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Author | Topic: How do we know God is "Good"? | |||||||||||||||||||||||
riVeRraT Member (Idle past 744 days) Posts: 5788 From: NY USA Joined: |
First off, lets clear something up.
I think your a smart person. So if you want to find out what a bible verse means, you can go study it at good source on the net like BibleGateway.com: A searchable online Bible in over 150 versions and 50 languages. Then if you still had questions, you could ask us. The children were not torn limb from limb. They were mauled by the bears. It was sign to a nation of unjust people, of what was about to fall on them. Thank God he sent his son to free us of stuff like that. All we have to do is follow his ways.
riVeRraT Member (Idle past 744 days) Posts: 5788 From: NY USA Joined: |
He was missing?
Awesome, that must mean he killed someone. How did you figure that out?
riVeRraT Member (Idle past 744 days) Posts: 5788 From: NY USA Joined: |
The human brain is not finished developing until about 13 years of age. There are brain growth spurts that correlate with various skill and behavioural changes. Around 2 years there is a brain growth spurt that is sometimes referred to as the "terrible twos" for example.
The bible speaks of this responsibility of the parents during those years. to make sure we grow up right, and knowing God. If our parents do not teach us of God, then we carry their sins with us. Even if they do teach us, we can still carry their sins. We can only be delivered by Christ. I know your next question would be, "what about the children who have no parents?" Well that is supposed to be our responsibility. Anyone who harms a child is not following God's word. We are also supposed to support widows as well. We are supposed to stick together as a race of beings.
You didn't say "If it doesn't come back then it wasn't meant to be" If that wasn't your point then why didn't you say something. I believe you think that God bestowed death and hell on people so the parallel was apparent. Shall we ask for some other opinions? I don't think I was misrepresenting what you initially wrote.
I guess you have never heard that saying before. It is quite old, and the moral of it, is what I explained. The hunting down and killing part is the humor side of the statement. It's pretty obvious that 99.9% of people would not go and hunt down things they let go. It is also 100% against God to do such a thing.
riVeRraT Member (Idle past 744 days) Posts: 5788 From: NY USA Joined: |
The attitude of the ignorant never ceases to amaze me.
So lets get this straight, Its ok to for your kids to tease, but its not ok to make a fig tree wither its leaves? Like we need that fig tree so bad.
Aren't christians supposed to be honest, rat? You know full well I did not claim to know that Jesus killed, so why did you twist my argument that way?
Try not to think of it as twisting, but untwisting. Look for the light.
riVeRraT Member (Idle past 744 days) Posts: 5788 From: NY USA Joined: |
If I had to choose between a warning about our coming judgement and not getting a warning, I would choose the warning from God, and change my ways.
Thats what the story is about.
riVeRraT Member (Idle past 744 days) Posts: 5788 From: NY USA Joined: |
How come your answers generate so many more baffling questions? Isn't it an easier answer that you guys are just making this stuff up?
My answers are simple and straight forward. The "baffling" questions you speak of is just you being a smart ass. Thats what you choose to do. Or you really don't get the story. If thats the case, then your not a smart ass. Don't you get it? People were bad sometimes in those days. Really really bad. They did not self correct(police) themselves like we do in America now. God had to come down and show them how they are supposed to behave. The more God gives us, the more we abuse our rights from him. Instead of being thankful, we spite him, and do what ever we want. That is still happening today to a degree, and it is getting worse. That is why some people take 9/11 as a warning from God, and it stirred a religious revival in our country. I remain on the fence if that is true or not, but I do consider it. It's funny how quickly we are getting over that. Believe me, there is more to come, God has told me that.
So what is your point: that some of them might have lived? This makes it less inconceivably ungood?
Since I believe in God, I don't feel the kids were that badly hurt. I would like to think that they all had a chance to heal. Since is was a warning, and they were only kids. I don't think God is about maming kids. But that is long ago, and there is so many translations. The important part is the moral of the story. How many times have you recieved a message from God, or one that you thought could have been from God, yet you chose to igmore it?
riVeRraT Member (Idle past 744 days) Posts: 5788 From: NY USA Joined: |
Sidelined, you wake up one morning, and the radio tells you that your make car has radiation leaking out of it. If you touch it you will die. You can't see the bad, and some people might not even understand how radiation could kill them. But they know they don't want to die.
Dying is not evil, its a part of life. Touch the tree and you die. Whats so hard to understand about that? Stop twisting it.
riVeRraT Member (Idle past 744 days) Posts: 5788 From: NY USA Joined: |
Right....and liberalism is a plot to destroy America, that started by planting liberal professors in our colleges that brain wash or kids into thinking that God doesn't exist, and they can do what ever they want without any reprecussions in life.
No wonder some of you think that teaching your kids to tease is ok. Its all so clear now, yeah....thats the ticket!
riVeRraT Member (Idle past 744 days) Posts: 5788 From: NY USA Joined: |
You could be mauled, and heal from it.
Tearing limb from limb is much worse IMO. Which one would you choose?
riVeRraT Member (Idle past 744 days) Posts: 5788 From: NY USA Joined: |
Is that supposed to make me feel bad?
Maybe I know what you are really thinking. The fact that you can reconize that it is obfuscatory, and that you would be driven off, meansThat I am right, and you do understand what I am telling you. What do you think, that I am Christ or something? I came from where you are, I know what you need to hear, gimme a break.God is good, period.
riVeRraT Member (Idle past 744 days) Posts: 5788 From: NY USA Joined: |
I don't know, put yourself in his position, I'm sure you will get it fine.
Touch, and die, simple. Pretend your Adam for a day, lol
riVeRraT Member (Idle past 744 days) Posts: 5788 From: NY USA Joined: |
True, a voice of reason, nice.
riVeRraT Member (Idle past 744 days) Posts: 5788 From: NY USA Joined: |
Whats so hard to understand?
Why are you sarcastic? Does that justify you not believing in God? Can you picture a world without there any bad choices to be made?Or a world where the thought of a bad choice wouldn't even enter your mind? At first this might sound beatiful. Or even what heaven is going to be like. I don't know, that will be another demension, will good and bad even play a role? But life is all about choices. Everything we do in life can relate back to making the decsion of whether something is good or bad. Tell me one choice you could make that doesn't represent good or bad in some sort of fashion. It completely represents our ability to think, and rationalize.
riVeRraT Member (Idle past 744 days) Posts: 5788 From: NY USA Joined: |
Your comparing Adam to a child, thats not fair.
Adam was capable of understanding what would be bad for him, but did not know how to commit "evil" To think that all things bad for you are evil? *edit*Just noticed your sig, kind of silly, some people have no choice if they are bald. This message has been edited by riVeRraT, 11-12-2004 07:45 AM
riVeRraT Member (Idle past 744 days) Posts: 5788 From: NY USA Joined: |
He sure did die.
We all die now. He was punished for bad, not evil. Stop confusing the two.
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