lfen
dpardo Inactive Member |
Hi Ifen,
While I realize that you have much zeal for your theories about the origins of life, earth, etc., please note that this is a thread about "How do we know God is 'Good'".
lfen Member (Idle past 4992 days) Posts: 2189 From: Oregon Joined: |
And that means we can only say good things about God? and flood and the babies? Your sequence doesn't parse a reply. You learned this techique in apologetics I presume and it's effective in that without sequence objections tend to just dry up and blow away? I am reprimanded for not noting the topic title? Or for not knowing what you will accept as being within the limits of what you wish to deal with? And what have I said to make you realize my theories about the origins of life and the earth? and the etc. being?
I've offered my opinion in this thread on how I think we know God is "Good" and my objections were in sequence to your defense. Your point I take it is I've no right to raise objections even though I've said nothing about my theories of abiogenesis or planetary formation but have spoken about the metaphysics of good and evil and the source of religious beliefs. lfen
Ben! Member (Idle past 1713 days) Posts: 1161 From: Hayward, CA Joined: |
(jumpin in WAY late in the game)
There's a LOT of things in your opening post that are simply ... strange ways of thinking to me. But here are two that I think are important:
In other words, despite that fact that an objective appraisal of the Christian God as derived from the world around us, and the Bible depicts an un-good God, this is negated because we can't see the bigger picture. Are you actually claiming some sort of ethic to be "objective" ? I don't think I'd want to go there. What is it that makes you think there's an 'objective' ethic? Please, if do want to explain, define 'objective' AND ethic while you do it. That will help me respond to you better. Thanks! ![]() What basis do Christians then have to claim that he is "Good"? They use the same sources: the Bible and in some cases testomony from aspects of the world. Can it not be countered that they also have no idea of the bigger picture and have no capability to analyse the nature of their God? For Christians, God is the CREATOR of good and evil, and JUDGEMENT. God does, almost by DEFINITION, what is right. I think the only approach you can take is to show inconsistency in what God says, and what God does; i.e. you use God's own ethic to show that he does things against it. In other words, this 'objective' ethic stuff is NOT going to get you far. I think Mike the wiz is doing the best job of trying to follow this way. You can't PARTIALLY accept the Christian God. Either you make the leap of faith to believe in the Christian God and what that God represents, or you don't. I feel like you're trying to posit that Christians accept that there is SOME God, with unknown properties, and then to judge him with some ethic (which you've chosen to call objective). That's just not how it works with faith. You're either all in, or not in at all. So ... I think it's confusing because the problem you're stating is basically a straw man (and I'm guessing an inadvertent one) Comments? Ben
contracycle Inactive Member |
quote: I am not a servant.
quote: waaaaahahahahahahahaha Thats not worthy of any other response. Mike you're making quite a radical claim here - not only is the word of god inerrant, but also that the word of god is encyclopedic, and that anything that doesn't get a mention is by implication non-existant. In which case, where in the bible is India or China mentioned? Does that imply to you that these places do not exist? I was going to remark on the idsue dpardo raised - the bible generally uses male specific terms, as in "the men of Sodom". Now if the MEN of Sodom were wicked, does not Mikes logic imply that the WOMEN of Sodom were innocent? And yet, they were destroyed too. And I believe I can justify both the presence of women and children in Sodom biblically, mostly becuase Sodom is one of my favourite examples of the immoral god. So in the bit where the Sodomites are hassling Lot to give over the angles, he offers up his daughters to be gang-raped instead. Such a moral, god-fearing man:
quote: If Lot lives in Sodom, and Lot has DAUGHTERS, and also sons-in-law, then presumably other children in Sodom were not that remarkable. Religion thus demonstrates yet again how the desperate defence of the indefensible makes otherwise rational adults into blithering idiots. This message has been edited by contracycle, 11-18-2004 06:16 AM This message has been edited by contracycle, 11-18-2004 06:17 AM
sidelined Member (Idle past 6223 days) Posts: 3435 From: Edmonton Alberta Canada Joined: |
Adam died a spiritual death at that moment, There is not only no evidence for this, the hebrew word for death is the same in the context of Adam as it is in the description of physical death descibed throughout the Old Testament.There is a hebrew word for spirit which is never once employed in concert with death as a description that would seperate the death of Adam from that of anyone else. "Calling Atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color." --Don Hirschberg
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
Pink, I couldn't remember your last name is all - it wasn't an insult, I just illogically assumed you were an atheist.
