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Author | Topic: How do we know God is "Good"? | |||||||||||||||||||||||
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
I can't blame you for saying man done these acts, possibly, and then blamed God. Indeed, I said it myself on another forum, so it would be hypocritical to blame you or Dan - so I know where you're coming from, yet I now consider myself refuted by those men of faith, though ofcourse - I allow the possibility in my mind, as it's inspired by God but not written by him. I think the flood is explained as the fruit of man's doing. All penalties are the fruit of our doing. Don't believe me? Check every supposed "bad God act", look through the preceeding sentences.
You see Ifen - I desire Dan's quote from what happened, and what God said concerning their sin. I will provide it shortly, it will tell us what I foretold about "preceeding reasons". In effect - man made the flood, not God. In the bible, it mentions "the fruit of your evil doings". In effect, we only reap what we sow. What matters concerning Sodom, is what I quoted from the scriptures, which allows us to trust God. What could we say - that God is unjust? I think not. This message has been edited by mike the wiz, 11-17-2004 08:30 PM
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
So, a totally babyless society is a logical possibility now? Listen - don't blame me - blame logic.
The Bible, as it stands on its own, is pretty difficult to take seriously. Errm, yeah - to a modern day secularist atheist, in his minority. Each to his own ofcourse. I expect you await the worm party.
Yes, Mike. "Everyone" does indeed include any babies that were there. The issue is, whether God admitts in the scriptures, to baby death. But you have another problem anyway. Even if there were babies - man's sin caused their death. That's the problem with you modern chaps who simply read the bible and dismiss it - you don't actually listen to it, because you are listening to what yourselves. WE are punished according to the fruit of OUR doings. If you sin (A) - you will kill your own children (B). Simple as that. It's the same with satan - give him authority - and he WILL literally take it. You have "given" the authority you own on earth - to him. Read Genesis, and what God says about man having dominion.
If you want to avoid the conclusion that God killed babies, feel free to defend the stance that there were no babies on the Earth at the time of the flood. Because "there were no babies" is really the only way to avoid the conclusion "God killed babies". I suggest you phome Mr Spock, and have a debate with him. If "everyone" MUST mean "babies where alive" then you win. But I'm going to induce barren women again, because you have induced God kiling babies.
God's really got a mad-on for those sinful babies. Irrelevant - no babies are mentioned as being killed. Read my quote - there were no righteouss found, which means I can trust God.
So I guess there were no first-born male children or babies in Egypt, huh? Because if there were, then God killed 'em dead! Maybe you have difficulty reading. I provided a quote - where God himself said he only will kill men and beasts. You see how you continue to invoke whatever pleases you?
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
Shraff - if you guys are so innocent - why haven't you mentioned Christ yet? The topic title is "How do we know God is good". Since I am a CHRIST believer? Well?
There are also many times that God is cruel, terrible, makes mistakes, and is in general much more human in nature, with many of the human faults and foibles we have But have you digged deep and looked into the theological explanations, because of the translation to english? Do you even know about authority and how we can give it away etc? Do you know that these "terrible God" stance you take, is infact - to be blamed on sin? HUMAN'S made the flood happen. They were not forced to be wicked - "every thought of their heart continually". When we sin - we invite satan to be our authority, satan - the "destroyer". When we sin - we give our authority away, we "choose" destruction. Do you know any of these reasons? The only way you can make God out is "terrible" - your bias is shown by the fact that you ONLY mention apparent terrible things.
It is YOU who has to distort and twist what the Bible actually says about God and how the Bible describes God in order to make him what YOU require him to be; an entity which can only do good, never regrets it's actions, etc. Well, let's see what Jesus Christ says; "Only one is good - God"/ All I've done is believe him. Since we are not good, and we even unbelieve - that kinda is going to make our arguments full of mis-understandings for a start. You don't want to believe in God of the bible, you'll make him look bad by mentioning how humans came to an end BECAUSE of theor own sin. If I'm wrong biblically, why does the bible say "the fruit of YOUR doings"? I'm not twisting the bible - I'm doing what I must against the crowd. I know your intentions. This message has been edited by mike the wiz, 11-17-2004 09:28 PM
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
God himself said he was only going to kill man and beast?? What's the problem Shraff?
Did God force the Egyptians to sin?
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
So what is your plan of action? Does your disagreement mean God doesn't exist? Sorry - But this won't mean he doesn't exist.
