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Author | Topic: How do we know God is "Good"? | |||||||||||||||||||||||
contracycle Inactive Member |
quote: Becuase christians happen to be the most easily accessible group of the people who follow this ancient text. Now get on with it: how can god be good when it performs such evil acts? After all, god is the first genocidist.
contracycle Inactive Member |
quote: We do not know that - after all, he's missing for what would have been his prime years as a warrior, late teens to late 20's.
contracycle Inactive Member |
quote: I think it utterly trivial. I'm much more worried about the being rended limb from limb bit.
quote: And he's comfortable worshipping a bloodthirsty genocidist?
quote: All I pointed out was the claim "Jesus never killed anyone" cannot be shown to be true. Aren't christians supposed to be honest, rat? You know full well I did not claim to know that Jesus killed, so why did you twist my argument that way? This message has been edited by contracycle, 11-10-2004 09:29 AM
contracycle Inactive Member |
I want gods slaughter of the male children of Egypt included in the list of atrocities as well. And Soddom and Gemorrah.
quote:- Exodus 12 It's difficult to understand how prisoners could possibly have been complicit in the pharoahs "crimes" such as they are. Clearly, this is a form of collective punishment, the innocent butchered along with the guilty. Now how is this not what we would call today a race hate crime?
contracycle Inactive Member |
quote: No, thats not what the story is about. The story is about gods role as national terrorist mastermind for the israelites. God is a racist, a despot and a terrorist - as are so many of his followers.
contracycle Inactive Member |
quote: So in fact you DON'T believe the bible at all.
contracycle Inactive Member |
No less than TWO obfuscatory responses, enither of which deal with the point. Plus a touch of moral slander just to make sure the unbeliever is driven off.
contracycle Inactive Member |
Actually all that is irrlevant IMO Jar.
Especially in the case of the bears, we are looking at a god who is butchering children by direct orders, for showing disrepsect to his prophet. In the case of the infanticide of the Egyptian children, we are looking at a racist hate crime perpertrated directly by gods agents, or personally. The purpose of both of these stories is to demonstrate the power and wrath of the jealous god. Hence why "god-fearing" becomes a christian virtue. Theres no beating about the bush that this is psychological terorrism, and that god is perpetrating despicable crimes AND IS PROUD OF IT. And that the Israelites are proud of him for it, too. The theists just want to be exempted from taking responsibility for worshipping a terrorist god.
contracycle Inactive Member |
quote: Well he did, lots of them. Which have been recouinted at great length. I don't care if god thought the people of Soddom were wicked. Why does gods opinion matter? He killed them all anyway - men women children and old toothless grandparents.
contracycle Inactive Member |
quote: If I decide you are sinful and wicked, do I have the right to destroy you?
contracycle Inactive Member |
quote: Why? Are you claimin Soddom was uninhabited? When god says he killed all the male children of Egypt, do you not believe Him? Are you calling god a liar, Mike? Now answer the question: If I decide you are sinful and wicked, do I have the right to kill you? This message has been edited by contracycle, 11-17-2004 11:44 AM
contracycle Inactive Member |
quote: I am not a servant.
quote: waaaaahahahahahahahaha Thats not worthy of any other response. Mike you're making quite a radical claim here - not only is the word of god inerrant, but also that the word of god is encyclopedic, and that anything that doesn't get a mention is by implication non-existant. In which case, where in the bible is India or China mentioned? Does that imply to you that these places do not exist? I was going to remark on the idsue dpardo raised - the bible generally uses male specific terms, as in "the men of Sodom". Now if the MEN of Sodom were wicked, does not Mikes logic imply that the WOMEN of Sodom were innocent? And yet, they were destroyed too. And I believe I can justify both the presence of women and children in Sodom biblically, mostly becuase Sodom is one of my favourite examples of the immoral god. So in the bit where the Sodomites are hassling Lot to give over the angles, he offers up his daughters to be gang-raped instead. Such a moral, god-fearing man:
quote: If Lot lives in Sodom, and Lot has DAUGHTERS, and also sons-in-law, then presumably other children in Sodom were not that remarkable. Religion thus demonstrates yet again how the desperate defence of the indefensible makes otherwise rational adults into blithering idiots. This message has been edited by contracycle, 11-18-2004 06:16 AM This message has been edited by contracycle, 11-18-2004 06:17 AM
contracycle Inactive Member |
quote: Not exactly. I have claimed that god is an evil murderous bastard. You claim that this is not true, and that god is good, becuase UNLESS I can show you a signed confession by god that he butchered children you refuse to believe it. If you are now retreating, and saying you do not have a position on babies or otherwise, my claim that god butchered whole populations and is evil stands unchallenged. Game, set, and match.
contracycle Inactive Member |
quote: No no - I deduce baby death from the context, just like others have done. I am not advancing absurd claims to baby-less societies or anything so ridiculous.
quote: God is all powerful - god was not compelled to act, god CHOSE to act. I can and will hold your terrorist (and imaginary) god accountable for those crimes. So earlier I asked you if I would be justified in killing you if I decided you were sinful. You have not answered this as yet. What is it? Becuase that is the only defence you have for god. Yourt argument is basically that might makes right. Saddam hussein executed "terrorists" by putting them in pits with grenade clusters. Was Saddam rigjt to do so becuase of thiose people were sinful? Is that all murder needs to be legitimate - power and criticism?
quote: No, its not remarkable, ITS OFF TOPIC. You are emrely trying to twist away from the argument.
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