That's part of my point. My other point is that if you dip a lemon into chocolate pudding, put sugar on it, and put some M&M on it you will still have a sour lemon in the inside.
I've seen WT write 200 posts that is the equivilent of putting 200 M&M onto the lemon. I have seen the rat dip the lemon into a big puddle of chocolate pudding. After several hundred M&M and pounds of sugar later, people generally forget that there's still a sour lemon there.
Actually, I'm just amazed at how much sugar coating people like the rat and buz can put on the circular reasoning that only took me 4 sentences to say.
I have no doubt that we will very soon see several hundred pounds of sugar and M&M in this thread. Be warned!
He's not dead. He's electroencephalographically challenged.
The longest word in the English language is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.