Are you actually arguing that God never killed a naive child? No. I've claimed nothing. Really - they made the claims. I haven't said that there were babies on earth, or not babies on earth. I have said that the bible doesn't specifically say babies were killed in the flood, in opposition to a claim that they were killed. Technically, I can't be refuted for not taking a position. I can be refuted if the bible specifically mentions baby death at the flood. Since no specific quote has been quotes, and only insults or "mike this is ridiculous" don't count as refutations of logic, I remain in my neutral position, of claiming nothing.
Dan Carroll Inactive Member |
The issue is, whether God admitts in the scriptures, to baby death. He does, Mike. He said he killed everyone. Everyone includes the poor little babas.
Even if there were babies - man's sin caused their death. I see. Man forced poor little God's hand into killing all those babies. That must have been rough for God.
If "everyone" MUST mean "babies where alive" then you win. Cool, looks like I win.
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
Contracycle - you've made the logical error of thinking I've claimed that thee were no babies on earth.
Since I have only asked people to back up their claim of specific baby death - and since I'm so silly, I'll also laugh at myself and ask you for the quote that will finally shut me up. It will be so hilarious when you provide the specific quote to back up the specific claim that babies died in Sodom. Thanks. Can't wait for a chuckle, at erm - the position I've taken - which was to....erm, take no position.
nator Member (Idle past 2485 days) Posts: 12961 From: Ann Arbor Joined: |
quote: If agreeing with "the cross" as opposed to "the crowd" means denying logic, reality, and good sense, then I'm glad I don't follow the cross. Casting yourself as an outsider probably makes you feel more unique or special or something. If "the cross" told you to jump off a bridge, would you? The crowd isn't jumping off bridges.
Gee, it sure looks like I'm the one telling the truth bout the Bible and you are the one tying yourself in knots. quote: No, by making dumb arguments which change the obvious intended, very clearly written meaning of the words of the Bible.
quote: Please quote the Bible verse where God tells every single person on the planet that he will drown them unless they shape up and fly straight. IOW, where do all the people n the planet learn the potential consequences of their actions?
quote: But do you really believe that the babies in the wombs of women were evil? Do you believe the 6 week old infants were wicked?
quote: You aren't following the Bible. You are making up extra explanations not found in the Bible to make God into the "always perfect and good" entity you want him to be.
quote: Can you please tell me which verse in the Bible describes how God let everyone in the world know that he would kill them in a flood if they did not change their ways?
quote: The babies in women's wombs were wicked?
quote: God is expecting 3 month old babies to follow commandments? All people in the world had heard of God's commandments? Even in North America? Even in India? See, mike, you are running up against the problem of context. The people who wrote the Bible didn't know the Earth was as big, and round, as it is. They didn't know that most of the rest of the world's people even existed. They had a very narrow, limited and terribly inaccurate view of what "the whole world" meant. Taken in this context, using the mindset of a uneducated nomadic shepherd from 2000 years ago, the stories read better and god doesn't sound quite as cruel. He is still cruel, but not quite as cruel. It is more realistic to think that "everyone in the world" would know about god's commandments, because a nomadic shepherd's "entire world" is miniscule when compared to what we mean by that phrase today.
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
Is this an appeal to my love of the lil babas?
![]() Linear's sarcasm didn't endeavour to exhaust all the logical pathways concerning what everyone means. Does everyone - in the scripture, mean Noah and his family?
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