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Author Topic:   How do we know God is "Good"?
Dan Carroll
Inactive Member

Message 197 of 305 (160431)
11-17-2004 9:48 AM
Reply to: Message 195 by nator
11-17-2004 9:39 AM

Re: Irrefutable mike strikes
What about in the Flood?
Or any children who lived in Sodom and Gomorrah?

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 Message 195 by nator, posted 11-17-2004 9:39 AM nator has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 198 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 9:49 AM Dan Carroll has replied

Dan Carroll
Inactive Member

Message 199 of 305 (160433)
11-17-2004 9:51 AM
Reply to: Message 198 by mike the wiz
11-17-2004 9:49 AM

Re: Irrefutable mike strikes
Abraham was the intercessor, and asked God to spare it if there were any righteous. God agreed. There weren't any.
So children and babies can be "not righteous?"

This message is a reply to:
 Message 198 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 9:49 AM mike the wiz has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 200 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 9:54 AM Dan Carroll has replied

Dan Carroll
Inactive Member

Message 202 of 305 (160440)
11-17-2004 10:06 AM
Reply to: Message 200 by mike the wiz
11-17-2004 9:54 AM

Re: Irrefutable mike strikes
Can you show me where it says there were babies and children?
Right after you show me where it says that God wants you to wuss out of considering difficult moral issues.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 200 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 9:54 AM mike the wiz has not replied

Dan Carroll
Inactive Member

Message 206 of 305 (160444)
11-17-2004 10:14 AM
Reply to: Message 203 by nator
11-17-2004 10:07 AM

Re: Irrefutable mike strikes
Can you show us any place on Earth, past or present, where humans live together in clans, villages, or cities, where there aren't any children?
Hell, I'll go you one better. Can you show me two towns, any place on Earth, past or present, where humans live together in clans, villages, or cities, who are specifically identified as screwing like monkeys in heat, in a time before birth control, where there aren't any children?

This message is a reply to:
 Message 203 by nator, posted 11-17-2004 10:07 AM nator has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 209 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 10:16 AM Dan Carroll has replied

Dan Carroll
Inactive Member

Message 208 of 305 (160446)
11-17-2004 10:15 AM
Reply to: Message 204 by mike the wiz
11-17-2004 10:07 AM

Re: Irrefutable mike strikes
What punishment could I give God anyway?
What does that matter? There are plenty of people on Earth I'm not in a position to punish, but I still know they're doing wrong. Many of them are in Government.
"Authority" and "power" are not synonymous with "good".

This message is a reply to:
 Message 204 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 10:07 AM mike the wiz has not replied

Dan Carroll
Inactive Member

Message 210 of 305 (160449)
11-17-2004 10:18 AM
Reply to: Message 209 by mike the wiz
11-17-2004 10:16 AM

Re: Irrefutable mike strikes
But Abraham asked God if there were any to be spared.
So what? We're asking if God did something bad. "God said it was okay" isn't really an effective defense.
Are you saying I should not trust God. but rather judge him?
If he does something bad, sure.
Am I not already guilty enough in this department?
You feel guilty for pointing out when someone does something wrong?
God would have foreseen these people's sin, and not granted them any babies.
Then why would he have to kill them? Give it thirty years, (which apparently is nothing to God) and they'll all grow old and die, without leaving anyone to carry on their wicked ways.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 209 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 10:16 AM mike the wiz has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 212 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 10:25 AM Dan Carroll has replied
 Message 221 by contracycle, posted 11-17-2004 11:33 AM Dan Carroll has not replied

Dan Carroll
Inactive Member

Message 215 of 305 (160461)
11-17-2004 10:35 AM
Reply to: Message 212 by mike the wiz
11-17-2004 10:25 AM

Re: Irrefutable mike strikes
God is never wrong.
So God is never wrong because God is never wrong.
Got it.
The people od Sodom and Gomorah, were destoyed because of thir sin - they done it to themselves.
Those damn babies, asking for it like that... wallowing in their own sin with no shame at all...
Can you quote where it says babies died, thanks.
No, thank you for supporting the idea that belief in Christianity demands that you not put any thought into what you read.
It's a simple scenario, Mike. Two towns that screw all the time. No birth control. Both towns are destroyed, none survive.
But no babies were killed, because... y'know, no babies were killed. Besides, that would be wrong, and God is never wrong because God is never wrong.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 212 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 10:25 AM mike the wiz has not replied

Dan Carroll
Inactive Member

Message 216 of 305 (160463)
11-17-2004 10:38 AM
Reply to: Message 214 by mike the wiz
11-17-2004 10:33 AM

Re: Irrefutable mike strikes
Even those of you who protest against Bush - why do you waste your time? There is nothing you can do anymore. You see, jusgement means a little with this matter - but means nothing with God.
Probably the same reason all those martyrs chose to be eaten by lions rather than bow to an unjust authority.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 214 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 10:33 AM mike the wiz has not replied

Dan Carroll
Inactive Member

Message 226 of 305 (160516)
11-17-2004 11:52 AM
Reply to: Message 225 by mike the wiz
11-17-2004 11:46 AM

Re: Irrefutable mike strikes
God didn't say there were any babies in Sodom.
So the people of Sodom and Gomorrah weren't screwing like bunnies?
You do know how babies are made, right Mike?
And I notice you don't say anything about the male children in Egypt.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 225 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 11:46 AM mike the wiz has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 228 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 12:00 PM Dan Carroll has replied

Dan Carroll
Inactive Member

Message 232 of 305 (160530)
11-17-2004 12:20 PM
Reply to: Message 228 by mike the wiz
11-17-2004 12:00 PM

Re: Irrefutable mike strikes
Don't you mean the firstborn in Egypt?
Yep. How 'bout 'em?
Screwing like bunnies, doesn't necessarily get you baby bunnies, if God has made your wicked women barren.
Gee, Mike. Where does it say God made the women of the cities barren? Quote please!

