Member's Last Post
New Replies
Re: Human Rights a matter of Opinion? (Message 9)
01-26-2006 11:11 AM |
Gay Rights in Ireland |
Coffee House |
Message 10
01-23-2006 3:26 PM |
No |
The Monty Python Thread
Begun by Thor on 01-21-2006 4:24 AM | Posts: 10 |
Coffee House |
Message 57
01-10-2006 10:23 AM |
Is US Establishing An Islamic Theocracy In Iraq?
Begun by Buzsaw on 01-01-2006 11:31 PM | Posts: 58; Pages: 1 2 3 4 |
Coffee House |
Message 7
12-28-2005 10:34 AM |
Media Reform: Systemic Change & Individual Integrity
Begun by Omnivorous on 12-27-2005 2:45 PM | Posts: 19; Pages: 1 2 |
Coffee House |
Message 19
12-28-2005 10:04 AM |
George W. Bush Impeachment Poll by MSNBC
Begun by RAZD on 12-26-2005 8:16 AM | Posts: 23; Pages: 1 2 |
Coffee House |
Re: Judaism out, let's add Christianity (Message 11)
12-22-2005 9:52 AM |
No |
Just sick
Begun by riVeRraT on 12-19-2005 5:15 PM | Posts: 29; Pages: 1 2 |
Coffee House |
Message 1
12-20-2005 2:03 PM |
Syria agrees to hide Iran's Nukes
Begun by Tal on 12-20-2005 2:03 PM | Posts: 12 |
Coffee House |
Message 5
12-16-2005 10:01 AM |
No |
intellectual dishonesty and crisis of faith |
Coffee House |
Re: irony in narnia (Message 45)
12-12-2005 11:16 AM |
who really owns "Chronicles of Narnia?" |
Coffee House |
Re: Adam Created Eternal (Message 11)
12-09-2005 3:03 PM |
The Tree of Life as God's Life |
Bible Study |
Message 268
12-09-2005 2:08 PM |
No |
Are there any substitutes for having inner peace? |
Comparative Religions |
Re: I think he has some nukes (Message 20)
11-10-2005 2:18 PM |
Levin, dem senator, says Saddam had nukes.
Begun by randman on 11-09-2005 5:49 PM | Posts: 49; Pages: 1 2 3 4 |
Coffee House |
Message 2
11-10-2005 1:53 PM |
No |
OOO-RAH! Happy Birthday Marines
Begun by purpledawn on 11-10-2005 6:41 AM | Posts: 11 |
Coffee House |
Message 5
11-08-2005 3:04 PM |
It's a Boy!
Begun by Jazzns on 11-08-2005 1:25 PM | Posts: 23; Pages: 1 2 |
Coffee House |
Re: Define a "liberal" (Message 3)
11-03-2005 12:08 PM |
Help Wanted! Intelligent Liberal
Begun by Tal on 11-03-2005 11:50 AM | Posts: 73; Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 |
Coffee House |
Re: Army takes a stand against spying (please don't, please?) (Message 38)
10-06-2005 1:42 PM |
US war crime as free speech issue (help holmes sort this out) |
Coffee House |
Re: The existence of Jesus Christ (Message 262)
09-14-2005 3:45 PM |
The Existence of Jesus Christ |
The Bible: Accuracy and Inerrancy |
Re: yesterday's hearing of opinions (Message 30)
09-14-2005 3:27 PM |
John G Roberts SCOTUS
Begun by jar on 07-19-2005 9:57 PM | Posts: 33; Pages: 1 2 3 |
Coffee House |
Re: Brown recalled to Washington (Message 142)
09-12-2005 3:09 PM |
Department Of Homeland Security Inaction At the Top |
Coffee House |
Message 12
09-08-2005 2:05 PM |
Sex Education
Begun by Yaro on 09-08-2005 1:16 PM | Posts: 130; Pages: 1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
Coffee House |
Message 6
09-08-2005 11:48 AM |
Humor (not for creationists, lol)
Begun by Annafan on 09-08-2005 4:49 AM | Posts: 12 |
Coffee House |
Re: Faith (Message 16)
09-01-2005 11:10 AM |
Distinguising Religion from Non-Religion |
Faith and Belief |
Re: Can the city be saved? (Message 68)
08-31-2005 12:56 PM |
Hurricane Katrina |
Coffee House |
Message 23
08-31-2005 9:06 AM |
Saddam's Execution could become a reality?
