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Author | Topic: Big Bang...How Did it Happen? | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Eta_Carinae Member (Idle past 4695 days) Posts: 547 From: US Joined: |
I take it you are pretty young, my guess is about 15 or 16. Didn't you see I told you how to use the quote facility so it is easier to read.
How is this rude to point this out? If I said Sammy Sosa was a great basketball player it would not be rude for you to point out that he is a baseball player and hence I don't know baseball very well. True but it would be rude to say Sammy sosa needs to read some books on hitting baseball's Because I think he isn't very educated in doing this. (opinion) But it is not rude to say you need to read a physics/astronomy book because it is obvious you do.
Do you know the origin of the Big Bang Theory or are you going to dodge this question again? My point is there was no origin to the big bang. How can I dodge stating the origin of something that didn't happen? This is why I think you are young and not used to debating via the internet. Did you read what I asked. I asked do you know the origin of the Big Bang Theory, not the origin of the Big Bang, but why the theory was developed. Do you see what I am asking now? Why did scientists develope the theory?
I was asking for your background in the sense of age and/or science background not your name and address. Geez! I don't see how that is important what does it matter will that knowledge help you in proving the points you are trying to make? I am more comfortable with us staying strangers. (you can call me suave though) OK are you just being difficult? I was originally trying to help you so i could point you to the right level of material to read. How does your telling me your science education level mean anything accept in this context. Your avoidance speaks volumes. You are probably a high school kid with zero science knowledge.
You couldn't show me how your theory even started if a plain can't get off the ground it cant fly same as your theory. Wake up before its to late. so lets address this point first not the other 12. I think you mean plane. Again I am trying to get there but I need to know if you realise why the BB Theory was developed. I want you to understand how science works but that is going to take some work it seems.
Eta_Carinae Member (Idle past 4695 days) Posts: 547 From: US Joined: |
Well I don't think its any crazier than thinking a rock came alive (that came from nothing)and from that non thinking hunk of crud here I am. Talking and everything I'd be shocked you are not a high school kid. Statements like the above are just childish nonsense.
suaverider Inactive Member |
But it is not rude to say you need to read a physics/astronomy book because it is obvious you do.
(That's Opinion) You don't know me you are assuming I need this but you cant prove it so its insulting at least to me. You can say by my posts YOU think I need this or that but thats just you. not the origin of the Big Bang, but why the theory was developed Yes the theory was invented so people could sin and believe there was no punishment to come from this and maybe so they could pretend to be GOD but I tell you that you will find out someday so you better be sure of yourselves because then it will be to late there is still time to be saved if you care about your eternal destiny.10 out of 10 die we all will what if your wrong only JESUS CAN SAVE YOU through his sacrifice I Pray you except him and escape this wrath that is to come I do care I am not here to win this debate for me but to show you the way to the LORD It is important more than we can know. You are probably a high school kid with zero science knowledge. No I'm out of school and grateful I had to hear that theory for years with no alternative it was like they were trying to brainwash me into believing this lie. I think you mean plane OK we are even.
suaverider Inactive Member |
GOOD ONE , well leave Hovind alone unless he is here to defend himself.
suaverider Inactive Member |
And yes part of my statement was childish nonsense the part about nothing exploding and then coming alive.
This message has been edited by suaverider, 08-26-2004 11:39 PM
jar Member (Idle past 160 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Yes the theory was invented so people could sin and believe there was no punishment to come from this and maybe so they could pretend to be GOD but I tell you that you will find out someday so you better be sure of yourselves because then it will be to late there is still time to be saved if you care about your eternal destiny. What in the world are you talking about? First, almost all Christian Churches accept both Evolution and the Big Bang. There is no conflict between either theory and Christianity. Religion deals with WHY, not with HOW. So back to the question, do you know why the Big Bang theory was developed? Do you understand how any theory is developed? Aslan is not a Tame Lion
Eta_Carinae Member (Idle past 4695 days) Posts: 547 From: US Joined: |
Yes the theory was invented so people could sin and believe there was no punishment to come from this and maybe so they could pretend to be GOD but I tell you that you will find out someday so you better be sure of yourselves because then it will be to late there is still time to be saved if you care about your eternal destiny. OK you are obviously a fundamental lunatic. You not only don't know any science you don't even know how science operates. You weren't homeschooled were you? That often explains a lot. You say you are out of school, well not by much I'll wager. It's always fun with the fundies when it comes to showing their lack of knowledge. You're doing great on that front. Well just for your edification the Big Bang Theory effectively began with the work of Lemaitre a Jesuit priest. Yes a man of God though if you are as fundie as I expect you probably are a Catholic hater. Of course you are probably not a Christian but a false idol Bible worshipper. A rather common internet species of American fundamentalist. Let me guess you are American are you not?
10 out of 10 die we all will what if your wrong only JESUS CAN SAVE YOU through his sacrifice I Pray you except him and escape this wrath that is to come I do care I am not here to win this debate for me but to show you the way to the LORD It is important more than we can know. You couldn't win a debate with a 12 gauge. You came on here spouting the usual fundie anti-science nonsense but not to learn anything but to preach. Yet at the same time you managed to show your complete ignorance. In that you are not unusual, all you ultra fundies are clueless to the point I don't know how you buggers survive in the real world. Bye.
coffee_addict Member (Idle past 188 days) Posts: 3645 From: Indianapolis, IN Joined: |
Hey Eta, I think it is obvious that we're talking to someone that is very much like desdamona. You can continue on if you want, but I would really hate it to see your blood pressure go off the roof. I want a live Eta here tomorrow, not a dead one.