We have a choice to sin - or not. When we sin - we give our dominion to satan. Satan tempted Christ with Kingdoms of this world, Christ didn't make the mistake of handing his domion over - for he knew all things. The bible itself says that God will punish us according to the fruit or the "evil" of our doings. THIS is biblical.
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
Did Christ heal according to the bible? Did Christ die for us according to the bible? Did Christ feed the hungry according to the bible? Did Christ come as a humble person according to the bible? Was Christ the person of God according to the bible? Is man sinful according to the bible? Did Christ wash our sins away according to the bible? Did Christ suffer according to the bible? Did Christ sin according to the bible? Was Christ the person by whom we look to when looking at God's person - according to the bible?
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
"How do we know God is good?"
Well, the best way is to look at his person. Since you say God makes mistakes like a person - and you all want to judge God, like he is a person, shall we look at his person?
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
You said thank goodness you're not a CHRISTian. Christians believe Christ is the person of God.
I prefer the cross to the crowd.
Gee, it sure looks like I'm the one telling the truth bout the Bible and you are the one tying yourself in knots. What? By telling what the bible says about sin? That we shall be punished according to our doings? In evry event mentioned - God said he spared the righteouss. Why should I believe you and not the bible?Pink atheist said the first thing he thought is "what about the babies". This is an example, that you first try and blame God - and think of possible ways to make man's sin God's instead. Yet in every event mentioned, it was shown in the bible that man sinned. So I think the bible agrees with me somehow Shraff - that the wicked were punished and the righteous were not. "There is no peace sayeth the Lord, for the wicked". "Oh if thou hadst hearkened unto my commandments - then thy peace would have been as a river" - again, all biblical - and I agree with it. What am I twisting? AM I not agreeing? What truth do I deny? Simply show me the verse about babies With the bible. I have shown you everything I said with the bible. And you say I twist it, when I quote it?
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
So you think a man is a baby?
Obviously, the meaning you want is for "man" to mean adult male Did you just say that?
Obviously, the meaning you want is for "man" to mean adult male, but then the word used would be "men" and beast. No Shraff - I'm most pleased it said "both man and beast" - it wouldn't say both "men" and beast, as that would have sounded odd. God said "both man and beast" - I have no reason to think that a man is a baby, or to twist or obfuscate. It's as clear as a bell.
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
Pink, I couldn't remember your last name is all - it wasn't an insult, I just illogically assumed you were an atheist.
Are you actually arguing that God never killed a naive child? No. I've claimed nothing. Really - they made the claims. I haven't said that there were babies on earth, or not babies on earth. I have said that the bible doesn't specifically say babies were killed in the flood, in opposition to a claim that they were killed. Technically, I can't be refuted for not taking a position. I can be refuted if the bible specifically mentions baby death at the flood. Since no specific quote has been quotes, and only insults or "mike this is ridiculous" don't count as refutations of logic, I remain in my neutral position, of claiming nothing.
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
Contracycle - you've made the logical error of thinking I've claimed that thee were no babies on earth.
Since I have only asked people to back up their claim of specific baby death - and since I'm so silly, I'll also laugh at myself and ask you for the quote that will finally shut me up. It will be so hilarious when you provide the specific quote to back up the specific claim that babies died in Sodom. Thanks. Can't wait for a chuckle, at erm - the position I've taken - which was to....erm, take no position.
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
Is this an appeal to my love of the lil babas?
![]() Linear's sarcasm didn't endeavour to exhaust all the logical pathways concerning what everyone means. Does everyone - in the scripture, mean Noah and his family?
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
Welcome to the forum.
![]() You are very reasonable if you are a none-believer.
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
Oh dear - this just shows you haven't bothered to read my posts. Jesu Christ claims God is the only one who is good. Which is - erm,..backed up by the bible, because it is in the bible.
Your claims however - about specific baby death - haven't been backed up by the bible.
Not exactly. I have claimed that god is an evil murderous bastard Listen - I myself in that link, argued against God in the OT, SO I understand why you and Shraff and Dan say these things, according to your understanding(just like I did). The fact is though, that giving God the blame for man's sins is all too easy. I also got myself into this trap, but now see that all sin and wickedness is of us. Now if you can show me where Christ murdered. Thanks. Isn't it remarkable how any mention of Christ is ignored in every single point I make?. Maybe you think I'm a Jew.
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Since Gilgamesh chose the "Christian's" God to attack, I fail to see how I am unable to mention God.
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