Topic |
Last Reply |
Who Made God
Begun by tiberius on 02-07-2005 8:28 AM | Posts: 2 |
Rejected, closed 5/2/05 (Message 2)
Before logic can occur
Begun by hosea lee on 02-09-2005 3:01 AM | Posts: 2 |
Re: i don't wish to be dogmatic. accept what you will. - Rejected, closed 5/2/05 (Message 2)
Begun by Trump won on 02-14-2005 10:16 PM | Posts: 9 |
Message 9
Secularist nihilist atheist religion spreads |
Re: Mike - Rejected, closed 5/2/05 (Message 6)
Begun by Jordo86 on 02-13-2005 6:57 AM | Posts: 2 |
Message 2
By Admin
02-13-2005 8:21 AM |
Man made evolution
Begun by Electron on 02-12-2005 12:39 PM | Posts: 3 |
Re: More in the Opening Post (Message 3)
Animal Intelligence and Evolution/Creation
Begun by Aximili23 on 02-12-2005 7:29 AM | Posts: 3 |
Message 3
Odds Against Ordered Universe
Begun by daaaaaBEAR on 02-09-2005 6:17 PM | Posts: 11 |
Closing then (Message 11)
Is are thoughts realy Free will
Begun by Antihero on 02-04-2005 3:24 PM | Posts: 4 |
Rejected, closed 5/2/05 (Message 4)
How does "creation" explain the appearance of new animals?
Begun by loonddd on 01-14-2005 5:12 PM | Posts: 9 |
Rejected, closed 5/2/05 (Message 9)
Motion in an expanding space
Begun by Sylas on 01-28-2005 6:03 PM | Posts: 2 |
Message 2
By Admin
01-28-2005 6:10 PM |
How do we know that Jesus fulfilled the prophecies in the Old Testament?
Begun by Gary on 01-22-2005 8:54 PM | Posts: 2 |
Rejected, closed 5/2/05 (Message 2)
Fundamentalists and the english language.
Begun by CK on 01-20-2005 7:09 PM | Posts: 2 |
Marked rejected and closed 5/2/05 (Message 2)
Pysic Abilities |
ERM!!!! UH...... - Rejected and closed 5/2/05 (Message 5)
Begun by loonddd on 01-05-2005 5:14 PM | Posts: 3 |
How it works - Topic rejected and closed 5/2/05 (Message 3)
The concious human mind. |
Rejected, closed 5/2/05 (Message 2)
Irreducible Complexity SPELLS the END of Darwinism
Begun by SweetLou on 01-08-2005 3:41 PM | Posts: 3 |
Existing threads - Rejected, closed 4/26/05 (Message 3)
Proving the existence of God with the Bible...
Begun by gigahound on 01-02-2005 10:58 PM | Posts: 4 |
Re: How's this? - Topic rejected/closed 5/2/05 (Message 4)
"online here"; let's chat
Begun by mikal on 12-29-2004 3:51 PM | Posts: 2 |
Rejected, closed 4/26/05 (Message 2)
By Admin
12-30-2004 7:09 AM |
This is a junk topic
Begun by jar on 12-27-2004 4:20 PM | Posts: 3 |
Closed 4/26/05 (Message 3)
De-evolution film in Galapagos |
can religion make you violent? |
Re: What forum? - Rejected, closed 4/26/05 (Message 3)
Alliance between Creation and Evolution.
Begun by Newborn on 12-23-2004 5:28 PM | Posts: 1 |
Begun by markcus on 12-23-2004 2:49 AM | Posts: 4 |
Not enough yet - Rejected, closed 4/26/05 (Message 4)
Darwinists and Atheists ignorant, inconsistent, and hypocritical
Begun by umliak on 12-18-2004 6:39 PM | Posts: 3 |
{4/26/05 note - bump needed?) (Message 3)
Are Biblical claims about creation relevant to the Evolution vs Creation debate? |
Re: Similar Topic to Quetzal's. Aggregation possible? - Rejected, closed 4/26/05 (Message 8)
John 5.18 v John 8.41-a contradiction?
Begun by watta on 12-18-2004 11:26 AM | Posts: 1 |
the absolute thruth regarding the evolution
Begun by RCST on 12-17-2004 9:23 AM | Posts: 6 |
A-Moose advise from another proposed topic - Rejected, closed 4/26/05 (Message 6)
Why religion shouldn't be allowed in schools
Begun by RyanO on 12-17-2004 4:08 PM | Posts: 4 |
Rejected, closed 4/26/05 (Message 4)
Hitler the creationist, says talk origins
Begun by Syamsu on 12-14-2004 1:56 PM | Posts: 4 |
Rejected, closed 4/26/05 (Message 4)
By Admin
12-16-2004 11:56 AM |
What level of hell are you goin to? |
Not the place for a friendly discussion - Rejected, closed 4/26/05 (Message 6)
Male studies |
More than one topic? - Rejected, closed 4/26/05 (Message 2)
Begun by SoulSlay on 12-07-2004 2:38 PM | Posts: 2 |
Rejected, closed 4/26/05 (Message 2)
I know the absolute thruth
Begun by RCST on 12-06-2004 10:50 AM | Posts: 3 |
Rejected, closed 4/26/05 (Message 3)
12-07-2004 8:32 AM |
Noah's flood and tarantulas |
Begun by Dethchick on 11-24-2004 3:15 AM | Posts: 4 |
Macroevolution already mentioned - Rejected, closed 4/26/05 (Message 4)
Timeline For Noah
Begun by Angel on 11-08-2004 4:53 AM | Posts: 3 |
The lost Noah related "PNT" - Rejected, closed 4/26/05 (Message 3)
Evolution(or not) of the Eye
Begun by blind on 11-01-2004 6:41 PM | Posts: 2 |
The topic has been done before - Rejected, closed 4/26/05 (Message 2)
Pinned 1: Instructions for Proposing a New Topic |