Take care. The Laminator We are the bog. Resistance is voltage over current.
For goodness's sake, please vote Democrat this November!
Eta_Carinae Member (Idle past 4695 days) Posts: 547 From: US Joined: |
It was a boring evening anyway. But my God how dumb can they get. Just when you think you have seen as dumb a fundie as possible out pops a new one. I really do wonder how these folk survive even doing the mundane like shopping, paying bills, driving or even walking straight.
I hate to get on an anti-American rant as I have lived here some 20 years but my God you have cornered the market on this nonsense.
AdminNosy Administrator Posts: 4755 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Joined: |
Typical evolutionist talk IM smart your not so you cant understand why I'M right that's great. Suaverider, no one said that. What is true is that some people know more than you do. That doesn't mean smarter just more knowlegable. That is to be expected since they have spent years studying the area. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes a lot of knowledge to be able to understand the details. I can't keep up with all the Eta is saying cause he is the expert. I do know enough physics (I have a BSc in it) to understand parts of what he is saying. Suave, you have been lied to. You have posted (perhaps reworded when you typed it) stuff that is not your own thinking. You actually do not understand what is being said. The source you used has had a chance to correct those things which they have posted. The fact that they have not makes them liars. Eta, is being good enough to go over this material and, within the time constraints he has, try to help you to see how bad it is. If you choose to ignore this opportunity to learn then you are demonstarting that you have some deficiencies. Let's see if you can step up to the plate. You were warned earlier about taking on this subject. After my four years of math and physics there are big areas that I can't totally wrap my head around. That is why I like reading sources where experts argue it out. It helps me get an idea of how solidly based the ideas are. It will come down, for some parts of this, to believing what you are told. You will have to pick who to believe. I'm sorry that it is hard for you to do. If you want help in figuring out how to pick we can discuss that in another thread. A lot of this material is rather mind-boggling indeed. That doesn't make it wrong. I've forgotten again who said "The universe is not only queerer than we imagine, it is queerer than we can imagine."
NosyNed Member Posts: 9012 From: Canada Joined: |
well leave Hovind alone unless he is here to defend himself.
Oooo Oooo what a present that would be! Please please get him to drop in and visit! The blood lust! The great fun! LOL, you have no idea how many people here would love to have him to "discuss" things with.
CK Member (Idle past 4448 days) Posts: 3221 Joined: |
oh please! I'll drop to me knees and praise the lord - if we could get Dr.Dino over here!
coffee_addict Member (Idle past 188 days) Posts: 3645 From: Indianapolis, IN Joined: |
suaverider writes:
I just noticed this particular sentence. Just an advice. Try not to be as arrogant. Not everyone knows as little as you. Here is something that can potentially open your mind a little bit more. Typical evolutionist talk IM smart your not so you cant understand why I'M right that's great. (1) del * E = e/(permittivity constant) (2) del * B = 0 (3) del X E = -(partial derivitive of B)/ (partial derivitive of t) (4) del X B = (permiability)J + (permittivity)(permiability)[(partial derivitive of E)/(partial derivitive of t)] (1) is coulomb's Law and Gauss's Law. (2) shows there's no magnetic pole. (3) Faraday's Law. (4) Ampere's Law. I know that this is a little off topic, but I'm only trying to show suaverider that there are things more complicated than his oversimplified worldview. Real physicists don't just blow hot air out of their buttholes like you do. They actually work with equations like the ones I put above and come up with scientific theories/explanations that are based on the mathematical results. Then, someone comes along and put these explanations into words so that non-physics scientists could understand. THEN, a journalist comes along and grossly oversimplifies the explanations so that everyone else could understand. Based on what you've written so far, I have a feeling that you don't really understand the evidence and math behind what you are talking about, and neither are a lot of other people here. It's ok to discuss about it, but try to watch it. Eta is a real live physicist. The Laminator We are the bog. Resistance is voltage over current.
For goodness's sake, please vote Democrat this November!
suaverider Inactive Member |
First, almost all Christian Churches accept both Evolution and the Big Bang. There is no conflict between either theory and Christianity.
Well to start with that is false evolution teaches death brought man into the world the BIBLE THE WORD OF GOD teaches man brought death into the world through sin. The bible says in the beginning not in a million years. GOD created all things in six days and rested on the seventh because creation was done and for us to work six days and rest on the Sabbath. That's only a few conflicts. I realize many of you are brainwashed or have stood up for something that's crumbling to new discoveries and because of pride don't want to admit your error but that step is necessary in finding the truth the bible says by proclaiming themselves wise they became fools. Say that YOU NO ONE PERCENT OF EVERYTHING IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE then you would have to admit that there is a chance of God's existence and you haven't found it yet if not you have blinded yourself to your faith. Another point even if it took a million years for evolution to happen (I don't believe it) there still would have had to be one second between the nonliving matter (a rock) being nonliving then in the next second being alive think it over and having to survive.what's the chances. Archaeology and the Bible - ChristianAnswers.Net some info.
suaverider Inactive Member |
It's ok to discuss about it, but try to watch it. Eta is a real live physicist.
But he is still a man and man can be wrong.
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