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Search for messages with the words "engine" and "motor":
engine motor
Search for messages with the word "engine" or "motor":
|engine |motor
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motor -boat
Search for messages with either the word "engine" or "motor", and also with the word "boat":
(|engine |motor) boat
Search for messages with either the word "engine" or "motor", and also with either the word "boat" or "ship":
(|engine |motor) (|boat |ship)
Search for the phrase "When in the course of human events":
"when in the course of human events"
Search for the phrase "course of human events" and with the words "Jefferson" and "declaration":
"course of human events" jefferson declaration
Search for the phrases "sat on a wall" and "had a great fall" and with the word "horses" but not with the word "pigs":
"sat on a wall" "had a great fall" horses -pigs
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