Mr Hambre wrote:
The mindset of faith, especially faith in invisible deities and rewards in the afterlife, is not conducive to critical thinking or responsible discourse.
Jar responded:
I think you would have a hard time supporting such an assertion. While there might well be differences between two people who discuss faith or religion, I don't think you can arbitrarily say that those with faith are less able to think critically than those without.
There are simply too many very clever and successful theists to suggest that they cannot engage in any critical thinking or responsible discourse. However, those with faith compartmentalise. They are able to function and think normally and critically in most aspects of their lives
except where apsects of their lives fall within the realms of their religious beliefs.
Within the realms of their faith, there is little to no critical thinking or responsible discourse. And this can involve critically important social apsects of their lives, like politics and science, so depending upon the nature of their faith, they may be valueless contributors to society.