This message is a reply to:
 Message 228 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 12:00 PM mike the wiz has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 234 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 12:29 PM Dan Carroll has replied

Dan Carroll
Inactive Member

Message 235 of 305 (160536)
11-17-2004 12:35 PM
Reply to: Message 234 by mike the wiz
11-17-2004 12:29 PM

Re: Irrefutable mike strikes
Firstborn doesn't mean babies or children.
Yes it does, Mike. If they were adults, there would be no need to define them by their parents.
As for them being barren, I'd only need that quote if it first said there were babies.
That's idiotic. The assumption is that people who screw all the time without birth control will have babies. It's just common sense. If you want to provide a reason why there are no babies, you have to show us why you think that.
Anyway, I don't really see the point in continuing this. You pretty much admitted to Ned that you were defending an idiotic position. And apparently the goal in doing so is... to make God look good?
Might want to rethink tactics there, Mike.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 234 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 12:29 PM mike the wiz has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 236 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 12:40 PM Dan Carroll has replied

Dan Carroll
Inactive Member

Message 238 of 305 (160540)
11-17-2004 12:54 PM
Reply to: Message 236 by mike the wiz
11-17-2004 12:40 PM

Re: Irrefutable mike strikes
No - you have to quote where it says God killed babies.
It said they had lots of sex. Since sex is how babies are made, those who were having sex would have had babies. It says God killed everyone in both cities.
There you go. You want to avoid the obvious conclusion, feel free to tell us why.
My tactics are highly reaonable for one reason; I claim CHRISTianity. Yet no one mentions any good acts concerning Christ and the topic title.
Why would we? Christ has nothing to do with Sodom and Gomorrah, the plagues of Egypt, or the flood. He wasn't even born yet.
I earn the right to observe scripture only
Cool. Scripture tells us God killed everyone at Sodom and Gamorrah, everyone in the world with the flood, and all the firstborn males in Egypt. Scripture says nothing about any bizarre childless societies. (Which you'd think would really be something someone would write down. "And check this shit out... there were no kids! How weird is that?")
Observe that scripture, Mike.
As for first born, it's been established that Rameses the second firstborn died in adulthood.
So let's see if we can sum up... Mike is saying that there were no firstborn male children in Egypt... that there were no children in either Sodom or Gamorrah... and that there were no children anywhere on the planet at the time of the flood.
I gotta tell you Mike, this is getting funnier and funnier. You're really making Christians look retarded.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 236 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 12:40 PM mike the wiz has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 239 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 1:01 PM Dan Carroll has replied
 Message 240 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 1:05 PM Dan Carroll has replied

Dan Carroll
Inactive Member

Message 241 of 305 (160546)
11-17-2004 1:18 PM
Reply to: Message 239 by mike the wiz
11-17-2004 1:01 PM

Re: Irrefutable mike strikes
I'm not saying that there were no babies on earth, I'm just saying that the scripture doesn't mention that there were any babies killed.
But it does say that everyone on Earth was killed. If you're saying no babies were killed, then you are saying there were no babies on Earth.
And if you're not saying that no babies were killed, then what exactly is your point?
Definitely I say I AM before anyone.
Can you please rephrase this abortion of a sentence for me? As it stands, it seems to have nothing to do with what I said.
You claimed baby death, mike says it isn't mentioned.
See above. If there were babies to be found in any of these situations, then there was baby death.
You can repeat "but it doesn't specifically mention the babies" as many times as you want. But it still boils down to you defending the asinine idea that there were no babies to be found in any of these societies. (One of these societies being the planet Earth.)

This message is a reply to:
 Message 239 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 1:01 PM mike the wiz has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 243 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 1:26 PM Dan Carroll has replied

Dan Carroll
Inactive Member

Message 242 of 305 (160547)
11-17-2004 1:19 PM
Reply to: Message 240 by mike the wiz
11-17-2004 1:05 PM

Re: Irrefutable mike strikes
Also, "retards" and "idiotic" are irrelevant to this topic.
Oh Mike, I think you've made them extremely relevant to this topic.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 240 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 1:05 PM mike the wiz has not replied

Dan Carroll
Inactive Member

Message 244 of 305 (160553)
11-17-2004 1:34 PM
Reply to: Message 243 by mike the wiz
11-17-2004 1:26 PM

Re: Irrefutable mike strikes
Dan, Dan, Dan - I've provided what God said.
God said:
1) Everyone on Earth was killed in the flood.
2) Everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah was killed by God.
3) Every first born male in Egypt was killed.
Babies, last I checked, fall under the category of "everyone".
But how could I possibly know if there were any babies on earth at the time?
See how relevant words like "retarded" and "idiotic" are here, Mike?
If there were people... especially ones who are specifically identified as having sex all the time... then there were babies.
Again, I'm not claiming there weren't babies on earth, you have claimed something - that babies were killed, I have said - that the report doesn't mention this. That's all I have said on the matter.
So basically, you're saying that if you ignore the obvious implications of the Bible, then you won't have to think about the fact that God killed babies.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 243 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 1:26 PM mike the wiz has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 246 by mike the wiz, posted 11-17-2004 1:43 PM Dan Carroll has replied

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