Begun by joshua221 on 08-28-2005 8:16 PM | Posts: 30; Pages: 1 2 |
Coffee House |
Message 3
08-31-2005 8:54 AM |
This Weeks Darwin Award
Begun by mark24 on 08-31-2005 3:50 AM | Posts: 6 |
Coffee House |
Re: This could get interesting... (Message 122)
08-30-2005 1:53 PM |
A Closer Look at Pat Robertson |
Coffee House |
Re: democracy (Message 133)
08-29-2005 3:23 PM |
Video of Iraqi Insurgent being interogatted
Begun by Tal on 08-22-2005 5:06 PM | Posts: 134; Pages: 1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
Coffee House |
Re: Yup (Message 13)
08-29-2005 12:15 PM |
Lam's issues
Begun by nwr on 08-29-2005 12:50 AM | Posts: 28; Pages: 1 2 |
Coffee House |
Re: Well, I cannot defend Rev. Robertson, Faith (Message 126)
08-26-2005 3:20 PM |
The politics of assassination
Begun by Faith on 08-25-2005 6:07 PM | Posts: 150; Pages: 1 ... 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
Coffee House |
Re: Tal strikes out again. (the Sequel) Part Deux (Message 75)
08-26-2005 2:28 PM |
Which came first: the young earth, or the inerrant scripture? |
Faith and Belief |
Re: Adding to the "miracle". (Message 56)
08-26-2005 12:24 PM |
Supernatural? I thought it was anyway...
Begun by iano on 08-16-2005 7:31 AM | Posts: 56; Pages: 1 2 3 4 |
Faith and Belief |
Re: Go without health care? (Message 208)
08-25-2005 3:52 PM |
Pat Robertson shows again why the Christian Right is such a laughingstock |
Coffee House |
Re: Military Homosexuality (Message 32)
08-24-2005 3:49 PM |
No |
Determining genetic influence on sexuality
Begun by Silent H on 08-23-2005 10:08 AM | Posts: 42; Pages: 1 2 3 |
Coffee House |
Re: Opposing Terrorism (Message 292)
08-23-2005 6:13 PM |
War in Iraq, is there a point? |
Coffee House |
Re: tautology (Message 52)
08-23-2005 2:39 PM |
No |
Omnipotence is logically impossible |
Coffee House |
Re: Genetic Science (Message 314)
08-23-2005 10:16 AM |
Focus on the Family Will Keep your Kid from Being Gay |
Coffee House |
Re: forgeries and bias (Message 70)
08-19-2005 2:36 PM |
King David's Palace Found
Begun by Tal on 08-16-2005 3:02 PM | Posts: 81; Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 |
The Bible: Accuracy and Inerrancy |
Re: IPU (Message 42)
08-18-2005 2:55 PM |
Other civilisations in the Galaxy - are they really that likely? |
Coffee House |
Re: First, a compliment (Message 4)
08-18-2005 2:44 PM |
Radical Clerics, Christian Morals, and Homosexuality
Begun by Tal on 08-18-2005 1:51 PM | Posts: 153; Pages: 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 |
Coffee House |
Re: evidence and double standards (Message 72)
08-18-2005 12:44 PM |
the newly discovered pool of Siloam
Begun by randman on 08-09-2005 4:21 PM | Posts: 78; Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 |
The Bible: Accuracy and Inerrancy |